Women's Wrestling Weekly Recap & Review #186 | Smark Out Moment

Women's Wrestling Weekly Recap & Review #186

Posted by Gabby Velasquez Sunday, June 3, 2018
Welcome to another edition of WOMEN'S WRESTLING WEEKLY—a rundown of the events which have transpired in the world of women's professional wrestling over the past several days not just with the Superstars on WWE programming, but with Impact Wrestling's Knockouts, Lucha Underground's luchadoras, and even a glimpse at the women on the independent circuit.

Wow, is it June already? I feel like WWE's women's division has lived like, 10 lifetimes in the span of half a year. Impact has lived 20. But here we are, finally in Money in the Bank month!

logo for Divas Debrief Women Wrestlers weekly rundown

WWE Monday Night Raw

Sasha Banks vs. Bayley vs. Dana Brooke vs. Liv Morgan vs. Mickie James vs. Ruby Riott vs. Sarah Logan (MITB Qualifier)

Before we get to this week's match, let's talk Nia Jax. For some reason, she's turned heel and become the bully Alexa Bliss has always said she was. Why, you may ask, would WWE do such a meaningless heel turn when they could just have Jax and Rousey feud over a title? I have no idea. This makes no sense to me. Whatever.

The segment itself, if you don't think about the fact that Nia was an anti-bullying advocate for her entire title reign, was pretty cool. Nia systematically destroyed a jobber, forcing Rousey to watch and then intervene, in a monstrous display of confidence. But this segment didn't occur in a vacuum, so it's all just a mess. Thanks, Creative.

Now, onto the stuff that doesn't make me want to pull my hair out: the gauntlet match! Bayley started it off, because she's Bayley and she always does, bless her heart. She survived the entire Riott Squad except for Ruby Riott herself, who eliminated her with a Riott Kick. Dana Brooke did not survive long against Riott, who also managed to knock out Mickie James before Sasha Banks arrived to stake her claim.

And boy, did she. Banks was a woman on a mission, the victim of being booked in an unfortunately vague storyline who was out to prove she's still championship material. Even after the Riott Squad attempted to interfere, she survived long enough to lock in the Banks Statement and secure herself a spot in the Money in the Bank ladder match.

Winner: Sasha Banks
Rating: 3.5/5

WWE SmackDown

Lana vs. Naomi (A...dance off)

Look, all you really need to know from this is that Lana turned a dance pose into a neckbreaker, starting a brawl which ended with Naomi hitting her with a wicked rear view.

I can't believe they had an actual dance off.

And no, I'm not giving this a rating.

Asuka vs. Mandy Rose

Let's all be honest with ourselves. We knew Asuka had this match in the bag, but that didn't stop it from being a lot of fun to watch. Mandy Rose is a welcome surprise in terms of in-ring skill, something which shouldn't surprise anyone who remembers her work on Tough Enough. Asuka controlled most of the match despite Rose briefly taking advantage with a well-timed kick.

In the end, one spurt of offense wasn't enough, as Asuka's Asuka Lock (say that out loud for fun times) sealed the submission victory for her.

Winner: Asuka
Rating: 2/5


Shayna Baszler vs. Dakota Kai

Dakota Kai is pure and amazing and must be protected at all costs.

Unfortunately, not much could save her from the wrath of Shayna Baszler this week.

Baszler targeted Kai's deadly legs to keep her from going kick-crazy on her. Kai fought back valiantly, but in the end her injured legs wouldn't hold, and Baszler locked in her rear-naked chokehold for the victory over her embattled opponent. Baszler locked it right back in after the match ended, but Nikki Cross ran in and the two brawled, with Cross declaring a very beat up Kai the "match's" referee. Cross knocked baszler right out, and said, "Your move" to her as she retreated.

Incredible. I am here for this.

Winner: Shayna Baszler
Rating: 3/5

GFW Impact Wrestling

Tessa Blanchard vs. Madison Rayne

Tessa Blanchard started off aggressively, but Rayne managed to roll her up for a surprise pin because Blanchard was busy mouthing off at a referee.

These two should fight all of the time. For the good of the world.

Winner: Madison Rayne
Rating: 2/5

Allie vs. Su Yung (Last Rites Knockouts Championship match)

Allie channeled Rosemary for this match, donning her own demon makeup and entering to a chorus of "DEMON BUNNY" chants. She began the match strong, hitting Su with a killer Codebreaker and then a Superkick, but she couldn't get the coffin closed over her challenger. Su then locked in her mandible claw, incapacitating Allie long enough to force her into the coffin and shut the door to win the Knockouts Championship!

That's right, you guys! Su Yung is a champion, and I couldn't be more thrilled. Her dedication to her character and brilliant striking skills made her one of my ultimate favorites long ago, and there are very few more deserving of such an opportunity than her.

Winner: Su Yung
Rating: 3.5/5

International Corner:

This section includes recaps of matches from around the world in various lesser-known independent promotions throughout the week.

Riptide Wrestling

Match: Jinny vs. Jimmy Havoc
Winner: Jinny


Match:  Nina Samuels vs. Isla Dawn
Winners: Nina Samuels


Match: Jungle Kyona, Kaori Yoneyama & Natsuko Tora vs. Hana Kimura, Hazuki & Kagetsu (Artist of STARDOM Title match)
Winner: Jungle Kyona, Kaori Yoneyama & Natsuko Tora

Raw Gauntlet Match

This match was an excellent showcase of three women in particular who definitely deserved the spotlight the main event gave them: Bayley, Ruby Riott and Sasha Banks. Banks winning was the right decision. I can forsee a future in which she surprises the world and wins the briefcase. She certainly needs something new, and more opportunities to edge back into darkness would be very, very welcome.

Su Yung

Su Yung is a champion! Su Yung is a champion! I want to shout this from the mountaintop. Su Yung, in her short time at GFW, has established fascinating and entertaining feuds with both Allie and Rosemary, and more than holds her own as a character in a company that is stocked full of great characters. I cannot wait to see what she does next.

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