WWE Monday Night Raw 6/19/2017 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 6/19/2017 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Wes Keefer Monday, June 19, 2017
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for June 19, 2017 is coming to you live from the Ford Center in Evansville, IN. Follow along here for ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below!

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spoilers WWE Monday Night Raw episodes online results

Roman Reigns makes a huge SummerSlam announcement, The Revival is set to return to the ring, and Alexa Bliss has several "contenders" contending for her title as we build up to Great Balls of Fire.

Roman Reign will kickoff tonight's show with his big summer announcement.

PROMO (In-Ring): Roman Reigns kicks off the show to a storm of boos from the crowd. He will be backing a big announcement regarding SummerSlam. He tells the fans that some may hate it and same may like what he says. He claims he cannot be beaten one on one, naming off Bray Wyatt, Finn Balor, and Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman as proof. He even gloated about main eventing WrestleMania for a third time and retired The Undertaker. After Great Balls of Fire, Roman does not care who wins between Joe and Lesnar. At SummerSlam, he names himself the #1 Contender because this is his yard and he makes the rules. Samoa Joe's music hits and interferes with Roman's speech. Joe marches to the ring and comes face to face with Reigns. Joe is offended that Roman "forgot his name" and noticed that his name wasn't on his list since Roman never beat him before. He reintroduces himself as the "true number one contender and next Universal champion". Reigns stands beside Heyman's words towards Joe. Joe headbutts Roman out of the ring and the two brawl on the outside. Joe drives Reigns into the barricades. Roman is tossed back into the ring and tries for the Coquian Clutch. Reigns fights out and lands a Superman Punch. Joe retreats up the ramp.

The Hardy Boyz make their way to the ring to face The Bullet Club. Daniel Bryan's return is advertised for SmackDown Live to determine the results from MITB.

*Commercial Break*

Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe is announced for tonight.

MATCH: The Hardy Boyz vs Karl Anderson and Luke Gallows

Matt and Anderson start the match off. Anderson tries to wear down Matt early. Matt works on Anderson's shoulder and Jeff is tagged in for a double team move. Jeff slams Anderson into the corner and tags back in Matt. Matt is slammed into the opposite corner and Gallows is tagged in. Jeff gets a tag and they take out both opponent. Jeff lands Poetry in Motion for a two-count. Jeff is isolated and Anderson gets back into the match. Jeff fights back into it, but is knocked off the top rope and lands hard to the mat.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break, the heels are still in control and dominate Jeff Hardy in their corner. Jeff kicks out of a pin attempt at two. Jeff fights back, but struggles to get to Matt. Jeff counters an attack in the corner and goes on a comeback. Gallows in tagged in and knocks Matt off the apron. Jeff lands a Whisper in the Wind and takes out both opponents. Matt gets the hot tag and knocks down both big men. He strikes Anderson in the corner and lands a big elbow to the back of Anderson's neck. Gallows breaks the pin after a Side Effect. Matt kicks out of a roll up pin attempt. Gallows interferes from the outside with a cheap shot and the heels lands the Boot of Doom, but Matt kicks out again. Jeff takes out Anderson on the outside and makes a sneaky tag. A Twist of Fate from Matt and a Swanton Bomb from Jeff puts away Gallows for win.

RESULT: The Hardy Boyz win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: The Hardy Boyz are always entertaining and hardcore in every match. The Bullet Club actually put together a good match and looked strong against the face team. They might be added to the title picture because of this if the Hardy/Sheamus and Cesaro feud gets a little stale.

*Commercial Break*

VIDEO PACKAGE: Goldust cuts a promo video. He quotes "Sunset Boulevard" and says he will shine on "the biggest stage". He says he will fly into the City of Angels and says next week that he invites R-Truth to "The Shattered Truth" premiere.

Elias Samson is once again performing in the ring to loud boos. He asks for silence as he attempts to tune his guitar. In the midst of tuning, Finn Balor's music plays. Balor makes his way to the ring. The two stare down each other in the ring. Elias backs out of the ring and exits up the ramp without saying a word.

