I am enjoying Rusev's second run as United States Champion, and WWE certainly seems to have faith in him too as, oddly enough, they did not allow Independence Day to influence the outcome of his match with Titus O'Neil.
What is also notable is how good Rusev is on the mic these days. While he originally needed Lana to do the talking, his skills have really improved since the brutal love quadrangle angle forced him to speak on his own (every cloud, etc)
Following the lackluster months the title had around the waists of Alberto Del Rio and Kalisto, it is great to see such an entertaining and dominant champion as Rusev making the title relevant once more.
Wow. Zack Ryder won a match and Big Show didn't do a heel turn. Who says that WWE is always predictable? You are obviously lying if you say that you saw this coming.
Why? Why is this still happening? We have had six weeks of odd travel agent promos followed by the flattest reception to a match in recent history. But rather than go back to the drawing board, WWE seems to thinks that the only problem is that we didn't have enough reasons to visit Puerto Rico yet.
Also, by throwing some mild jabs at the American consumer lifestyle, are they heels? I use that term in the loosest sense possible, as I don't think that people could muster up the energy to bother to hate them.
Now, I am not going to say that all is completely lost, as we have to remember that The New Day were horrendously underwhelming when they debuted, but we are going to need some serious overhaul to get these two even close to over.
Whether that is donning the Los Matadores masks or bringing back Carlito (the preferable option), something has to change.
EXTRA HEAT: International Incident.
Kane was born in Madrid, Kalisto is from Chicago, and Chris Jericho's a New Yorker. Technically, their team placements in the 16-man tag made no sense. Also, this is the second time in as many weeks that Sheamus has teamed with Alberto Del Rio. Did The League of Nations not end? Stupid idiots WWE.
So there you have it, my two choices for the week. What do YOU think are the Cheap Pop and Cheap Heat this week in professional wrestling? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!