Here are your submissions for this month:
Sent in from Howard Starr
Question: "Why is it every time Vince brings in a wrestler that comes to the WWE he or she needs a stupid gimmick name just to confuse the audience and to not know who they are?"
Answer: Thankfully, we've seen this happening less and less often as they brought in Samoa Joe, Eric Young, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura, AJ Styles, Karl Anderson, and a bunch of other people without feeling the need to change their names. In general, the reason is that they want to create a separate entity that they can own the rights to, like Kassius Ohno instead of Chris Hero. Sometimes, it works (Bray Wyatt) and other times, you get a Michael McGillicutty situation where you have to question why they thought that name was good enough to go with.
Sent in from Wolf Jones
Question: "What would be your dream match to watch if u could have any guys from any era face each other?"
Answer: As much as I'd love to see The Undertaker against Sting, some combination of Hulk Hogan with Steve Austin and John Cena, or Bret Hart against Kurt Angle, I think my choice would be a heel Rock against a babyface Shawn Michaels.
Question: "Have you ever sent a dick pic?"
Answer: Of course. Never an unsolicited one, though. That's always a mistake. When it's requested, though, play the game.
Question: "Do you guys watch any anime?"
Answer: I don't in the slightest bit. I'm actually as disinterested in anime culture as I am country music culture.
Question: "What is your favourite wrestling theme today?"
Answer: I'm not sure I can pick an absolute favorite, so I'll list a bunch of them that are newer ones (as opposed to classics that are still going like Undertaker's theme) that I really enjoy a lot:
Tye Dillinger, Bobby Roode, Shinsuke Nakamura (violin version), American Alpha, No Way Jose, AJ Styles, Apollo Crews, TJ Perkins, Tino Sabbatelli.
Question: "What is your favourite wrestling theme of all time?"
Answer: Oh boy, get ready for a big list. If I had to pick an absolute favorite, I would probably say Bret Hart's theme, but some other ones that I've always loved are the ones for Chris Jericho, Big Show, DX, Shawn Michaels, Goldberg, Ezekiel Jackson, Ken Shamrock, Mark Henry, Jake the Snake Roberts, "My Time is Now", I love Mr. Perfect's and Booker T's, it's super fun to sing along with Jack Swagger's theme, and who doesn't like Kurt Angle's? Then there's Voodoo Child, Crush's old theme, Percy Watson's is underrated, Real American is a classic....
Question: "What is everyone's PC specs and do you guys recommend Intel over AMD or the other way around?"
Answer: My main computer is a Dell XPS 8700, Intel i7-4790, 8gb of RAM. In my case, it seems like every AMD graphics card I've had turned out to be shit while this one is currently serving me rather well, so unless something happens to change my mind about it, I'll be sticking with Intel going forward.
Sent in from Silent Wind of Doom
Question: "Tony, you and Wago discussed the F%^& That Guy induction. Last year, you inducted Lanny Poffo as the inaugural member. Since there's numerous options, why don't I through out a few, and you guys discuss their merits?"
-Susan G. Koehming, who I'd suggested a while back to be the second, for obvious reasons.
-Byron Saxton for being completely inept and useless in taking King's place. (He's the Drew of WWE.)
-David Otunga for making Byron sound like JR. (He's the Miguel of WWE.)
-Bret Hart for being a miserable prick.
-Dixie Carter for being a cancer on wrestling.
-Vince Russo for being the original cancer on wrestling.
Answer: If I looked up info on Susan G. Komen, I'm sure I'd hate them, as I'm skeptical of most charities to begin with and what I've already heard was pretty awful. That organization is definitely in there. Byron Saxton isn't as offensive to be inducted, but David Otunga at least should be told to fuck off. Bret Hart is steadily making himself a candidate, that's for sure. Dixie Carter I just feel sad for at this point. Vince Russo I could see being a future inductee, but I think there are bigger fish to fry.
Question: "Shaun's not going to give us his time, but can he at least elaborate on what he was watching or what other factors were involved in his "fastest time"? The rest of you are welcome to kick in if you want... but I doubt it."
Answer: I think Shaun's the only one of us that would even recognize a fastest time, let alone remember it haha.
Question: "Besides the one that's coming out and the ones listed in the Did You Know, are there any other wrestling-centric porn parody names you can think of? I'm gonna kick in "May 69th"."
