Welcome to another edition of Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat from Smark Out Moment! Each week, we break down the world of professional wrestling and examine two of the polar opposite ends of the spectrum: one thing that was by far the worst thing (Cheap Heat) and the best thing (Cheap Pop) to happen over the past 7 days in sports entertainment. So, what went down this week that we loved and hated about the business?
I have spent weeks lamenting Retribution, and, as I am sure that many would agree, not without good cause. However, there has been the tiniest groundswell of appreciation for them as of late, and it is with little thanks to anything that WWE has done.
For Retribution, with a particular emphasis on T-Bar, have started to gain notoriety for their tweet game. They know what they have is a bit naff, but, much to the wrestling fan’s delight, they are on point with their comebacks to critique.
Just take Eric Bischoff, who criticized them on his podcast, and found himself subject to ridicule when T-Bar declared him an inspiration, and that, they too, hoped to burn a billion dollar wrestling company to the ground.
I had to laugh upon hearing that, and entertainment is not something one would normally associate with Retribution.
Sadly, I have a feeling that WWE will put a stop to the fun and games should they, God forbid, start getting over…
Emmalina, Lanalina, Livalina and now...Carmellina?
Well, here we go again.
Someone in WWE is obsessed with the idea of having a blonde glamorous female superstar with next to no real character traits. The extent of the template tends to be that she is a bit sultry, talks about change, and likes pampering herself or wearing ritzy clothes. It rarely goes beyond this, nor actually lasts long enough for it to go anywhere. The latest victim for the plan is Carmella, but why? Carmella had a character and dress style that was distinct, and stood out as fun and different.
Maybe Carmella can break the curse and make it work, but the track record of the arch type does not bode well.
Extra Heat: WWE trying to make talent sign contracts that gives them ownership of their Twitch and Cameo is greedy and absolutely awful. What a horrible way to treat employees, let alone independent contractors.
So there you have it, my two choices for the week. What do YOU think are the Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat this week in professional wrestling? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!