10 Legends Who Could Appear at WrestleMania 33 | Smark Out Moment

10 Legends Who Could Appear at WrestleMania 33

Posted by Unknown Friday, March 24, 2017
With WrestleMania just over a week away, I decided I would rank the chances of certain legends who could potentially return to The Showcase of the Immortals. These are just my opinions formed by the research I have done, rather than any kind of actual breaking news.

Without further ado, here are 10 legends in WWE who could appear at this year's show of shows!

Hulk Hogan

Hulk Hogan

Could Hulkamania run wild again in Hulk Hogan's home state of Florida?

After the racism scandal, WWE removed all references to Hogan from the WWE Network. We're now a few years removed from that point and since then, Hogan has apologized for his actions and WWE has even acknowledged that he still exists on programs such as Bring it to the Table.

Love him or hate him, I think the WWE Universe would love a Hulk Hogan return if not just for nostalgic effect, as wrestling would not be the same without him. Who wouldn't pop to hear "When it comes crashing down and it hurts inside" one more time? I sure would!

Chances of Happening: 4/10 — Although he is being mentioned more and more on WWE Network programming, they may let the water cool further before he makes an appearance.

The Rock

The Rock at WrestleMania 32 with a Flamethrower

Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson has been at two of the last three WrestleManias. Last year, he laid the SmackDown on Erick Rowan, effectively squashing him in a few seconds. It shows Vince McMahon still cares about The Rock, and we know in his eyes, The Rock can do no wrong. I mean, Vince let him use Monday Night Raw a few weeks back to get some footage for his new movie (Paige's documentary), and Johnson even cheekily called CM Punk, too! The guy is gold on screen and with a new film to promote, where better than WrestleMania to promote it? Vince knows he is a big seller and if anything, I would be surprised if he didn't return!

Chances of Happening: 8/10 — With him being in the mainstream more than ever nowadays, a no-show from The Rock would lead to nothing but disappointment. Although, you know how WWE likes to disappoint. Just this time, don't waste five minutes burning a name of yourself, Rocky!

Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold at WrestleMania 32

With Steve Austin still working under WWE with the Steve Austin show, the chances of him making an appearance are high. However, he did look a bit worse for wear at WrestleMania 32 last year, not being as agile as the Texas Rattlesnake used to be.

Still, he is a guaranteed pop for the evening, and with me being a selfish Stone Cold mark, I want him there, even if it's a brief in-ring promo or stunnering The New Day, as we know they must be hosts for a reason. Maybe The New Day take a couple of beatings from returning legends?

Chances of Happening: 5/10 — He never really shows that much interest in returning to the ring, but he returned to squash the League of Nations at WrestleMania last year. That could just be because last year's WrestleMania was down in his home state of Texas. DO IT FOR ME, AUSTIN!!!!

Shawn Michaels

Shawn Michaels

Mr. WrestleMania is only on this list because he has been appearing on Raw recently. The first time was a sketch with The New Day to promote his new movie. The second was on the March 19th episode where he warned Roman Reigns about The Undertaker.

Could Shawn Michaels make an appearance during this feud trying to aid Reigns? Again, Vince McMahon knows Shawn Michaels generates a positive pop, so having him involved with Reigns may fade out some of the boos Roman Reigns is inevitably going to get, although it won't stop me booing him!

Chances of Happening: 4/10 — It's certainly not impossible with his most recent appearance. He might have a small in-ring segment, although it's quite far away from his home state of Texas and it isn't necessarily needed. I just want to hear his music live…"You think I'm cute, I know I'm sexy!". A sentence me and Shawn can relate to—honest!

The Hardy Boyz

Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero

Broken Matt Hardy and Brother Nero Jeff Hardy have been producing the most compelling TNA television in years. Their revamped characters were something the wrestling world needs at it is now overrun by more realistic personas such as Brock Lesnar, Samoa Joe and Seth Rollins to name a few, and less people like The Undertaker, Kane or The Brood.

We need these larger than life characters to shock us and to make us want to tune in to see what they do next. After being released by TNA, rumors were high the pair would make their way back to WWE. They even started interacting on Twitter with WWE main roster talent. Unfortunately, they recently signed a deal with Ring of Honor, but who knows how long this is for and if it means they can wrestle elsewhere? After all, it could be a one-show deal, wrestling at Supercard of Honor just down the road the night before WrestleMania. Could we see WrestleMania 33 get DELETED!?