THOUGHTS: Just when Elias Samson seems to be getting a serious push, he puts out a worthless promo such as this one.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Finn Balor vs Bo Dallas

Before the bell, Bo Dallas attacks Balor. Dallas goes on the offense and drops Finn hard. Balor seems dazed as the bell rings. Dallas goes back on the offense and drops Finn again with a clothesline. Bo wears down Finn off the apron. Outside the ring, Balor is launched into the barricade and gets a knee to the face. Dallas rolls Balor back into the ring for a two count. Balor gets a few counter moves in to change the momentum and get some rest. Finn goes on a big comeback, stomping on Dallas's chest and head. A hard clothesline and a Wicked Kick drops Bo and then Finn goes on a slaughter on the outside, slamming Bo into the barricades. In the ring, Balor lands a Slingblade and a running dropkick. From the top rope, Balor lands Coup de Grace  for the win.

RESULT: Finn Balor wins via pin
THOUGHTS: Bo Dallas's return was done greatly, but it most likely won't last. If Dallas is just going to be a jobber again, then that hurts Balor's credit even more since Dallas dominated him for most of the match.

Corey Graves leaves the set for "business" and WWE 2k18 trailer is shown. In the trailer, Seth Rollins smashes relics from legends of WWE and burns them all.

*Commercial Break*\

PROMO (Backstage): Backstage, Kurt Angle speaks on the phone about MITB controversy. Graves brings up some issues with Angle's Father's Day events. Angle yells at Enzo Amore's tweet towards Conor McGregor. Cass and Enzo believes their attacks are more important than a tweet and they are more focused on The Revival. Angle promises to find the attacker tonight.

PROMO (In-Ring): Seth Rollins comes out to a big pop. He says today was an awesome day since he was announced as the cover athlete for WWE 2K18. It is quite an honor for him. He said it almost didn't happen since he "bought in" to The Authority. However, the fans chant "You Deserve It!". He regrets siding with the enemy and thanks the WWE Universe for his second chance. As he promises something to the fans, Bray Wyatt interrupts from the big screen and calls Seth a hypocrite. Rollins says he is more than excited to face a "god". The lights go out and Wyatt's music plays. When the lights come on, Rollins launches from the top rope and attacks Wyatt. Rollins celebrates getting the upper hand on Wyatt.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage):Backstage, Finn Balor talks about Joe vs Reigns for tonight. He begins to give a prediction as Elias Samson attacks. Elias tells Balor to never upstage him again. D-Von drives him off and comes to the aid of Finn.

MATCH: TJP vs Akira Tozawa

Titus O'Neil interrupts the start of the match. Titus Brand is said to be the sponsor of the match and O'Neil introduces both competitors and hypes Akira Tozawa. Akira starts the match by wearing by TJP. TJP counters and changes momentum. Akira goes back to wearing down TJP, but is countered again. Akira kicks out of pin attempt. TJP strikes Akira in the corner. The two trade takedowns and Neville makes an appearance. He grabs a mic from the announce table and claims he is hear to watch Akira, as he is claimed to be the next champion.

*Commercial Break*

TJP is dominating Akira as Neville watches on. Tozawa fights back into the match and dazes TJP with a big kick. Akira's comeback seems like it won't be enough, but hits a running boot. He climbs the turnbuckle, but TJP rolls out. Akira nails a suicide dive to level his opponent. He hits a gutwrench suplex and senton from the top rope for the win. Titus and Akira celebrate in the ring and Titus says he is close to signing Akira to his brand and that he and Apollo are facing Sheamus and Cesaro later tonight. Neville interrupts the celebration chants and claims that if Akira keeps disrespecting him then he will be annihilated.

RESULT: Akira Tozawa wins via pinfall
THOUGHTS: Before this match, Akira Tozawa wasn't taken serious as a contender or with the Titus Brand. After quite a match, Akira and the Titus Brand have earn some credibility and respect.

PROMO (Backstage): Backstage, Angle has a heated conversation with The Revival, likely questioning them about the attacks.

*Commercial Break*

VIDEO PACKAGE: R-Truth cuts a promo. He quotes "Batman" from 1989. He accepts Goldust's invitation and promises to crash the party.

PROMO (Backstage): Bo Dallas is comforted by Curtis Axel. Axel talks up Dallas's old gimmick as The Miz walks in. He talks up the two men for being great in Hollywood, but pitiful in the ring. He takes a shot at them, calling them comic relief. The Miz asks them to join him as his entourage.

PROMO (Backstage): Samoa Joe is interviewed ahead of his match. He takes a look at when Roman Reigns last stepped in the ring with Joe four months ago when Joe debuted. Roman Reigns was dominated and defeated in that match. He says Reigns needs to realize who exactly he is dealing with. He says he will make Lesnar tap out and will teach Roman his name tonight.

