WWE Monday Night Raw 10/31/2016 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 10/31/2016 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, October 31, 2016
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for October 31, 2016 is coming to you live from the XL Center in Hartford, CT. Follow along here for ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below!

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spoilers WWE Monday Night Raw episodes online results

Halloween night Monday Night Raw. If this isn't called "Halloween Havoc" I'm really going to be upset. Hell in a Cell was last night and you can find out what happened here, so you can be ready for the fallout tonight!

PROMO (In-Ring): Goldberg is starting off Monday Night Raw! Goldberg in interrupted right away by Paul Heyman, and Heyman says that Brock has asked him to step into the ring with his SummerSlam opponent. Paul says that Brock is growing impatient, and he is ready to conquer the 1-0 streak Goldberg has over him. The Beast has decided not to wait until Survivor Series, and Brock is ready to face him right here. Brock's music hits, but there is no Lesnar as Heyman is laughing in the corner. Heyman boasts in the ring over the look of disappointment on the face of Goldberg's son as he will have the same look when Lesnar beats his dad at Survivor Series. Goldberg intimidates Heyman into a corner and then out comes Rusev..? The Bulgarian Brute makes a beeline for Goldberg in the ring and grabs a mic. Rusev says that he doesn't believe Goldberg has it anymore and he is certainly no superhero. He questions his strength, explosiveness, and his heart to keep fighting. Rusev says he crushes weak people and punches Goldberg in the jaw, and Goldberg hits a Jack Hammer and spears Heyman. He slipped when he started attacking Rusev and the spear on Heyman didn't look great, but he was spearing Heyman so you do the best you can!

Let it be known that Byron Saxton is wearing rubber ducky and polka dot footie pajamas. Yes. I hate that guy.

*Commercial Break*

TRICK OR STREET FIGHT: Enzo Amore (w Big Cass) vs. Luke Gallows (w Karl Anderson)

RESULTS: Enzo Amore wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: This was kind of fun. Good job actually using weapons to make it feel like a street fight. Even though the weapons were pies and pumpkins. Halloween Havoc.

They show an ambulance that Paul Heyman is supposedly in to be taken somewhere after the spear from Goldberg.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Stage): Brian Kendrick speaks while walking to the ring on how he took advantage of TJ's weak mindedness by using the fact that they've been friends for so long to take advantage of him using a fake injury at HiaC to win the title.

*Commercial Break*


RESULTS: TJ Perkins wins by count out, but does not win the title.
THOUGHTS: This was definitely the heel way to win, but I wasn't a huge fan. The crowd has been down on the cruiserweight division the last few weeks it seems and this won't help that.

TJ Perkins attacks Kendrick after the match.

PROMO (Backstage): Foley is talking to a backstage worker, and then Braun Strowman asks to be a part of Team Raw at Survivor Series. Foley says he can't just give a spot, but there is a battle royal tonight where the winner will be part of Team Raw. Braun Strowman can now earn his spot.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): GM Mick Foley is coming out to talk about the controversial end to the WWE Universal Championship match at Hell in a Cell. Foley says that he is proud of everyone that took part in the PPV last night except for Jericho and Owens. That quickly brings out Universal Champ Kevin Owens flanked by his best friend and A+ list writer, Chris Jericho. Funny how Y2J gets more chants than the champ. KO asks what they did that was so wrong, and questions if it was because he won and not Rollins. Y2J says he should be thanking them as team Chris and Kevin should anchor Team Raw. Foley says that if it were any other situation he would say no, but he agrees that he needs the two to be on Team Raw so they can defeat SmackDown. Foley is upset that he is talented enough to win on his own, but yet he made a mockery of the cell. He may be a winner,  but he could've walked out a legend. Foley admits that he swallowed his pride and saying he needed both, but Stephanie only wanted KO in the match and not Y2J. He says that he had to stop Stephanie from suspending Y2J at HiaC. Foley then says that he needs another guy.. The guy. The United States Champion, Roman Reigns. Roman fights through the "Roman sucks!" chants to thank Mick who says, "My wife loves you.". He then calls Y2J and Owens SpongeBob and Patrick, and says he was going to dress up as a stupid idiot but didn't have any Jericho costumes left. Jericho says that he could take that title from him any day of the week, but he probably can't fight tonight as he went through a match with Rusev. Roman says he will never pass up on the chance to shut Jericho up, and Foley makes it official. Jericho vs. Roman Reigns for the United States Championship later tonight.

