Points of Impact Wrestling Hard to Kill 2023 Results Biggest Moments | Smark Out Moment

Points of Impact Wrestling Hard to Kill 2023 Results Biggest Moments

Posted by Cherry Turner Sunday, January 15, 2023

Welcome to a special PPV edition of POINTS OF IMPACT—a breakdown of the top moments of Impact Wrestling.

The build to Hard to Kill has been nothing short of phenomenal, and I'll be honest, whittling this show down to five moments was a real challenge this time around. Hard to Kill was almost three hours of pure entertainment, something I thought might be a chore to watch, but turned out to be some of the best wrestling in terms of variety, fun and commitment shown by all involved that I've seen in some time. 

Let's not waste any more time-here are the Points of Impact for Hard to Kill 2023.

(And just a note, I'll only be talking about the main show here. I enjoyed the pre show matches, but Taurus should ha be won.)


#5 - Moose's Reign is D.O.A

Give it up for Joe Hendry and Moose, everyone. I think it's fair to say, of all the matches on the main card, the Digital Media Championship match had the least buzz around it. The Digital Media strap has been shown mostly baffling indifference since it was introduced, despite it often producing some of the most entertaining matches on any card.

That was no different tonight, as everyone's favourite motivation all coach/maybe cult leader/music video extraordinaire Joe Hendry defended his Digital Media Championship against Moose. The match was, to use the layman's term, a battle of the strong bois, Hendry lifting the bigger Moose and slamming him time after time, and Moose proving that he's still one of the most underrated heels around, bumping like crazy for Hendry, (that Trust Fall to the outside, Christ,) and knowing just the right time to cut off Hendry.

The ending of the match was superb Impact-style bollocks. Moose cheats to win, but Santino Marrella, the replacement for Scott D'Amore, comes out and announces himself as the new Director of Authority, restarting the match, which ends in Hendry retaining. Great, fun, ludicrous stuff all around.

#4 - You Can't Reason with a Bully

Impact opened the main show in big fashion, with the World Championship match, Full Metal Mayhem, Josh Alexander Vs Bully Ray. What. A. Match.

I'm not sure I can do it justice by listing the spots. It was wild, and bloody, and it felt at times wrong to watch, in the best way. Bully Ray might hold some ridiculous opinions about the industry, but the man plays his role incredibly well. Attacking Alexander during his entrance, having the Good Hands assist him in hitting a 3D into the tacks on Alexander, striking down a returning Tommy Dreamer when Dreamer tried to help Alexander, Bully seemed every bit the threat he claimed to be going into this match.

And the champion. Ladies and gents, the champion. Time and again, the Walking Weapon has proved himself worthy of being the man Impact relies on in this modern era. Tonight was no different. He bled, and bled early, he was defiant even when zip-tied to the ropes and taking unprotected trash-can headshots, and he was innovative. Full Metal Mayhem might not be the style Alexander is used to working, but it fits him like a glove. That innovative spot with the chain-assisted Ankle Lock proved that, as did the finish, which after Alexander jump d off the ladder, putting Ray through a table, only to earn a close 2, saw Alexander immediately lock in the Ankle Lock for the submission win.

Both champion and challenger made this match feel big, like something you couldn't look away from. Bravo to both of them. And bravo as well to to Alexander's wife Jade Chung. Her begging for mercy, only to low blow Bully and Acid Drop (oh should I say Dudley Dog?) Bully and assist her man felt like a triumphant, euphoric moment. I can't wait to see what the future holds for the Impact World Title. It feels prestigious again.

#3 - Give Steve Maclin a World Title Match

Just above Hendry/Moose in the totem pole of builds for Hard to Kill was the Falls Count Anywhere in Atlanta match between Steve Maclin and Rich Swann. Maclin had an excellent year last year, beating marquee name after marquee name, and although he's slid down the card since losing the Impact World Title to Kenny Omega, Rich Swann never fails to entertain. And yet, this match felt like an afterthought, something thrown together to give these two stars something to do.

This afterthought match might have just stolen the show.

Maclin and Swann delivered one of the most entertaining matches of the night, living up to the stipulation (that cutter on the sidewalk looked particularly brutal) and to the hype surrounding them. Raven joining commentary for this bout was also a nice surprise, as he remains as quotable as ever (calling Tom and Matthew Tom and Jerry.) Often, the non-title matches on big events can feel like filler, but this as far from it. 

#2 - Technical Resurrection

Eddie Edwards has had an incredibly odd career path in Impact Wrestling. If you had told this writer where his creative was going in 2017, I'd have probably laughed in your face and said that Davey Richards would be a smarter investment. Oh, how wrong I was six years ago.

Since the downfall of Honor No More, Edwards has a been trying to put his past behind him. All of that need and want to move on has been focused on Jonathan Gresham, who recently returned to (and signed with) Impact, finally allowing for the Gresham/Edwards match we were promised months ago. The storyline was simple. Edwards wanted to move on. Gresham wants the old, honourable Edwards back. Fight!

And fight they did. It wasn't this writer's favourite match on the card, but it was undeniably good. Gresham's limb work looked as lethal as ever, Eddie's conflicted nature was portrayed beautifully, and while personally I'd have chosen Gresham to win, what happened after the match was the cherry on top.

As Edwards celebrated his win, the lights went out, and when they came back up, spitting sand and wielding a shovel, there stood PCO. Eddie's past isn't done with him yet, and if Impact is smart, they'll listen to those cheers and book Edwards Vs PCO in a No DQ match, and book it soon.

#1 - A New Challenger, and a New Champion 

Saying Impact's women delivered and delivered big feels like an obvious statement. The Knockouts division is excellent, the sky is blue, and Jericho's feuds last too long. 

But my god, the Knockouts delivered at Hard to Kill. In the Number One Contender's match, there were dives, near falls and memorable moments a plenty, as Masha Slamovich picked up the win in memorable fashion. It looked like Killer Kelly might win, locking in the Killer Clutch on Purrazzo, but Masha killed three birds with one stone, hitting the Snow Plow on Taylor Wilde onto Purrazzo and Kelly also to secure the pin fall win. No one looked bad in defeat here, especially not when all the dynamics felt this fun.

(Side Note: Impact needs to book a Killer Kelly/Masha Slamovich feud. As soon as possible.)

And in the main event of the evening, Mickie James and Jordynne Grace told the tale of the unstoppable force against the immovable object. Mickie, with her family at ringside, made a special entrance with the help of the Mattaponi Drum and Dancers group, calling on her Native American heritage. And Jordynne Grace, as she has all year, played her role perfectly. She's not the bad guy here, nor does she act like one. She won't be pushed over by Mickie James. Literally.

James struggles to move Grace early in the match, but keeps throwing herself at Grace, because that's all she can do. Grace's performance was reminiscent of fourth reign Okada, an almost unassailable mountain that kept striking down her challenger with no malice or ill will, just doing her job. For the most part.

Impact left the door open for a heel turn either way, as at one point it looked like James used a Brazilian tap to get out of Grace's sleeper. Even commentary thought it was the end. But overall, the Last Rodeo got a heartwarming conclusion. Mickie is, for now, here to stay, and her match with Masha will no doubt be amazing.

What a show.

What did you think of this week's Hard to Kill 2023?
Do you think any other moments stood out on this show?
Drop your thoughts in the comments below!

Points of Impact Wrestling episode highlights

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