Roman Reigns comes to the ring ahead of his match with Samoa Joe.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Roman Reigns vs Samoa Joe

The match begins with each man squaring up the other. They lock it up and Joe pushes Reigns into the corner. They lock it up again and Reigns tries to wear down Hoe. Joe fights out and lands a shoulder tackle. They size each other up and lands other shoulder tackle. They talk smack in the ring and Joe pushes Reigns face, who answers with strong uppercuts. Joe lands a knee and forearms as a counter, but Reigns lands his own shoulder tackle. Joe rolls out the ring to recover. Joe enters the ring and stares down Roman. Joe lands elbows and right and strikes to Roman in the corner. The two trade big forearms, Joe is backed into the corner and Joe lands a kick to the side of the face. Reigns rolls out of the Coquian Clutch and to the outside. Reigns recovers outside the ring. he enters the ring and the two throw punch after punch to each other. Joe knocks down Reigns and toys with him. Roman counters with a Samoan Drop and rolls out of the ring. Samoa Joe backs out of the ring as well, then slams Roman spin first into the ring post and lands a running senton,

*Commercial Break*

Back in the ring, Joe is in the driver seat. He gets a two-count. He starts pounding on a prone Reigns. He starts to wear down on Roman for an eventual Coquian Clutch. Reigns breaks out of Joe's hold, but drives Reigns to the mat with a headbutt. Roman rolls out of the way of a running senton. Reigns build momentum with two large forearms. Joe ducks out of the eat of a Superman Punch, but eats a big boot. Reigns starting pummeling Joe with forearms in the corner. Joe is dropped with a massive forearm. Reigns hypes the Superman Punch. Joe rolls out in time, but Roman follows. Roman lands a drive-by dropkick to daze Joe. Joe counters a Superman Punch with an inverted atomic drop and lands a running senton for a near-fall. Reigns is able to land the Superman Punch, but only gets a two-count. Joe counters a Spear but only gets Reigns down for two-count. Joe goes for the Coquian Clutch, but Roman fights out before it gets locked in. Roman hits Joe with a Spear, but Joe gets his foot on the rope before the three-count. The crowd chants "This is Awesome!" as the referee begins to count out Joe, who makes it back in time. An ambulance backing into the arena on the big screen stops the action. From the back doors emerges Braun Strowman. Joe is able to come up behind Roman for the Coquian Clutch. Reigns is knocked out cold for the win. Strowman comes to the ring with Reigns still prone in the ring. Braun stands over an injured opponent and stays he is not finished with him. Strowman slams Reigns to the mat with great power. The crowd chants "One More Time!" If he is man enough, Strowman calls out Reigns for Great Balls of Fire in an Ambulance Match.

RESULT: Samoa Joe wins via submission
THOUGHTS: The match started off slow, but it picked up quite well. It would have been worth being the main event. These two men put on a heck of a brawl and neither one looked to have the upper hand and seemed to be equals. Reigns has the potential to be the next big star, but falters at times with the WWE Universe. Strowman's return put this match over the top. Joe winning in the way he did does not take heat from either man. Strowman vs Reigns at Great Balls of Fire should be something special. If Reigns can win, then he might be over enough to be a serious contender for the championship. It will be tough for tonight's actual main event to top this.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): The Miz comes to the ring for MizTV with his wife Maryse as his guest. A video package highlights Miz's crazy antics towards Ambrose that has Maryse ticked off. Two bears are in the ring with signs for forgiveness and a giant present in the middle of the ring. Miz tries to talk up his wife's beauty in her introduction in a way to butter her up. He says he checked out the bears and they are innocent. He got Maryse her favorite champagne, but she avoids a kiss from her husband. Miz apologizes for destroying her gift and knocking her off the apron. Maryse opens her gift and peeks inside. It is the repaired grandfather clock. Maryse seems to accept the gift and apology. The Miz blames Ambrose for their issues and says he is jealous of them. He vows to never put her in the way of harm again. She goes to kiss her husband, but Ambrose's music hits. Dean enters the ring and makes Miz spill a drink on his wife. Miz goes after Dean, but ends up breaking the clock again. Maryse ends up storming off again and Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds but ends up knocking Miz out of the ring instead. The bears attack Ambrose, who are actual Axel and Dallas. Ambrose eats a big boot from Miz and then levels him with a Skull-Crushing Finale with the help of his entourage.

