WWE Monday Night Raw 3/13/2017 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/13/2017 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, March 13, 2017
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for March 13, 2017 is coming to you live from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI. Follow along here for ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below!

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spoilers WWE Monday Night Raw episodes online results

Lets just hope and pray that the return of Finn Balor, who came back at a house show of course, sparks something good coming from the Raw side of things. Hopes aren't too high though.

PROMO (In-Ring): Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are here to start the show. Essentially, all this is is Paul Heyman saying his client will defeat Goldberg at WrestleMania despite his struggles against the current champ. Heymans new thing is "Down goes Goldberg!" so be prepared for those shirts.

PROMO (Backstage): Mick and Stephanie are backstage in the office. Stephanie blames their current rough patch on the pressure of WrestleMania coming up. It's only three weeks away, and that pressure is straining their professional relationship. Stephanie wants to teach Mick as long as Mick is willing to learn. And the first lesson is tonight. By the end of the night, scour the Raw roster and find the superstar he is willing to fire.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dana Brooke (w Charlotte) vs. Sasha Banks (w Bayley)

RESULTS: Sasha Banks wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: Quick win for The Boss.

PROMO (In-Ring): Charlotte calls Dana a disgrace and that she can't ride her coattails any longer. Before she can finish, Dana attacks.

WARRIOR AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT: The winner of The Warrior Award this year is Eric LeGrand. If you don't know his story, please look it up. Incredible stuff.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: TJ Perkins & Akira Tozawa vs. Tony Nese & Brian Kendrick

RESULTS: Tony Nese & Brian Kendrick win via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: I really like Tony Nese & Tozawa. We need more of the Cruiserweights.

PROMO (Backstage): Charly asks Anderson & Gallows who they want to face at WrestleMania. They say it doesn't matter as they beat everyone, and have won titles all over the world. The spotlight should be on them, and if they have to then they'll take it.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): KO grabs a mic and says one month ago he took the spotlight back. One month ago was when he betrayed Y2J at the Festival of Friendship. He defends himself by saying that he stabbed Chris in the back before Chris could stab him. He then says he is going to take Chris' United States Championship, and the only thing that will be left are the "tears of Jericho. Cry it out maaaaaan."

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Kevin Owens & Samoa Joe vs. Sami Zayn & Chris Jericho

RESULTS: Jericho & Zayn wins via DQ.
THOUGHTS: Cop out for what could've been a good match.

PROMO (Backstage): Stephanie is backstage trying to help Mick pick someone to fire. SHe of course Sami Zayn, but Mick says he will choose someone. Then Nia comes in upset with that Sasha is in the title match and she isn't. So Stephanie gives her a spotlight by giving her a match against Baylie. Mick then leaves for a walk.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage): Mick is on his walk, and Jinder comes up wondering about someone getting fired. He says he is a main event level talent and wants an opportunity. So Mick gives him a match against Roman Reigns.

NEW DAY TALKS: New Days new talk show, New Day Talks, has its first guest. Big Show. They ask him tons of questions, but never allow him to answer as they just give their own answers. Then Titus O'Neil makes an appearance. Titus wonders why Big Show stars in the Jetsons movie and not him.

*Commercial Break*

TAG TEAM NUMBER ONE CONTENDER MATCH: Enzo & Cass vs. Cesaro & Sheamus

The winner will go on to face Anderson & Gallows for the Raw Tag Team Championships at WrestleMania.

RESULTS: Match ends when Anderson & Gallows interfere.
THOUGHTS: I knew this would end up a triple threat at Mania.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage): Anderson & Gallows are backstage celebrating them having no winners in the #1 Contenders match, so Foley comes in and makes it a triple threat match at Mania for the tag titles.

MATCH: Roman Reigns vs. Jinder Mahal

RESULTS: Roman wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: Having Undertakers gong play in the background was pretty cool.

PROMO (In-Ring): Roman calls out Taker in the ring after the match. He instead gets Shawn Michaels! Shawn runs Roman through the ringer about how Taker is at WrestleMania, and he has already set up shop in Romans head with the gongs playing. Roman says that he doesn't need any help, and he'll take out Taker without anyones help. After Roman tries to leave, Strowman comes out and destroys him. Threatening Shawn too.

PROMO (Backstage): Stephanie and Mick are backstage talking about the firing. Mick just doesn't understand why someone has to lose their job at WrestleMania time. Stephanie says he has one hour to make his choice or she'll do it for him, and he doesn't want that.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Austin Aries vs. Ariya Daivari

RESULTS: Austin Aries wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: Austin Aries vs. Neville at Mania should be incredible.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Big Show vs. Titus O'Neil

RESULTS: Big Show wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: I expected nothing less.

WOMEN'S HISTORY MONTH: Billie Jean King is honored for Women's History Month.

PROMO (Backstage): Bayley and Sasha are backstage talking about her match with Nia, and Sasha says she is beatable and has her back. Telling Bayley good luck and that she's got this.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage): Chris Jericho is asked how he plans on dealing with Kevin Owens. He says at WrestleMania he will get the Revenge of Jericho. Next week, on The Highlight Reel, the guest will be Kevin Owens.

MATCH: Bayley vs. Nia Jax

RESULTS: Bayley wins via DQ after Nia refuses to quit punching her in the corner.
THOUGHTS: I was expecting this to be "not good at all", but instead it was only "not good". So, improvement I guess.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Its time for the GM to do what the boss ordered. Its time to fire someone. I'm half expecting him to fire himself for some reason. Stephanie is already in the ring to introduce him after the commercial break. Mick says that it took him a minute, but a name finally popped up off the roster. He thanks her for the assignment, and finally says who is fired. He has fired.. Stephanie McMahon! So it wasn't him, but it was kind of close. She of course says it can't be her, but Mick stands by his choice. Saying that she treats superstars like jokes, and its time for her to go. He knows she lied about HHH involvement in the main event months ago. Now HHH has an army, and he is using it to run over the Raw roster. So, of course, this brings out HHH himself smiling on his way to the ring. He wants Mick to say whatever he has to say, say it to his face. He threatens him, and Mick says that whatever he threatens him with he would just give that assignment to Samoa Joe. The reason HHH works so hard for the future is so he doesn't have to look at has beens like him. But Stephanie likes him, and he is running dangerously close to going back to being a low brow comedian. HHH then threatens Micks kids, who both have jobs in WWE, by threatening to send them to the unemployment line. Hunter suggests that Mick go back up the ramp and have an epiphany about how much he needs this job, and when Stephanie tells him to jump he better jump. Mick goes to the corner of the ring and stands there as Stephanie drowns on. Hunter goes over to check on him and kick him out, but Foley hits him with Mr. Socko!! Stephanie intervenes with a low blow and now Hunter has the upper hand. Then as Hunter inches closer to him, Seth Rollins comes limping down the ramp on a crutch.. He stands at the edge of the ramp watching Hunter in the ring, drops his crutch, and sprints into the ring! Rollins and Hunter finally going to blows in the ring. Rollins showing no signs of injury gets Hunter out of the ring. HHH grabs the crutch, heads back to the ring, and uses it against Rollins' bad knee. HHH then targets the bad knee with the figure 4 until they're broken up by referees. The beatdown with the crutch continues as Raw goes off air.


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