Divas Debrief: Women's Wrestling This Week for 7/9/2016 | Smark Out Moment

Divas Debrief: Women's Wrestling This Week for 7/9/2016

Posted by Unknown Saturday, July 9, 2016
Each week, DIVAS DEBRIEF runs down the events that transpired in women's professional wrestling from the past couple of days. From the WWE Divas to the TNA Knockouts including some other companies as well, Smark Out Moment attempts to keep you up to date on all things going on with the ladies of the ring.

logo for Divas Debrief Women Wrestlers weekly rundown

WWE Monday Night Raw

Becky Lynch vs Summer Rae

The bell rings and Becky with a quick kick to the head of Summer early. Summer fights back with some kicks. We see a shot of Natalya watching the match backstage. Summer starts choking Becky with her boot and then catches Becky with a side kick. Becky with a small package for a two count. Becky with a series of clotheslines on Summer. Becky with a jumping elbow and a suplex from the corner for another two count. Summer with a kick to the head of Becky, misses another kick and Becky gets Summer down applying an armbar. Summer taps.

Winner: Becky Lynch
Match Rating: 0.5/5

TNA Impact Wrestling

Marti Bell vs Jade

Contrary to what many think, stuff other than the Final Deletion happened on this past week's episode of Impact Wrestling and that was a match between Marti Bell and jade. Match starts off with the knockouts using a baking sheet and then the weapons graduate to a kendo stick and garbage can. Jade gets the upperhand on Marti by putting the garbage can over her head and striking her with the kendo stick. Marti makes a comeback with a backdrop to Jade on the trash can. She then gets a baton and Jade counters with nunchucks. Jade hits Marti with a missile dropkick and then hits an impressive looking package piledriver onto a steel chair to win the street fight.

Winner: Jade
Match Rating: 1.75/5


Bayley vs Alexa Bliss

After a lock up Bayley takes Bliss over with a headlock takeover. Bayley hits basement European uppercut to the front and back of Bliss. Bliss takes Bayley down and slingshots her into the ropes. Bliss locks in a cravat. Bayley struggles to get out of the hold, but Bliss works her back down to the mat. Bayley tries to fire up again, but Bliss takes her down by her hair for a two count. Bliss lays Bayley on the middle rope and chokes her with her foot. Another pin attempt by Bliss ends in another near fall. Bliss stands on Bayley’s back and stomps on her head. Bliss goes for a head kick, but Bayley grabs her leg and picks her up in a power bomb position. Bayley buckle bombs Bliss into the second turnbuckle. Bayley lands multiple elbows in the corner. Bayley charges Bliss, but Bliss leapfrogs over her. Bayley catches Bliss and tries to pin her, but Bliss kicks out. Bliss hauls off and lands a stiff right hand that drops Bayley. She isn’t moving. The referee checks on Bayley.

Bliss then tries to slingshot Bayley again, but Bayley hooks the rope. Bayley stun guns Bliss. Bliss grabs Bayley by the throat and choke pushes her to the mat. Bliss hits insult to injury. Bliss goes up to the top rope, but Bayley cuts her off. Bayley tries to Bayley to belly her off the second rope, but Bliss grabs the top rope to avoid it. Bliss snap sunset flips Bayley for yet another near fall. Bliss and Bayley trade multiple pin attempts with neither of them being able to get the fall. Bayley goes up top, but Bliss grabs her foot and pulls her off. Bayley hits head first on the top turnbuckle. Bliss tries a Vader bomb, but Bayley got her knees up. Bayley hits the Bayley to belly for the win.

Winner: Bayley
Match Rating: 2.75/5

WWE SmackDown

Becky goes down the ramp for a match, but Natalya attacks her from behind and goes to work on the Lass Kicker. She then hits the Sharpshooter on Becky while officials try to break the two of them up.

So there you have it, the breakdown for the week in women's wrestling. What were some of your favorite and least favorite moments from these women? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Bayley vs Alexa Bliss (WWE NXT)


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