WWE Monday Night Raw 8/21/2017 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 8/21/2017 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Wes Keefer Monday, August 21, 2017
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for August 21, 2017 is coming to you live from the Barclays Center in Brooklyn, NY. Follow along here for ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below!

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spoilers WWE Monday Night Raw episodes online results

New champions will enter the ring tonight with their new gold, and the aftermath of the biggest WWE event of the summer, SummerSlam, will ensue tonight on Raw.

PROMO (In-Ring): The show opens with Paul Heyman and the reigning Univeral Champion Brock Lesnar, who is hyped and energetic after last night. Images from his match last night are highlighted, showing Strowman destroying The Beast and showcasing the big spots in the match. The crowd is behind him, chanting "suplex city". Ladies and gentleman, Paul Heyman reassures the WWE Universe that his client is live and still the reigning champion. Heyman says he doesn't predict, he gives spoilers. He states that Brock was carted off for the first time ever in his life and taken for medical attention. Lesnar just basks in Heyman's praises his performance last night. Shots are taken at Roman Reigns, who was pinned in the main event. In the midst of another great Heyman promo, Braun's music hits and he walks to the ring. The two giants size each other up. Brock smiles in the face of the monster, who grabs Lesnar's neck for a chokeslam. Lesnar breaks free, but eats a powerslam. Braun lands another thunderous slam and the crowd is really into it as Lesnar is prone. Strowman grabs the belt and parades around the ring.

THOUGHTS: Great opening to the show following SummerSlam. Braun is no-doubt our next Universal Champion and is soon to come with a rare feat: beating on Lesnar on Raw and winning.

A Brooklyn Street Fight between Enzo Amore and Big Cass is hyped next. The Mae Young Classic is advertised for next Monday.

*Commercial Break*

Photos from SummerSlam were shown.

MATCH: Enzo Amore v Big Cass in a Brooklyn Street Fight

Cass enters first to a hushed crowd. Enzo enters with his usual big reaction from the crowd. Enzo talks trash on Cass and talks about how their friendship started 15 years ago in New York City and how Cass crushed it. Enzo disappears backstage. He returns with a shopping cart full of weapons. Cass exits the ring and walks up the ramp. He pounces Amore and floors him. Cass throws him down the ramp and run him over with the cart. Enzo is then thrown into the barricade with great force. He is tossed into the ring as Cass grabs a chair. He hands it to Enzo, who grabs it. However, Cass delivers a big boot.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break, Cass is still slaughtering Enzo. Amore actually counters Cass and tries to reach the chair, but fails. Cass throws his weight around to his advantage. Enzo lands a right hand, but his former partner continues to beat him senseless. Amore flips Cass over the top rope when he went for another big boot and Amore crawls to the chair, reaching it finally. However, Cass stomps on the chair and smashes the small guy's hand in it. A bodyslam leaves Amore prone, but Cass's knee is hurting him badly. Cass is helped out by medical officials before Enzo can use his chair. It is a fluke victory, but Enzo celebrates anyways.

RESULT: Enzo Amore wins via medical DQ
THOUGHTS: This looked to be a quick squash by Cass again, but the injury angle will continue this feud. It is starting to get stale so hopefully WWE can put some new life into it. Least Enzo is still over well with the crowd.

Sasha Bank, the new Raw Women's Champion is hyped next.

PROMO (Backstage): Emma and Dana Brooke are backstage and Emma whines about being screwed out of the title picture. She claims to destroy Nia Jax and talks trash on her with Jax standing behind her. Jax promises that Emma will need CPR after their match.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Emma vs. Nia Jax

Emma slaps Jax to start the match, who charges her smaller opponent. Jax drops several big elbow drops and tosses Emma into the corner where she crashes into her. Emma counters the same move, but suffers a Samoa Drop. Jax pins her for the win.

RESULT: Nia Jax wins via pinfall
THOUGHTS: This match was not a great choice. Jax should be in the title picture still, not squashing Emma. Speaking of Emma, she is a good heel character but is being used as a women's jobber.

Elias walks backstage and towards the ring.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Elias sits in his stool for another performance. He talks about looking into the solar eclipse and it giving him an idea about a song about R-Truth. He butchers R-Truth's entrance performance. The crowd claps along to the song. R-Truth interrupts with his entrance. The crowd is still behind R-Truth.

