AEW Double or Nothing 2020 Preview - Triple Threat POV | Smark Out Moment

AEW Double or Nothing 2020 Preview - Triple Threat POV

Posted by Dallas Allsopp Thursday, May 21, 2020
Welcome to another edition of Triple Threat from Smark Out Moment, where three of us get together to discuss three questions based on one big topic going down in the week of professional wrestling.

This week, Dallas Allsopp, Ethan Neufeld and Bodeen Green will be previewing AEW Double or Nothing 2020.

Double or Nothing 2019 was a great show for AEW, as it fully established the fledgling company as a legitimate alternative to WWE. Unfortunately for both AEW and fans of the product, this year's event will be taking place in front of no fans due to the COVID-19 outbreak. This should not result in a bad show though, as the card has the potential to be even better than last year's event. Who will win the Casino Ladder match? Will the Stadium Stampede match be memorable for all the right reasons? And is Jon Moxley's AEW World Championship reign in jeopardy?

Question 1: Who is your choice to win the Casino Ladder match for a future shot at the AEW World Championship?

ALLSOPP: I cannot see past Darby Allin. He is so talented and over with AEW fans, and as long as he is protected over the next few months, he could easily be built as a believable opponent to whoever is the AEW World Champion. This match promises to be off the hook, and will essentially be the Money in the Bank match that we should have received 2 weeks ago. Orange Cassidy is a dark horse, purely because he is over with fans, although not to the same extent as Allin, whilst most of the competitors in this match have some level of believability within AEW. Unless we get a truly surprise entrant, I’m locking in Allin as my choice for this match.

NEUFELD: We don’t know all the entrants yet, so a curveball could easily be thrown. Scorpio Sky seems like someone they are building as a future AEW World Champion with the vignettes they’ve been showing recently, but he’s already had an opportunity against Chris Jericho when he had the belt, whilst others haven’t. Colt Cabana seems like a more goofy, solid worker veteran type, so I don’t see that happening. Fenix is there to do some amazing spots, but ultimately not win. Orange Cassidy would be hilarious, but... no. Darby Allin is someone you can’t sleep on because he is white hot and they’ve built him well. From who we know is in the match, I think it’s Sky or Allin. If I had to choose, I’d say Allin because I think there’s more storyline potential for him with either of the potential AEW World Championship holders.

GREEN: For me, it's a toss up between Darby Allin and the mystery participant. Allin is the only credible person that can have a storyline with Jon Moxley or Brodie Lee. Whilst one could argue that Orange Cassidy is a fan favourite, I ultimately don't see him having a feud with Moxley or Lee. The build for the mystery participant also makes me think whoever it is has a good chance. As for who it actually is, I have no idea, but I would not be surprised if it was someone like Jimmy Havoc or someone who could have a brutal hardcore match with Moxley, similar to what we saw last year.

Question 2: Matt Hardy and The Elite will take on Inner Circle in a Stadium Stampede match. Which team do you expect to win, and are you looking forward to how brutal the match could be?

NEUFELD: I think The Elite wins because we’ve seen the Inner Circle standing tall recently, so a comeuppance to them is overdue. Also, Matt Hardy has only recently premiered for AEW, and I think he needs to be part of a big win to keep the momentum going. Because of the nature of this match, they should be able to book it so that no individual looks bad in it. I am looking forward to the match in more of a curious, rather than excited manner. I’d like to see them explore the space a lot with multiple brawls going on at different locations. I’ll be interested to see if they’ll show multiple cameras at the same time or go back and forth between combatants. I have to believe Sammy Guevara is going to jump off something crazy. Let’s say... the goalpost!

GREEN: This is honestly the match I am anticipating the most, just to see if AEW follow WWE's new style of cinematic matches, and if so, how much say will Matt Hardy have considering his well known experience of these type of matches. For what we will see in this match, I have no idea, but I do expect to see some level of brutality and violence mixed with some innovative spots. Whilst it may not be as enjoyable as the cancelled Blood and Guts match, it should ultimately be a fun match. As for who is winning, I'd probably say it's going to be The Elite and Delete combination, mainly because it's Hardy's first AEW pay-per-view appearance.

ALLSOPP: In order to give Matt Hardy a level of credibility in AEW, I feel he needs to shine in this match. The fact he is flanked by The Elite makes me think they will win, as Chris Jericho is so over that he will not lose any momentum with a defeat. This match promises to be violent, and with the lack of a crowd, the match will need something to stand out and keep fans at home interested. AEW has established a track record of violent matches, so a bloody and violent fight is all but a guarantee here. I’m excited, as long as the big spots are safe and not reckless.

Question 3: Jon Moxley will defend his AEW World Championship against Brodie Lee. Would it be the right decision for Lee to win the title this early into his AEW career, or will Moxley retain?

GREEN: Sorry, but I am not a fan of this match taking place. Don't get me wrong, I love both guys and think this match will be great, but ultimately, it is way too early to give Brodie Lee an AEW World Championship shot. Both men have a lot to lose in this match. If Lee loses, then he loses his first pay-per-view appearance after weeks of hype. However, if Moxley loses, then he looks weak as a champion, especially after defeating someone like Chris Jericho for the title. However, despite all this, both men are still highly talented and can easily recover after a loss, with the help of some smart booking. If I had to predict this match, I'm going to say Moxley will retain the title.

ALLSOPP: It is far too early in Jon Moxley’s reign to lose the AEW World Championship this weekend, but if he was to drop the belt to Brodie Lee it would signal AEW’s intent to push Lee, and by proxy The Dark Order, to the top of AEW. I believe Moxley will retain, but it is clear that Lee will be in the main event picture for some time to come. AEW could do worse than transition the belt to Lee, as long as he achieved his win through nefarious means. Lee was neglected in WWE despite the fact he had clear potential, therefore AEW are signalling their intent to push him hard, which would allow for a title change to mean something.

NEUFELD: I. Do. Not. Like. This. This feels like a losing scenario no matter what. It feels too early for Jon Moxley to lose. If he does, his aura is shattered, and the AEW World Championship will feel devalued a bit. If Brodie Lee loses, then you’ve castrated this big acquisition to your roster, as well as an entire evil faction, which suggests he never should have been the leader in the first place. I have to believe there are going to be shenanigans in this match. If Lee is to win, I would like it to be through a tremendous amount of interference from The Dark Order where Moxley is taken to within an inch of his life. If Moxley is to win, they better have a good storyline reason where it’s either because Lee has other goals in mind and / or some other faction gets into it with him, starting a faction war with The Dark Order. I really don’t love either of these options, and wish Lee was kept away from the AEW World Championship picture for a while.

Those are our thoughts on the issue, but where do you stand?
Let us know your answers to these questions in the comments below!

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Dallas Allsopp is a writer with two main interests, Pokemon and wrestling. He has been writing for a few years for his own personal blogs and is now taking his passion for wrestling and putting it into his writing. You can follow him on Facebook.


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