WWE Monday Night Raw 7/4/2016 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/4/2016 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, July 4, 2016
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for July 4, 2016 is coming to you live from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, OH. Follow along here for live, ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below and in the chat on the sidebar!

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Happy Fourth of July to all the Smark Out fans celebrating tonight, but we've got business to attend to. In 20 days we have WWE Battleground coming to us live on the WWE Network, and we almost had a big shake-up to the main event on last weeks Raw. John Cena and AJ Styles each had an opportunity to put their names into the main event making it a fatal five way if they won their respective matches. Cena took on Seth Rollins, and AJ Styles took on current champ, Dean Ambrose. Both men cost each other their matches, so the main event stays the same for now unless the powers that be change it up for whatever reason. Speaking of powers that be, the tension between Shane and Steph is growing as we get closer to finding out who is running what show come July 19th. Also, The Wyatt Family and The New Day continue to have an interesting feud, and The Miz "defended" his IC Title only to have his wife fake an injury to get him out of it. Could we see a possible United States Championship defense on Independence Day? Find out tonight!

They show footage of their WWE Independence Day Cookout that featured The Golden Truth on stage rapping, and The Vaudevillians cutting them off. Aiden English then performs a.. Beautiful?.. Rendition of the Declaration of Independence before The Miz cuts in. The Miz starts in on what today means, but before he can get too far the entire locker room breaks out in an all out brawl of a food fight. The food fight ended with Heath Slater getting double chokeslammed through a table by Kane and Big Show, and them getting all of the food dumped on him. Looks like everyone comes together to hate on Heath Slater.

Lillian sings the National Anthem to open the show, and kills it like she does. Just Lillian things.

*Commercial Break*


Okay.. Titus O'Neil comes to the ring decked out in full Uncle Sam red, white, and blue attire. 'Merica.

After getting Titus to tap out to The Accolade the first time, Rusev locks it in again after the match. He then grabs a mic and says to celebrate for Rusev today, and sarcastically wishes America a happy birthday.

RESULT: Rusev wins via submission.
THOUGHTS: No surprise to see Rusev win here, and I'm glad he did. I love Rusev as the US Champ, and he cuts the perfect heel anti-America promos. No need to take the belt off of him just for 4th of July's sake.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Social Outcasts vs. Enzo & Cass

The Social Outcasts come out in the Minute Men costumes with patriotic music playing in the background, and Heath Slater is in a sling and has his head taped up after going through a table. I love these guys.

RESULT: Enzo & Cass win via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: I love both of these teams, but Enzo & Cass will always be better. How you doin?

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: The first true promo of this Independence Day belongs to WWE Women's Champion, Charlotte, and her protégé, Dana Brooke. Charlotte says that jealousy has always been a part of her life, as everyone ends up jealous of her. No one is more jealous than Sasha Banks, and all of her fans that chant "We want Sasha!". Chants don't pay the bills, but titles do. As she gets ready to say Sasha is all hype and nothing more, The Boss invites herself to the ring. Sasha says that she may be champ, but she'll never be Sasha. Sasha says that Charlotte may have accomplished a lot this year, but she hasn't beaten her. If it wasn't for her dad at WrestleMania that Women's Championship would be hers. Once it comes down to one on one, Sasha will dominate her. Charlotte says that' she is the legit boss, but Sasha says no way. A real boss fights for what she believes in and doesn't have it handed to her. A true boss has her own style and not a knock of her dads 80's run, and this boss is here to tell her that her reign as champ is over. Dana tries a cheapshot, but pays dearly for it. Charlotte gets the upperhand, but Sasha turns the tables. Dana then gets Charlotte out of trouble as Sasha stands tall.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dean Ambrose vs. The Miz (w Maryse)

This is a rare champion vs. champion match here tonight.

As Dean is walking up the ramp, Seth Rollins comes out to head toward the ring for his match and the two share a stare down, but they walk by each other. Then Dean heads back towards the ring, runs through it, only to run to the commentary table to watch the next match!

RESULT: Dean Ambrose wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Pretty good match! Surprised to see Maryse stay out of it for the most part, but really a good match.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Dolph Ziggler

Apparently Dolph asked for this match as it could be his last chance to take Seth on with the brand extension happening in just two weeks.

Dean is on commentary for this match.

RESULT: Seth Rollins wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Great match! These guys are both A+ when it comes to in ring action, and they proved it here.

PROMO: After the match, Seth grabs a mic and goes in. He says that unlike Roman, he leaves no doubt on who the best in the ring is. He is the best, and he will not let Roman tarnish his legacy. He still believes Roman should be taken out of the match at Battleground so he can get his one on one match he deserves. He said Roman should be a role model, but instead he is cutting corners just like all of the WWE Universe by cheating and lying. Then Dean stands up, and Seth tells him that the title is his and he will take it back at Battleground. Dean says he can have it now, and throws the belt at him starting a brawl. It ends with a Dirty Deeds on the announce table as payback for last week.

PROMO: The Wyatts are back talking about The New Day. The power of positivity doesn't exist, but where they're from pain exists. This is an invitation to The New Day to come to where they are from. Bring their sunshine, their laughter, and Bray will show you reality. The Power of Positivity is a fairy tale that only children believe, but pain and fear are very very real.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Vicki Guerrero is back to stake her claim as a GM for SmackDown come brand extension time. She says that SmackDown Live needs an experienced woman like her at the helm. NO. Security then comes to take her away. Either bring back Bischoff or stop this nonsense.