MATCH: Name-1 vs. Name-2

Elias dominates early, but Truth fights back. R-Truth lands a spinebuster and hard strikes to turn the tide. Elias counters with an elbow, but gets laid out by a kick. Elias lands a blow to the spine and lands Drift Away for a early win.

RESULT: Elias wins via pinfall
THOUGHTS: WWE seems to have a trend with Elias. A string of solo performances in the ring, a few minor teases of a feud, then he gets the feud for a short time, then the trend restarts. The announcers talk up Elias for "getting it done", but he hasn't done too much since his feud with The Miz.

The new crowned champions are advertised next, as well as a surprise about a Superstar from Kurt Angle.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Kurt Angle comes out to chants of "You Suck". Angle welcomes John Cena back to Raw, who is welcomed with a warm mixed reactions of cheers and "You Suck!". Cena performs his usual theatrics in the ring to pump the crowd. Cena says the crowd has mixed reactions to his return. He poses as the Statue of Liberty as the crowd still chants "Cena Sucks!". Cena asks why he is here if no one wants him. He says he saw Angle at SummerSlam and was asked to return. Cena came, not because SmackDown is bad, but he missed being on Raw and being face to face with a certain star....Roman Reigns answers the question of who as he music plays and he too is welcomed with jeers. Cena smirks as Reigns lurks. Reigns slowly enters the ring and faces Cena, who loves the chants of "You both suck!". Cena confirms he is who he was looking for. Roman says Cena only looks for him while running his mouth on Twitter and calls Raw his yard now and calls out Cena to talk trash to his face. The crowd chants Undertaker's name and Cena plays to it. John says he did not come to talk and they both drop their mics and Cena takes off his shirt. The Miz's music plays and enters with The Miztourage. Cena jokes about The Miz mispronouncing Barclays and the two bicker. Miz slams the two of them for taking away all of the big moments and the crowd is behind him. Miz says that you are told you will get your moment with hard work, but he is tired of waiting for his. The crowd has changed and is now fully behind Miz. He says Kurt Angle feels like Raw needs an addition while the Intercontinental champ is on the kick-off show and asks if Raw really needs Cena and the crowd answers no. Cena tries to walk out, but Miz stops him. He claims this is his show after all the hardwork and also throws blame at the WWE Universe for not knowing who to boo or cheer. He says it doesn't affect the two stars, but instead affects himself. He calls out Cena's shirt stating respect, but feels he doesn't get any after 12 years. The crowd chants he deserves it. Cena comes up with an idea to team up with Roman and go against Miz and a partner from his Miztourage. Miz declines because it will be a moment more for Cena. Samoa Joe interrupts and gets loud cheers. Joe faces his two opponents from last night as Miz exits the ring. He states he has a strong opinion and Joe makes himself the partner for Miz. He is sick and tired of Roman stating this is his yard and owns Roman. As for Cena, Joe attacks him. Roman knocks Bo Dallas out of the ring and tosses Miz out of the ring. Roman lands a Superman Punch on Joe, who was trying to put Cena to sleep.

THOUGHTS: This segment was crowded, but man was it gold. We expected a confrontation with these two men tonight and the addition of Cena and Miz made it much more better. Cena returns to Raw, but now it crowds the main event picture. Miz was genuine gold in this segment and really won over the crowd with his promo. The top stars of Raw were just in the same ring for an excellent promo.

*Commercial Break*

Kurt Angle book Cena and Roman vs Joe and Miz

MATCH: Metalik, Swann, Ali, and Alexander vs Gulak, Nese, Daivari, and Dar

Gulak and Metalik start the match with Gulak getting in some hard strikes before Metalik counters with his high-flying offense. Ali and Daivari get tagged in and Ali hits a cross body off the top rope. Swann gets tagged in and gains momentum for histeam. Dar refuses a tag and Nese tags himself in instead. Nese gets hit with a dropkick but answers with an elbow.

*Commercial Break*

Gulak is in control of Swann, who tries to tag out. Swann fights back, but is still kept from his corner. Swann lands a solid kick to Gulak and crawls to his team. Nese and Cedric are tagged in, but Cedric takes control quickly with his athleticism. Cedric lands a big clothesline from the top rope, but his pin is broken up. Metalik hits a moonsault from the top rope to the floor and Alexander lands the Lumbar Check on Nese for the win.

