WWE SummerSlam Weekend 2017 Preview and Predictions – Triple Threat POV | Smark Out Moment

WWE SummerSlam Weekend 2017 Preview and Predictions – Triple Threat POV

Posted by Robert DeFelice Saturday, August 19, 2017
Welcome to another edition of Triple Threat from Smark Out Moment, where three of us get together to discuss three questions based on one big topic going down in the week of professional wrestling.

This week, Jordan Chaffiotte, Gabby Velasquez and Callum Wiggins will be giving their opinions on what they expect from WWE SummerSlam 2017 and NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn III.

It's time for WWE to once again take over Brooklyn, New York and present The Biggest Party of The Summer! The SummerSlam weekend is here, and the Smark Out Moment crew is here to give our predictions of all the big events of the weekend.

Question 1: What do you think will be the best thing about TakeOver?

CHAFFIOTTE: I'm really looking forward to seeing Johnny Gargano live- oh did I mention I'm going to SummerSlam? He and Cien might very well put on a show stealer. It feels like Gargano is preparing for a pretty decent singles push and I'm sure it starts at SummerSlam. Don't be surprised to catch sight of Candice LeRae in the front row for this one which I think could be a really fun mark out moment.

Ember Moon vs. Asuka also looks like it could steal the show and honestly puts on a pretty good case to go on last. The idea of seeing the woman to take down Auska do it live is really exciting, much as I love Auska. This is do-or-die for Ember, if she doesn't make it happen this weekend, there's nowhere for her character to go. So I'm fully expecting to see that title change hands.

VELASQUEZ: Ember Moon and Asuka are going to steal the show, hands-down. The build to this match has been spot-on. The intensity of Ember Moon matched with Asuka's unshakable confidence is perfect, and with Asuka's undefeated streak on the line, the stakes feel higher than ever. I hope Asuka, selfishly, keeps her streak alive and takes the NXT Women's title to the main roster before relinquishing it. NXT could then put on a tournament or hell, just make the Mae Young Classic finals for the title. That said, if anyone in NXT can defeat Asuka, it's Ember Moon. She has become one of the most interesting and exciting characters on NXT since the days of the Horsewomen.

I also think that Hideo Itami and Aleister Black will put on a slugfest to rival any match on SummerSlam weekend. Those two have a delicious intensity and their chemistry from their short interaction was off the charts. Heel Hideo is as hot as he's been in a long while, and Black is clearly being groomed for big, BIG things. This match is right up Brooklyn's ally, and they will not disappoint.

WIGGINS: If I was booking TakeOver: Brooklyn 3, the best thing about the show would be Asuka successfully defending her NXT Women's Championship in the main event. I'm really looking forward to her match with Ember Moon, and although I appreciate Moon's athleticism, she can't hold a candle to Asuka on any level. Personally, I feel Asuka should not be losing at the moment - she could be the women's division's equivalent to Goldberg. She still receives huge pops from the crowd and is more charismatic than virtually anyone in WWE today. Even if this sacrifices Moon's credibility, I feel that is a small price to pay in comparison.

Outside of that, this TakeOver card is a little ropey compared to previous shows. In my opinion, the NXT Championship match should have Roderick Strong involved, the tag title match will be a dud, and Tommaso Ciampa is a big miss. Still, I feel Aleister Black vs Hideo Itami has the potential to steal the show and have one of the best matches this year - their vicious kicks and strong strikes should excite the bloodthirsty Brooklyn crowd.

Question 2: What do you think will be the best thing about SummerSlam?

VELASQUEZ: Dean and Seth. Seth and Dean. Shield. Need I say more? Raw's tag team division is loaded with talent, but lacked a true story to tell until the drama between Seth and Dean emerged. Their story is rich with history dating back to their rivalry in Florida Championship Wrestling, and the complicated love-hate relationship between these two wrestling soulmates, as Seth has called them, feels organic and is as engaging as anything WWE has to offer. This match, and this story, is set to bring Brooklyn alive in a wonderful way and sets the stage for a heel turn for Ambrose down the line. I am all in on this.