VIDEO PACKAGE: They play a video summing up the first women's hell in a cell match from last night between Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks.

*Commercial Break*


The winner of this battle royal will be a part of Team Raw for Survivor Series.

Final four: Cesaro, Braun Strowman, Sami Zayn, Neville
- Strowman eliminates Cesaro
- Strowman eliminates Neville
- Strowman eliminates Zayn

RESULTS: Braun Strowman joins Team Raw for Survivor Series.
THOUGHTS: Good choice. This guy has been a wrecking ball, and I'm ready to see him with some big names.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (Backstage): The New Day are in costume talking about their rough night last night. They got DQ'ed and lost their trombone. However, they were just named tag team captains for the Survivor Series tag team elimination match. They then run through all the SmackDown tag teams making fun of them, and that they'll still beat everybody.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Rich Swann, Lince Dorado & Cedric Alexander vs. Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Drew Gulak

RESULTS: Swann, Dorado & Alexander win.
THOUGHTS: Good match. The crowd still seems to be distancing themselves from the Cruiserweight Division for whatever reason.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO (In-Ring): Charlotte is having another coronation ceremony for the title she shouldn't have won anyway. Yay.. She says that Sasha really pushed her to her limits, and there is no shame in losing. She needs to learn to love being in second place. She then says she has been chosen as the captain for the Raw women's team at Survivor Series. She then goes on to call out SmackDown's women, and that she's the best yadda yadda yadda. She then says that Bayley is will be joining them on the team, and that her captain needs to address her. Bayley joins her in the ring and gives her kudos for the hell in a cell match last night. Charlotte doesn't accept that and says while Bayley is dreaming, she is achieving. Charlotte goes on to berate her some more in a segment that should've ended awhile ago. Charlotte says she will have to prove her worth by facing their partner at Survivor Series. To which Bayley thinks its Dana, but Charlotte laughs as its Nia Jax.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Bayley vs. Nia Jax

RESULTS: Nia Jax wins via pinfall.
THOUGHTS: I knew that Nia would make an appearance on Team Raw even though she hasn't been seen in awhile.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Cesaro & Sheamus vs. The Shining Stars

RESULTS: Cesaro & Sheamus win via submission.
THOUGHTS: Update on my feelings toward The Shining Stars: I still hate them. Bring back Carlito with them, or dump it all together please.

*Commercial Break*

R-Truth and Goldust go through a haunted house.

PROMO (Backstage): Chris Jericho is preparing himself to win the only title he has never held in WWE, the United States Championship. Then KO comes in and the two say they will change it to the Canadian Championship, and Y2J says he needs KO tonight. After the way he had KO's back at Hell in a Cell, KO says he'll be right there with him.

*Commercial Break*

UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Roman Reigns (c) vs. Chris Jericho (w KO)

Totally expecting a Seth Rollins sighting.

Owens comes in and breaks up a pin and attacks Reigns.

RESULTS: Roman Reigns wins via DQ.
THOUGHTS: I was really wanting to see Jericho win. Not because I hate Reigns, but because I want to see Jericho with a title.

After beating on Reigns, out comes Rollins. Rollins, after a rally, set up Jericho for the Pedigree but KO saves him. I'm sure this will be a tag team match next week with Rollins & Reigns vs. JeriKO.

To keep up with all the Survivor Series team additions go here!


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