WWE Monday Night Raw 7/11/2016 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 7/11/2016 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, July 11, 2016
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for July 11, 2016 is coming to you live from the Joe Louis Arena in Detroit, MI. Follow along here for live, ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below!

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This Monday Night Raw is following some big events and announcements from WWE. Brock Lesnar was victorious in his UFC 200 fight that came after the announcement that he will take on "The Viper" Randy Orton at SummerSlam. Expect WWE to be all over that tonight, and the draft is only 8 days away! So hopefully if any former GM decides to return, its Eric Bischoff. The Wyatt Family and New Day feud should continue to get interesting, and apparently there will be a US Title match as Ryder takes on Rusev. Seth and Dean will continue to carry the main event scene going into Battleground as well. And, I just checked my calendar. It's July 11th. According to The Club.. We beat up John Cena! A battle royal to determine the number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship, and Mr. McMahon is back to talk to Shane and Stephanie!


The winner of this battle royal will take on The Miz at Battleground, and he is on commentary here.

The final four: Baron Corbin, Apollo Crews, Dolph Ziggler, and Darren Young

Baron Corbin and Apollo Crews eliminate each other leaving Darren Young as your winner and new number one contender.

RESULT: Darren Young wins.
THOUGHTS: When I saw Bob Backlund at ringside I had a feeling Darren Young would win. "Make Darren Young Great Again", right?

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Shane and Stephanie contemplate why Mr. McMahon would be coming tonight. They speculate it could be for the draft, or maybe to fire someone. Then Seth comes in and says it could be for the Roman Reigns controversy. He informs the two that he has footage the whole Universe needs to see with Roman, and Shane says it is perfect for the Ambrose Asylum. Steph and Seth both says that's a bad idea, but Seth informs the two he has talk show experience with nearly taking over the Daily Show after John Stewart. So he says there should be a Rollins Report. So tonight, first time ever, there will be a Rollins Report with exclusive footage of Roman Reigns. 

They talk about Brock's big win at UFC 200 and that he will face Randy Orton at SummerSlam.

PROMO: Zack Ryder goes to challenge Rusev for the US Title, but as they're talking Sheamus comes in and hits a cheap shot on Zack. He then informs Zack that he already has a match scheduled for tonight against him.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sheamus vs. Zack Ryder

After the match Rusev makes his way to the ring to add insult to injury on Zack. Zack puts up a little fight before he is brutalized by an Accolade. He is screaming "I accept your challenge!" for the United States Championship.

RESULT: Sheamus wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: I wish I could say I was surprised, but I'm not. Get cleanly beat by Sheamus, destroyed by the champ, and still gets his title shot.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Breezango vs. The Lucha Dragons

RESULT: Breezango wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: I'd love to see these two stay together but get repackaged after the draft. Keep their comical remarks, but add a hint of seriousness into it when they can. I like this team, and they're coming together.

*Commercial Break*

THE ROLLINS REPORT: The first ever Rollins Report hosted by.. Well Seth Rollins of course. Where he has promises exclusive footage of the Roman Reigns scandal. He claims that he is the hottest new investigative journalists, and he has an exclusive interview between him and The Guy, Roman Reigns. The video is clearly edited with Seth asking questions and then having different clips of Roman from other interviews throughout his career. With him wearing different clothing in every interview, and one where he is even holding the belt as champ. This is fantastic. Every question is obviously every answer Seth was looking for. Like asking about what he thinks about Ambrose being champ, and him saying "When I hear that, I want to puke." even thought we know he thinks the opposite. Seth uses this as a way to get Roman out of the triple threat match, but he is interrupted by one Lunatic by the name of Dean Ambrose. He also goes by "Champ". Dean says he is glad that Seth decided to pull that stick out his butt and have some fun. Seth said this is no joke, but his championship reign has been a joke. All because he snuck up on him after he won like a coward. Ambrose could never beat him one on one. No one could beat him for the title. Seth is convinced that the two guys will team up on him at Battleground, but it doesn't matter. It is all about who is the best member of the Shield. At Battleground, Seth plans to prove he has always been the best. Before, during, and after. Dean's fairy tale title reign comes to an end. Dean says not only is he on top of the industry, he is on top of the world. He has been the best and now the whole world knows it. Dean says they've known each other for a long time, and he knows the kind of person he is. He knows the blood, the pain, and the crap he has been through. He poses one question, "If you know what I've been through to get this, what do you think I'd go through to keep it?". No one will pry this belt from him, and as far as that one on one match goes, any time any place. Seth says that Detroit is as good a place as any, but no no not tonight. He'll see him next week. 

*Commercial Break*

Dean Ambrose vs. Seth Rollins for the WWE Title is confirmed for next week on Raw.

PROMO: A camera shows a limo pulling in and Vince steps out. Renee then asks why he is here tonight. He says that he is here to pick a new commissioner for SmackDown live here tonight.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro

Sami Zayn is on commentary.