PROMO: Big Show is addressing his troops. His troops being the guys he is teaming with in the main event of Raw tonight. A 16 man elimination tag match. Big Show is leading team America as they go up against Superstars from all different countries. He says that they aren't friends, but tonight they must come together. They defend a the legacy that is America. Its USA vs. The World tonight.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Vicki is being carried away by security, and Dolph is standing there as she comes by. Of course Vicki and Dolph have a history. She is pleading with Dolph to tell them she belongs here, but Dolph says that he has never seen that woman in his life and she is carried away.

MATCH: The Vaudevillians vs. The Golden Truth

Breezango is in the "VIP Lounge" at ringside.

RESULT: The Golden Truth win via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Weren't The Vaudevillians challenging for the titles?

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: John Cena is back to address The Club. John brings up the excitement he felt when he was in the ring with AJ for the first time, the moment when everyone knows he would bring out the best in Cena, and a match 15 years in the making. But that was ripped away because AJ leaned on the shoulders of The Club instead of standing on his own two feet. When you fight one member of The Club, you fight all of The Club. Now they interfere in all of Johns matches. Like his match with Seth last week was taken from him at the hands of The Club. He's banged up, bruised, but still standing. He is tired of looking over his shoulder waiting for another attack, so in classic Cena form, he calls out The Club. "If you want some, come get some!" AJ says that the whining and the crying that Cena is doing right now is pathetic. It is unfair for John, but he tells about unfair. WWE went to Japan this week, which is a homecoming for The Club. They ran rough shot all over Tokyo, but instead the se Cena's face all over the posters. AJ says that John found out real quick who runs Tokyo, and they will soon run the WWE but they have to get rid of him first. He calls Anderson & Gallows are his insurance policy, and they aren't leaving. He says the best part is that no one is coming to help Cena. No one likes him, because he has made himself into something un-relatable. But they can relate to The Club. Everyone wants to beat him up, but The Club has the balls to do it. So every week he comes back, The Club will continue to do it. Every holiday from now until Cena is gone, they beat up John Cena. Wait.. Today is a holiday! It is time to beat up John Cena. They surround the ring and attack! A brutal beat down ensues as all three members get their piece of Cena. Then... Out come Enzo & Cass? Cena has some back up! Cena, Enzo, and Cass clear the ring. How you doin, Club?

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Becky Lynch vs. Summer Rae

RESULTS: Becky Lynch wins via submission.
THOUGHTS: Becky will face Natty at Battleground, that should be a good match. Unlike this one.

PROMO: Jericho is addressing his troops, but everyone starts to argue who is leading this group. Then KO buts in and says that he doesn't care who cals the shots or who speaks what language, because after the food fight he is ready to beat the hell out of some stupid idiot Americans.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: The New Day is here to address The Wyatts. They throw some shade at The Wyatts, and laugh at their invitation. So now The Wyatts issue a challenge to them. To stand up for what they believe in. New Day then accepts the challenge and they will spray positivity all over them. Then, Xavier Woods jumps in and says that they aren't thinking. Woods says they need to see the threat and the danger that Wyatt is. If they don't, he doesn't believe The New Day will survive. And then he leaves the ring and his buddies behind him. I love the story line they've been telling with Xavier.

*Commercial Break*

John Cena, Enzo & Big Cass vs. The Club has been announced for Battleground.

ELIMINATION TAG MATCH: USA vs. Multi-National Alliance

Team USA: Big Show, Kane, Apollo Crews, Mark Henry, Jack Swagger, Zack Ryder and The Dudley Boyz.

Multi-National Alliance: Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens, The Lucha Dragons, Alberto Del Rio, Cesaro, Sami Zayn, and Sheamus.

With Big Show and Y2J being captains.

I will tell you who gets eliminated and how!

- The Dudley Boyz eliminate Sin Cara (8 vs. 7)
- Kalisto eliminates Bubba Dudley (7 vs. 7)
- Cesaro eliminates D-Von Dudley (6 vs. 7)
- Y2J eliminates Jack Swagger (5 vs. 7)
- Mark Henry eliminates Kalsito (5 vs. 6)
- KO eliminated Mark Henry with a crazy pop up power bomb (4 vs. 6)
- KO gets DQ'd after hitting Sami Zayn (his own teammate) with a chair (4 vs. 5)
- Kane gets DQ'd for hitting KO with a chair (3 vs. 5)
- Apollo Crews eliminates Sami Zayn (3 vs. 4)
- Sheamus eliminates Apollo Crews. (2 vs. 4)
- Zack Ryder eliminates Cesaro (2 vs. 3)
- Big Show eliminates Y2J (2 vs. 2)
- Big Show eliminates Del Rio (2 vs. 1)
- Zack Ryder eliminates Sheamus. (Final elimination)

RESULT: Team USA wins.
THOUGHTS: Cool moment for Zack, and some good spots! I thought it would be a big waste of a match, but it wasn't bad!


Don't forget to call in to the live Raw Post Show on Mega Powers Radio immediately following tonight's episode and listen to the Smark Out Moment team's opinions on what transpired!

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