RESULT: Metalik, Swann, Ali, and Alexander win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: How do eight men not get at least one entrance to show on live television? Aren't the cruiserweights supposed to be important? At least their match was fast-paced and entertaining, but eight-man tag matches are never good. Just a way to showcase talent all at once. Cedric Alexander came out looking the best.

PROMO (Backstage): Backstage, Neville is interviewed. He says that the people who were shocked that he won back the title are crazy and Tozawa is not on his level. Titus and Tozawa interrupt his promo and calls Neville a gargoyle. They issue a rematch on 205 Live tomorrow night.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage): Backstage, Angle welcomes his son Jason. He says he is proud of his son so far. Jason doesn't want to pull his son card, but wants a match with Finn Balor. Angle accepts.

PROMO (In-Ring):

The new Raw Tag Team Championship titleholders Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins stroll to the ring with a giant pop from the crowd. Rollins feels good being in the ring with Ambrose and with the tag team titles. Ambrose admits it feels good being the champ and even slept with the belt. They both were never sure they would reunite and win the titles, but they are going to celebrate regardless. Dean calls out their challengers for their rematch, but are answered with The Hardy Boyz. The brothers congratulate the champions and talk about brothers reuniting and being one. They challenge the champs to a friendly match. Rollins is shocked, stating he grew up idolizing the Hardy Boyz and now they want a match. Matt says that for a quarter of a century, they have revolutionized the tag team division and do so again tonight. The match is accepted and a referee comes down.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Hardy Boyz vs Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins

Matt and Dean start off. Both trade holds until Matt lands an elbow and tags in Jeff. They double-team Dean and get a one-count. Jeff strikes Dean, but Rollins gets the tag and floors Jeff for a two-count. Sheamus and Cesaro watch backstage. Rollins is double-teamed and Matt gets a two-count. Matt wears down Seth with mat wrestling. Rollins fight back but Matt holds control. Rollins sends Matt face-first into the turnbuckle and the champs double-team Matt. Rollins is legal, but Jeff interferes. All four men are in the ring and brawl. Matt dropkicks Dean out of the ring and Jeff flips Rollins over the ropes. Jeff goes off the top rope to the floor as we go to break.

*Commercial Break*

Rollins tries to tag in Dean. Jeff and Seth lay on the floor and get the hot tags. Dean floors Matt and drops him again with a clothesline. Matt counters a running bulldog. Jeff jumps off his brother's back for big air for a Poetry In Motion to the outside and take down the champs. Rollins throws Dean out of the way of a Whisper in the Wind. Rollins now wears down Jeff and keeps him away from Matt. He slams Jeff to the mat for a two-count. Dean is tagged in and gets Jeff in several holds. Jeff throws strikes, but cannot get free of Dean. Ambrose tags in Seth and Dean slingshots his partner into Jeff in the corner. The champs keep the tags fresh as they keep Jeff isolated. Jeff lands Whisper in the Wind to take out both men, but he is down as well. Matt gets the tag and rapidly attacks Seth with strikes. Matt connects with the running bulldog for a two-count. Rollins takes an elbow into the back of the head. An elevated slingblade from the champs nearly wins the match. All four are in the ring again. The Hardy Boyz get knocked out of the ring and are hit with a double suicide dive. Matt takes down both men and even counters Dirty Deeds and lands Side Effect but Dean kicks out. Matt goes up, but Dean knocks him down and gets hung up in the ropes. Dean goes up and knocks Matt down to the mat. Jeff gets the legal tag and goes up for a Swenton, but Dean counters with knees. Jeff counters Dirty Deeds, but gets hit with both finishers and is pinned.

RESULT: Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: What a show Raw has been. A friendly match for the ages was a classic and stole the show and the crowd was sold. Dean and Seth look dangerous and could be champs for some time.

At No Mercy, Braun vs Lesnar is booked for the Universal Championship.

PROMO (Backstage): Miz says Joe blew his mind by volunteering to be his partner. Miz says he has Cena's number, but ends up annoying Joe. Joe says the Miztourage are to be a distraction and The Miz is to be obnoxious like always and takes the lead over his tag team.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Sasha Banks comes out to celebrate her title victory. She gets a nice reaction from the crowd and goes on to list her big show-stealing performances in Brooklyn. She gives a shout-out to Ric Flair. Bliss is called a fake goddess and say she will defend her title the right way. Bliss's music hits and she walks out to the ramp. She laughs at Banks defending a title and states she has never defended the title and won. Banks calls out Bliss to cash in on her rematch. Bliss thinks about it before declining. She says Brooklyn doesn't deserve a Bliss title celebration. Next week, Bliss cashes in on her rematch and will rename Banks as the "legit loser".