Answer: Exxxtreme Rules, Money Shot in the Bank, Summer's Slammed (I'd totally watch it starring Summer Rae), Roadblock lends itself to either Cockblock or Roadhead, This Tuesday in Texas already sounds like one that stars Alexis Texas, In Your Whores: Beware of Dong, One Night Stand (wait a second...), Fully Loaded (hold on...), Cyber Sexday....
Sent in from Mark Swabey
Question: "What's your best and worst gimmick match?"
Answer: If it counts, the Royal Rumble is my favorite. If not, then I'd probably say Falls Count Anywhere takes the cake. As far as least favorite goes, I'm not too fond of things like "chairs match" where it's No DQ but they only specify one thing to be able to use as it makes no sense whatsoever. Stretcher matches are pretty boring, too.
Sent in from Ben Guest
Question: "What's your opinion on having regional championships (UK, Asia etc) and should they make the US a regional title if they're going down this route?"
Answer: I'm not the biggest fan of it, but I don't hate it, either. Back before we had the brand split, I was really harping on the idea that I think the Intercontinental and United States titles should be merged and it should be just the Intercontinental where the side plates change to whatever country that particular holder is from, so if an American won it, it would be the Intercontinental "United States" Championship, and if Sheamus won it, it would then turn into the Intercontinental "Ireland" Championship and so forth.
Sent in from Peter Piccininni
Question: "Do you think the porno of The Montreal Screw job will hurt the legacy of the event?"
Answer: Not at all. I don't think even most wrestling fans will know this exists, let alone make it taint their perspective. I'm considering doing a Smark Announce Table for it when it comes out, though haha.
Question: "Which wrestler would you want to see a movie based on there life? I'd like to see one on Ultimate Warrior"
Answer: I'm still really interested in the Chris Benoit movie. Outside of him, Hulk Hogan could be good.
Question: "My local indy promotion is advertising The Spirit Squad Kenny and Mikey so are they still under WWE contract? I ask because I remember you saying they had a weird deal or something like that"
Answer: It's looking more and more likely that they were just temps and aren't on a true contract anymore.
Question: "Which commentator is worse Bryan Saxton or Josh Matthews?"
Answer: Josh Matthews used to be underrated in WWE as far as I'm concerned, but I don't know what he's been up to since leaving.
Question: "The U.K has titles like duke, king etc do you think Tyler Bait should get a title like Duke, Master, Royal Gesture or something along does lines"
Answer: United Kingdom champion is perfectly okay in my book, but if the brand expands in the future, maybe they can do a King of the Ring style thing and apply those types of names.
Question: "Do you think WWE is doing a Fabulous Moolah or Eddie Guerrero (Cruiserweight) Memorial Battle Royal? Do you think we will get Boss Vs Boss Sasha Banks Vs Stephanie McMahon at Summerslam?"
Answer: Nope, I don't think we're getting any more battle royals like that, nor the Sasha vs. Stephanie match as I think Banks will be a heel at that point.
Question: "Do you think Rene Young is winning the Smackdown Woman's title? That was my first impression when I heard about the match. Also do you think Andrea D'Marco, Dasha Fuentes, Eva Marie, Naoim or Tamina compete at Mania?"
Answer: I wouldn't expect any of them to wrestle except Tamina, although Naomi is a possibility. Eva Marie seems to be gone and the rest are just on the broadcast side of things, but Maryse or Nikki Bella or Asuka could definitely show up in there.
Question: "Which incarnation of Jeff Hardy is your favorite: Jeff hardy, Willow, Brother Nero or Itchweeed?"
Answer: Regular old Jeff Hardy for me.
Question: "WWE wants Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero, but do they want Rebby Sky, King Maxel, Senior Benjamin, Vanguard 1?"
Answer: I'd assume they're only interested in Matt and Jeff and would actually rather not even have the other ones involved in the slightest bit. Reby Sky is hot, but they have access to plenty of beautiful women and she's not someone they would probably tolerate as far as her backstage behavior goes.
Question: "At Tag Team Apocalypto Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero won to become the greatest tag team of all space and time. Who do you think is the best tag team of all space and time?"
Answer: The New Age Outlaws are certainly up there, if not at the very top. Edge and Christian were great, The Dudley Boyz are in the top range, I love The New Day even though they're still relatively new to the game...