Chances of Happening: 1/10 — Extremely unlikely. It's unlikely Ring of Honor's contract is for just a one eventer, and I doubt WWE would rush to use them without a slow build. Who knows, maybe the Raw after Mania?


WWE legend Adam Copeland Edge

"You think you know me!" Well, yes we do, Edge, and we want you back!

With the success of Edge and Christian's show on the WWE Network, it clearly shows the WWE Universe still has love for Edge. WrestleMania would be a great place for Edge (and Christian) to promote their new podcast to get those fans to tune in.

In a show that will be full of spears with Roman Reigns and Goldberg, why not add a third one into the mix? Edge's spear would surely get this biggest pop of the night compared to Goldberg's and Roman Reigns' versions.

Chances of Happening: 3/10 — Unlikely, now that he is doing the podcast independently and I presume leaving WWE Network programming. I'm not sure if Vince would want to promote an independent podcast, as it looks like it will be both Edge and Christian shooting on the wrestling business. Saying that, why would Edge come back? He would be better suited for a Toronto return more than anything. Still, he is in great shape and in good standing with WWE. It's certainly not impossible, especially as his wife Beth Phoenix is being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame that weekend!

Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle

Finally, Kurt Angle has been inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame—something most would have a hard time disagreeing with. There have been many rumors suggesting Angle will be involved in the main roster next year. Most people are stating it will be a backstage role, perhaps as the General Manager, taking over from Mick Foley or Daniel Bryan whose contracts expire soon.

If Kurt Angle is going to be involved in Raw or SmackDown next year and will be in Florida for his WWE Hall of Fame induction, why not have him involved in a storyline? Before you get your pitchforks out, his appearance in the Hall of Fame segment they have during WrestleMania does not count—it has to be a surprise appearance at some point during the night.

Chances of Happening: 5/10 — It's 50/50 in my opinion. WWE will probably wait until the Raw after WrestleMania to allow Angle to enjoy the Hall of Fame appearance at Mania. Saying that, he has been active since leaving WWE, wrestling on the independent scene for some time now, and it shows he can still wrestle when called upon. This is different from most of the rest of the Hall of Famers. Maybe WWE will treat this Hall of Fame induction differently and allow him to appear in a different capacity.

Diamond Dallas Page

DDP doing some DDP Yoga

For a lot of the same reasons as Kurt Angle, since DDP will be there, why not let him have a surprise appearance of some sort? As I mentioned before, if The New Day interacts with the legends, he could hit a Diamond Cutter on one (or all) of them. I'm sure he will be wearing his DDP Yoga shirt, too, which is a great opportunity to gain some exposure for his brand.

Chances of Happening: 3/10 — It's unlikely, as he has pretty much quit the wrestling world and entered the fitness world. Still, he keeps himself in great shape, so why not?


Lita with the WWE Women's Championship belt

I would love to see Lita back in the ring. Like others on this list, she seems to be in great shape and was born in Florida, which should get a nice pop from the crowd. With the Women's Revolution in full force now, why not get divas of the past involved? Trish Stratus even had a match at WrestleMania 27 when she was well and truly out of the wrestling business. Lita should have this opportunity, too.

Interestingly enough, she only ever got one match at WrestleMania, and one more WrestleMania appearance is something she deserves. Still, it's unlikely we will get an appearance from her, and she would probably be happy just to return to the pre-show panel rather than taking the limelight away from the the other women.

Chances of Happening: 2/10 — The main reason she is in this list is because this year's WrestleMania is in her original home state. Lita has never seemed too likely to get back in the ring after her Hall of Fame induction and the honor of revealing the new WWE Women's Championship at last year's WrestleMania.


Sting at WrestleMania 31

He stated in interviews since his WWE Hall of Fame induction that he is holding back on career ending surgery as he has not called a day on his in-ring career. To me, this states Sting has one or two more things he wants to do before he goes riding off into the sunset. At the age of 57, it's unlikely, but Sting can still wrestle as we saw in his match against Triple H at WrestleMania 31. He doesn't have to do much, either, if he's bothered about injury. Maybe assisting Seth Rollins against Triple H—due to Sting's and Triple H's past rivalry—could be how WWE can use him.

Chances of Happening: 2/10 — He said he wasn't finished last year, but has been very quiet as of late. Very Unlikely!

Who do you think is likely to return at this year's WrestleMania? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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