Think you know how the 2023 Royal Rumble matches will go down? Let's see just how right you are!
Welcome to another edition of the Smark Out Moment pay-per-view predictions contest, where you'll be able to test your skills in guessing what WWE's creative team has in store for the event.
We're bringing this back for the Royal Rumble 2023 event—particularly, the men's and women's Royal Rumble matches themselves—as a tie-in and crossover with our WWE Fantasy League.
While the Smack Talk panelists will have their own winner declared between them for the Fantasy League, I figured I would open this up to anyone else who wanted to take part for bragging rights purposes.
This form has multiple parts to it, breaking down the following predictions for both the men's and women's Royal Rumble matches:
- Winner (10 points)
- Final Four (4 points each)
- Iron Man / Iron Woman lasting the longest time (7 points)
- Most Eliminations (7 points)
- Shortest Time (7 points)
- All 1-30 Entrants (7 points for direct hits; 3 points for being within 1 spot)
If you want to take part, fill in the form that you can find below. If for some reason your browser is having issues, you can find it here:
The poll will be open to vote until the kickoff begins on Saturday, January 28th. Until then, you can edit your answers to make any changes.
The winner will be announced either on the Royal Rumble post-show podcast or a future edition of Smack Talk.
Stay tuned to find out the results of this contest and find out who won!