Welcome to another edition of Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat from Smark Out Moment! Each week, we break down the world of professional wrestling and examine two of the polar opposite ends of the spectrum: one thing that was by far the worst thing (Cheap Heat) and the best thing (Cheap Pop) to happen over the past 7 days in sports entertainment. So, what went down this week that we loved and hated about the business?
WWE have been pretty consistent lately. Retribution are near enough always awful, and everything Roman Reigns has touched has turned to gold.
The Jey Uso and Roman feud is not something that we ever saw coming, and it has continued to deliver beyond expectations. The tribal family feud element to it is something that you just cannot manufacture, and the real life elements are what takes this to another level.
The video package involving their fathers really helped hammer that home, and, if they play their cards right, this could very well go down as the Bret and Owen Hart feud of our times. That too forced family members to pick sides, and it is still considered a highlight of the New Generation era.
In fact, so good is this story, it almost feels a shame to end it here. There is such a rich history of wrestling and the Anoa'i family, and I, for one, would not mind seeing it explored a little deeper.
What is that smell? Oh, it the ever degrading hope of Retribution ever being known as a successful faction.
Last week, I thought that the angle with Retribution was excellent. Admittedly, this was largely because of The Hurt Business, and less to do with the black clad clan themselves, but they were part of it all the same. However, that one high for the group has now been completely eradicated following a litany of illogical decisions.
The Nexus got in when Wade Barrett demanded that his stable mates get contracts, and, given how devastatingly powerful they had been portrayed, it made sense that officials felt that they had to bow down to his wishes. Retribution, however, were just given contracts without asking, mere days after Adam Pearce hired the Hurt Business to keep them away.
Furthermore, now that they are not being overlooked, why are they still angry? Plus, were they not furious at WWE as a company for making dirty money? Money that their wages are now drawn from, no?
Oh, yes, and three of their names have been revealed as T-Bone, Mace, and Slapjack....
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So there you have it, my two choices for the week. What do YOU think are the Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat this week in professional wrestling? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!