Kevin Owens music hits, but he doesn't come out. Then they go backstage and KO is saying its an unsafe working environment so they must remove Sami from ringside. Steph steps in and tells the refs to go remove Sami, but Sami says he has authorization from Shane. Seems Stephanie overrules. As Sami is leaving, Owens enters. The two then brawl on the stage for a moment before KO gets to the ring and Sami is escorted out.

After the match Owens grabs a mic to talk about how he is the best but is attacked by Sami Zayn, and then Cesaro got a swing in.

RESULT: Kevin Owens wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Kind of figured that here. Cesaro is a guy that will absolutely benefit from the brand extension. He should get title shots on SmackDown or Raw after the split.

PROMO: Renee stops The Club to ask them how they feel about their match with Enzo & Cass, and they say they are in trouble. It is a big mistake to think Cena cares about anyone but himself. Cena isn't even here tonight to help them because he is hosting the ESPY's on Wednesday. So after the match tonight, they are catching a flight to LA to.. Beat up John Cena. 

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Heath Slater (w Axel & Bo Dallas) vs. Titus O'Neil

RESULT: Titus O'Neil wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Poor Social Outcasts. Never getting a win.

PROMO: Renee is talking to Sasha about her match with Dana tonight. Sasha says Dana made the biggest mistake of her life challenging her, and this is the only thing she has thought about since she challenged her. She doesn't get mad. She gets real.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: They show what happened as New Day accepted the fight against the Wyatt Family at the Wyatt Family compound. Which looks like something out of The Walking Dead. Lit by headlights from half rusted vehicles the two factions go to war in the sadistic groups compound. With the aid of weopsns like tires and trash cans The Wyatts prove they know their yard better than anyone. But soon after, Big E and Kofi regain themselves. Only to be mauled by Braun Stroman who has already decimated Xavier at this point. Braun, poised on the roof of a truck, gets ready to hop onto Kofi who is being held down then Xavier resurrects himseld back into the fight to save his brother in positivity. Bray, lit by the ring of cars, kneels down with the three members of New Day in front of him. He laughs sadistically, and then The New Day sees all the lights from Brays "fireflies".. They illuminate the cars around showing a family of sheep masks.. Bray, still kneeling, laughs again and utters "Follow the buzzards."

MATCH: Enzo & Cass vs.  Gallows & Anderson (w AJ Styles)

AJ gets involved for a DQ, but as The Club was getting ready to take out Enzo... Out comes Cena! Who was in LA earlier, and not supposed to be there but he made the flight back to Joe Louis in Detroit. Pretty cool on the guy there.

RESULT: Enzo & Cass win via DQ.
THOUGHTS: I figured John was here, but I couldn't be sure. He was rehearsing in LA just hours ago, but shows up at Raw in Detroit. Cena gets a lot of hate,  but few have the drive that he does.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sasha Banks vs. Dana Brooke (w Charlotte)

After the match Charlotte grabs a mic and says that Sasha can have a title match if she beats Dana again on SmackDown.

RESULT: Sasha Banks wins via submission.
THOUGHTS: This match was a lot better than I thought it'd be. Obviously Sasha is arguably the best in-ring women's wrestler next to Asuka. So I wasn't worried about her. Dana on the other hand, not always reliable. Great job by both ladies. They gave the match ample amounts of time, and they made the best of it.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Vince McMahon is back to decide who will run SmackDown Live! Still holding out hope for Eric Bischoff.. Vince says the competition on Raw has been stellar, but he is still disappointed. Itt seems like they aren't even his chikdren. He points fingers at Steph for being the new kind-hearted person towards Shane instead the cold hearted chick she has been. Then he tells Shane he shouldn't even be here since he lost at Mania, and he wants the same risk taker that jumped off the cell. He figured they would have put in a knife in the others back but it hasn't happened. He wants one to argue why they should be GM. Steph names her accomplishments and throws shade at Shane calling him a wolf in sheeps clothing. Shane does the same towards Stephanie. Saying he represented the change that WWE needs so much. He says he would change everything and break all glass ceilings that were destroying the business. He says that he should run it because Vince respects how he tells him what he thinks without kissing his ass. He says Vince changes history tonight and picks him to run SmackDown. Vince asks for a drum roll... He chooses... Shane McMahon! Shane is the commissioner of SmackDown. Vince puts a stop to the celebration, because Shane isn't running Raw anymore.. Stephanie McMahon will be running the flagship show of Raw. Vince still isn't done however.. He wants real competition between the brands in terms of ratings, social media, attendance, etc.. Who will prove they can run the WWE someday? Next week Shane and Steph both pick a GM for their respective shows. Let the games begin!! Stephanie says she will bury Shane and SmackDown and make him wish he wasn't born.. Thats heavy.. Shane says that he can tell she is scared and nervous because she knows Shane will be the one standing tall in the end. The game is on.. Then Stephanie says that there is only one game in this business and she is married to him. then slaps Shane in the face and leaves. Shane and his GM of choice will run SmackDown, and Stephanie and her choice will run Raw. 


Don't forget to call in to the live Raw Post Show on Mega Powers Radio immediately following tonight's episode and listen to the Smark Out Moment team's opinions on what transpired!

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