But I wouldn't count out the Fatal Four Way hoss match between Lesnar, Reigns, Joe, and Strowman. Their chemistry is off the charts and the talent in this match is incredible. There are so many sub-stories between all four men that can be told in this match, and so much potential for utter, beautiful violence.

And if Shinsuke wins the title, the building will explode. As will I.

WIGGINS: As a big fan of tag team wrestling, I am excited there are two engaging feuds for both tag titles heading into SummerSlam. The New Day and The Usos were the one shining light of the Battleground PPV, and with the champions reversed I have no doubt they can exceed the standard set in their previous encounter. On the red brand, the reuniting of Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose has been an epic journey. Sheamus & Cesaro can always be relied upon to deliver an awesome match at any time so this could be an absolute classic.

But, above all else, the Fatal Four-Way for the Universal Championship has my undivided attention. Admittedly, I think the build to this match has been poor in comparison to Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe at Great Balls of Fire. But they pretty much could have taken all four off of television between then and SummerSlam and I'd still be pumped for this match. Four physically imposing superstars, all who have been putting on excellent matches, and all with a realistic chance of winning. Doesn't get much better than that.

CHAFFIOTTE: Alright let's just get it out there, the Shield reunion has me feeling a kind of way. Since their break up, the story has really been about Dean and Seth. Sure Roman had a couple of "you'll always be my little brother" moments in there but for the most part, he hasn't really cared about Seth. Dean is the one he needs to win back. The two seem poised to win the Tag Team Championship on Sunday and be forced to work together for at least a few weeks. When they finally fist bump, I fully expect to cry.

I also fully expect that crowd to come alive for Shinsuke Nakamura. New York is a smarky bunch, and that venue has been really important to Nakamura since he was signed by WWE. I would love for him to win the championship, and there's probably no better place to do it. With Corbin out of the Money in the Bank picture, I'm not even concerned that he'll ruin my night by cashing in anymore.

...Also I really love shark cage matches. I'm sorry! I just love them so much.

Question 3: What is the one thing that will disappoint you the most for this weekend in WWE?

WIGGINS: When asked this I immediately thought of Big Cass vs. Big Show, but that match can't disappoint me when I know it's going to suck. In fact, the thought of Enzo Amore siding back with Cass has me fairly intrigued. The Miz not defending the Intercontinental Championship also is a point of contention for me.

I am disappointed the Demon will be coming out at SummerSlam - yes it's a good aesthetic, but this is a meaningless feud between Finn Balor and Bray Wyatt WWE have already given away on Raw and desperately tried to add some intensity to at the last minute. Having Balor don the Demon paint goes further to demeaning the gimmick for me, showing it's no more than a party piece for the big shows.

CHAFFIOTTE: Live matches get a fair amount of slack with me. Even if something sucks, I'll probably be too hyped up to notice. I will say I'm not a big fan of the Demon King. I find it shockingly uninspired compared to how cool Balor just is as Balor. The duality of Finn Balor, the guy popping his collar, and Finn Balor, the guy who smiles like a dweeb, is far more interesting to me. So I was looking forward to seeing him perform in his, and I quote, "sweet ass leather jacket." I'm worried between that and Wyatt's lack of inspiration recently, this will let me down, and I love Balor far too much for that nonsense.

VELASQUEZ: Non-finishes. Nothing kills even the most hyped live crowd like a count-out finish in a pay-per-view setting. I was at Money in the Bank, so trust me, I know.

The biggest thing WWE can do, and likely will do, to disappoint me would be choosing a temporary moment of excitement over something that makes storyline sense. Feuds with long builds need proper conclusions, and the right stars need to go over at the right time. Easier said than done, of course, but my point still stands.

I also hope the women, as under the radar as their SummerSlam programs have been, are given ample time to put on good matches. Banks and Bliss, especially, can do some really cool stuff together. And Naomi's matches are all very, very interesting with Carmella's shadow looming large. But the matches can only do so much if they are given six minutes' time.

Don't let me down, WWE.

Those are our thoughts on the issue, but where do you stand?
Let us know your answers to these questions in the comments below!

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Robert DeFelice is a journalist and marketing student. You can follow him on Twitter, Instagram as well as his apparel website Time Killer Apparel and his pro wrestling blog PandemoniuMania.


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