THOUGHTS: Where was the celebration? It was just a short segment used to shout-out to Flair and set up the rematch.

MATCH: Jason Jordan vs Finn Balor

Jordan comes out first to no reaction from the crowd.

*Commercial Break*

Finn comes out in his regular entrance without The Demon. Nonetheless, his entrance really gets the crowd going. Jordan uses his power to gain an upper hand with mat wrestling. Finn and Jordan trade holds until Jason slams Finn into the mat. Jordan goes for several quick pin attempts. Finn fights back and lands a dropkick to his face. Jordan tries to shake Finn's hand, but Finn uses hard kicks to gain an upper hand. Jordan uses his size to turn the tide in his favor. Jordan catches Finn and powerslams him into the mat for a two-count. Jordan gets rocked to the outside and rolls back in before Balor can leap off the ropes.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break, Balor is in control. Balor targets Jason's injured leg and works on it. Jordan slams Balor twice, but Finn kicks out of a pin attempt. AN overhead butterfly suplex cannot put away Finn either. He wears down his opponent in the middle of the ring with a butterfly lock. Finn struggles to wiggle out of it. Jason strikes him to end his comeback. Finn counters a roll-up pin with a dropkick to the face of Jason. Balor goes on a comeback and regains momentum. Balor tosses him out of the ring, kicks him off the apron with a dropkick, and lands a running kick off the apron. Jordan lands a massive overhead suplex to reagain the upper hand. Jordan gets hyped and buries his shoulder into the gut of Balor. An overhead kick from Balor drops both men. Balor is up first, but Jordan once again relies on his power, slamming him into ring posts. A kick and a slingblade and a dropkick has Jordan down, Finn goes up for Coupe de Grace for the win.

RESULT: Finn Balor win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: Finn beat Bray at SummerSlam and nearly lost to Jason Jordan on Raw. Don't go crazy now people. Finn is obviously not fully healed from SummerSlam, but still gave Jordan a run for his money. Jordan really showed he can be a big man in this company and can keep up with some of the best when given the chance.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: John Cena and Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe and The Miz w/ Miztourage

*Commercial Break*

The Miz and Cena start off and Miz is sent reeling early. Joe gets an early tag and he stares down Cena. A beach ball being tossed in the crowd has Cena distracted and Joe pounds him with rapid strikes. The Miz reenters and stands over Cena. Miz drops with with hard strikes and starts gloating. He even taunts Roman. The Miz continues to kick Cena in the face and drop him on the mat flat on his back. Cena recovers and floors Miz. Cena plays with the crowd, but Miz capitalizes with a DDT for a near-fall. Joe is tagged in and starts wearing down on John. Miz is tagged back in for a fresh tag and he goes high. He strikes from the top rope and Cena is in the corner in trouble. Miz goes for his signature corner clothesline, but John rolls out of the way. Roman gets a tag and so does Joe. Roman is fresh and takes down Joe. A big boot drops Joe straight to the mat. He teases the Superman Punch, but Joe counters with an urinagi. Miz comes back in and strikes Roman in the throat. Bo Dallas drops Roman on the outside. Back in the ring, Miz and Cena stare down each other as Miz controls Roman with Danie Bryan's rapid leg kicks. Roman picks up Miz and slams him hard down to the ground. Joe is tagged and cuts off Roman from Cena. Reigns fights back into it, but an explosive kick to the head of Roman nearly ends it. Miz is tagged back in and takes his time with Reigns. Reigns lands a drive by on Curtis Axel and takes out the Miz. Joe tosses Miz back in, but Cena gets a hot tag. Cena goes vintage with his shoulder tackles and Five Knuckle Shuffle. Joe locks in Coquian Clutch, but a Superman Punch is dodged and ends up taking out Cena. Miz stalk John Cena, but his Skull-Crushing Finale is countered into an AA for the win. Cena is not happy for eating a Superman Punch, but Roman apologizes.

RESULT: John Cena and Roman Reigns win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: This match started off slow and almost as a joke, with Cena being tossed like a ragdoll and toying around. The match picked up and teased an upset over the face of WWE. The Miz and Joe looked good, but The Miz's point stand. He doesn't get the big moments that he does deserve and Cena's first night back on Raw gives him a big victory over top contenders.


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