Welcome to another FANTASY BOOKING edition of the Smark Out Moment Smack Talk podcast!
Following our All-Time Mock Draft of the WWE roster and our individual pay-per-view cards we could make out of our picks, as well as our consolidated ultimate WWE roster list, we're rounding out this series with its finale: the Ultimate WWE WrestleMania card.
For this, our rules are as follows:
- We are beholden to our list of 150 Superstars we chose in our previous draft special.
- Managers, valets and supplemental characters can be added, but only within reason.
- This is a two-night WrestleMania card. That lends itself to roughly 15 matches.
- Not every person on the roster has to be used, but we should aim for as many as we can.
- Eras and characters need distinctions (ie, is this Rockers era Shawn Michaels or Heartbreak Kid?)
Our pay-per-view card will be eventually posted here when everything has been settled. To find out what we decided on and listen to the debate that led to that point, watch and listen to the episode!
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