I am really enjoying the direction that Zelina Vega’s managerial position has taken, and, though it probably happened by circumstance, I hope that WWE continues to let it evolve. WWE has famously been hold and cold on managers, with only the most special cases typically being granted them, but not even Vince McMahon could fail to see the value that Vega is bringing right now.
Zelina seems so invested in her boys winning that I cannot but help get sucked into believing the outcome matters. Whether she is on commentary, causing a distraction, or just standing ringside, I feel far more invested in Austin Theory, Angel Garza, and Andrade as a result.
The Vega Family, for want of a better name, has shades of groups such as The Heenan Family or the Dangerous Family, and I am all for a revival of that idea. While the group does have a loose Latino theme, I appreciate that WWE do not play that up to the point of parody or stereotype either.
Again, it probably was lockdown and injuries that has resulted in these three being so prominently featured and aligned, but, sometimes the best things in wrestling happen by chance.
Weird rumblings have emerged this week over the recently fired Drave Maverick that, if proven true, would make it a contender for WWE’s most callous story of the year.
For, despite his release, Drake is currently fighting in the Interim Cruiserweight tournament, with the narrative being that he would keep his job if he wins. This, and the way that WWE are presenting him, has given rise to the belief that he was never fired in the first place.
This seems an incredulous idea, and horribly insensitive to the wrestlers who were actually fired, and I am hoping that WWE would have the foresight to know this. Plus, Drake’s release video was probably the one that garnered the most sympathy and attention from fans and wrestlers alike. Imagine the backlash if his one was just an act? I cannot see Drake agreeing to that.
However, this being said, it does not exactly make WWE look great even if not true. Drake might appreciate the shot at getting one last chance to make a good impression for a future employer, but firing someone and then wanting them to help you out for a while longer is a crappy move. The same can be said for Sarah Logan, who, despite being fired, will continue to risk her life with travel and work for another 90 days.
You either need them or you do not, WWE.
Pick one.
So there you have it, my two choices for the week. What do YOU think are the Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat this week in professional wrestling? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!