PROMO (Backstage): Backstage, Angle is seen questioning Big Show.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sheamus and Cesaro vs Apollo Crews and Titus O'Neil

Apollo and Cesaro start the match. Cesaro levels Crews early. Apollo shows off his agility and dropkicks Cesaro. The Hardy Boyz watch backstage. A rolling senton from Sheamus gets a two-count. Sheamus starts to wear down on Crews and Titus cheers him on. The champs tag team Crews in their corner. Cesaro drops Crews with a killer clothesline for a near fall. Crews starts to break free of Cesaro, but Sheamus is tagged in. Cesaro is tagged back in, but eats an enziguri. Titus gets the tag and tosses Cesaro around the ring. Sheamus gets a tag and goes to the top rope, but misses his move. Crews gets a tag and lands a standing moonsault. Crews gets a two-count on a rollup pin. Cesaro lands a cheap shot and the champions land a double team finisher for the win.

RESULT: Sheamus and Cesaro win via pinfall
THOUGHTS: The Titus Brand is getting some good heat and put up a good fight with the champs. Apollo Crews showed that his has quite the talent and Titus showed that he still has great power.

*Commercial Break*

VIDEO PACKAGE: A video promo airs about the build-up of Joe vs Lesnar at Great Balls of Fire.

Lesnar is advertised to appear on Raw next week.

VIDEO PACKAGE: A video promo airs about last week's Raw women's match and the feud with Bliss and Banks

MATCH: Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax

Before the match begins, Alexa Bliss makes her way to commentary.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break, Nia stands tall over Banks as she tosses them around. Banks evades Jax and goes for the double knees from the top rope. Emma confronts Bliss as commentary and Emma chases the champ into the ring. Bliss hides behind her best friend. Emma kicks Jax after Bliss dodges it and draws the DQ. All four women brawl, with Emma and Bliss teaming up on Banks. Dana Brooke and Mickie James enter the fray. Jax starts tossing women around the ring. Bayley hits the ring and attacks Emma and Bliss with pure aggression. Nia ends Bayley's attack, but gets help from James and Brooke. The faces stand tall over the heels.

RESULT: Match ends with DQ
THOUGHTS: The Raw Women's division is full of talent and the entire roster was in the ring at once tonight. Even Bayley returned to in-ring action and showed great fury. The only issue is that the title picture is just a little too crowded. Brooke and James are pretty much the only two non-serious contenders.

Kurt Angle's findings are advertised for next.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Kurt Angle's music hits and he comes to the rings with chants of "You Suck!". he gets right down to business. Angle says he wants to get to the bottom of the attacks and calls out Cass and Amore to the ring. The duo comes out to a giant pop from the crowd. Angle states he has talked to suspects all night and brings out The Revival first. Kurt also calls out Big Show to the ring as another suspect. Angle brings out facts about why Show could be the one behind it. Show is offended that Kurt suspects him and Show says that if he would come at them, he would come straight for their face. Show walks out of the ring and possibly out of Raw forever. Cass stands up and continues to blame Show. Kurt questions Revival for their return being around the same time as the attacks. Dash says they aren't perfect, but they are innocent. Angle backs up their alibis as being solid. Corey Graves stands up and says he can help out. Graves calls out Cass as never being treated by the medics at all. Graves also calls out Cass for competing last week without being cleared. Corey knows what happens to Cass last week and shows footage. On the big screen, Cass is shown staging the attack scene and faking the whole incident. Amore looks at Cass for confirmation about if he indeed attack him. Cass blasts out that he sure did do it. He calls out Amore for constantly running his mouth about gibberish. He says he has wanted to slap Amore multiple times and says he felt bad for Enzo because no one in the locker room likes him. Cass says he wanted to watch Amore suffer for all the crap he has had to put up with. When Cass felt threatened as a suspect, he wanted to see how smart Enzo was and blamed other people. Amore is called dead-weight and being the reason Cass is not rising in WWE as a singles competitor. Their team-up is officially ended with Cass knocking Amore out cold in front of Angle.

THOUGHTS: With constant rumors of Cass and Amore breaking up, this is not a huge surprise. It is a surprise that WWE actually went along with the break-up since the duo is over quite well with the WWE Universe. Big Cass will certainly start getting a push for a singles title. The addition information is that Big Show might have had his swan song for Raw and possibly WWE overall. Raw certainly lost a big tag team tonight, but it will be interesting to see how Cass and Amore move on from this.


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