WWE Super ShowDown 2019 Preview and Predictions - Triple Threat POV | Smark Out Moment

WWE Super ShowDown 2019 Preview and Predictions - Triple Threat POV

Posted by Robert DeFelice Thursday, June 6, 2019
Welcome to another edition of Triple Threat from Smark Out Moment, where three of us get together to discuss three questions based on one big topic going down in the week of professional wrestling.

This week, Ben Guest, Greg Coleman, and Robert DeFelice will be giving their thoughts on what may happen at WWE Super ShowDown 2019!

Question 1: With the news of Natalya potentially flying over for a match in Saudi Arabia, who would you like to see her face? Would you feel better about supporting this show if there is a female in-ring presence?

COLEMAN: As much as I have been known to rip on WWE for shoehorning accomplishments on to Charlotte’s resume, I believe Charlotte is the best opponent for her. These two women are a couple of the pillars of the women’s revolution so I think it would be fitting to have them compete against one another to break some new ground in Saudi Arabia. I’m respectful of other country’s culture so if it’s their culture to not allow women to compete, while I may not personally agree with that stance, I respect their culture and customs. From a PR standpoint it’s great they lifted the ban on women competing but I wasn’t turned off by the lack of a women’s presence on previous Saudi cards.

GUEST: One of the few positives that could come from this relationship would be if WWE managed to bring some equality for women to the region. Having women perform in an event like this, and hopefully get a good crowd reaction, would be a great start to that. As for who should feature, I usually hate when WWE use the same people for all the big moments, but this is genuinely significant and I think they should use their best in-ring performers and for me, they are Charlotte Flair and Asuka.

DeFELICE: As the hours draw closer, it is looking like more and more of a possibility that we may get a women's match in Saudi Arabia. If this does happen, I think it's a tremendously positive step forward and will give credence to WWE's constant statement that they are looking to be an agent of change. It will make me more supportive of these shows and it looks like the first match may be Natalya vs Alexa Bliss. Should this match happen, I think Alexa gets the win.

Question 2: Triple H and Randy Orton are set to cross paths once more at Super ShowDown. Who do you think will win this match? Are you excited for this match in any way?

DeFELICE: I am more optimistic about this match than probably anybody else working for this website. This was one of the biggest rivalries of my childhood and to see it happen one more time I will gladly take off my Smark hat and just have a good time. At the end of the day, I think Triple H wins because well he's Triple H and he typically beats Randy Orton more than Randy Orton beats Triple H.

GUEST: I think this could be a fun match and if both guys want it to be good, it will be. I hope Randy Orton wins, he’s still at a point in his career where beating him should be significant and he should be the final hurdle for new guys who are getting to that top level. I see Triple H as more of an attraction, so I hope Randy Orton wins and can go on to play an important role on the main roster.

COLEMAN: Seeing as how HHH is on a bit of a winning streak with these special attraction matches, I’ll pick him to win this one. I am somewhat interested in this match, not sure if it’s excitement but I believe that Randy Orton gets up for certain matches and delivers great performances he’s capable of delivering every night but doesn’t. He will be up for this match against HHH in Jeddah and I believe the results will be a good match between two legends.

Question 3: in the antithesis of the situation above, Goldberg and The Undertaker will clash for the first, and likely, the only time in a squared circle. Who will win this match of fantastical proportions?

GUEST: It will be very fun, but if we see anything other than staredown, basic move combos, Old School, Leg drop on the apron, chokeslam, tombstone piledriver, spear, jackhammer, pin. Then the match will be too long and too boring. I want Undertaker to win, but I think Goldberg wins. Either way, I want a cool entrance for both guys, a short but sweet match and a nice moment at the end

DeFELICE: Barring some fantasy booking where Sting helps out his WCW brother, I think if Undertaker loses this, it's a slap in the face. However, that is not something I think we need to worry about because this is WWE and they created a whole network just to remind their viewers on a constant basis that they defeated WCW and no WCW competitor has ever defeated a WWE competitor on the first outing.

COLEMAN: Rob, I’m actually more interested in this match (insert shocked face). This match should’ve happened 15 years ago during Goldberg’s first run but better late than never I suppose. I’m curious about how these two grizzled vets will interact with one another and how long this match will actually go. If neither man comes out of the match needing surgery upon return to the U.S. consider it a win. Goldberg wins in under 5 minutes.

Those are our thoughts on the issue, but where do you stand?
Let us know your answers to these questions in the comments below!

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Robert DeFelice is a journalist and marketing student. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram as well as his apparel website Time Killer Apparel and his pro wrestling blog PandemoniuMania.


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