Divas Debrief: Women's Wrestling This Week for 6/25/2016 | Smark Out Moment

Divas Debrief: Women's Wrestling This Week for 6/25/2016

Posted by Unknown Saturday, June 25, 2016
Each week, DIVAS DEBRIEF runs down the events that transpired in women's professional wrestling from the past couple of days. From the WWE Divas to the TNA Knockouts including some other companies as well, Smark Out Moment attempts to keep you up to date on all things going on with the ladies of the ring.

logo for Divas Debrief Women Wrestlers weekly rundown

WWE Monday Night Raw

Charlotte vs Paige (WWE Women's Championship Match)

Lilian does formal ring introductions before the match. Back and forth to start. Dana pulls Charlotte to safety early on. Paige goes down at ringside as Dana and Charlotte taunt her. We go to commercial.

Back from the break and Paige breaks a head scissors for a two count. Paige with another two count off a back slide. Paige unloads with kicks and a running knee to the face for another two count. They go at it. Paige with a fall-away slam. They end up in the corner and Charlotte counters a superplex, slamming Paige on her face. Charlotte with a moonsault for a close two count.

They trade holds and pin attempts on the mat. Paige with a RamPaige but Dana puts Charlotte's foot on the bottom rope. The referee ejects Dana as Charlotte nails a big boot and Natural Selection for the win.

Winner: Charlotte
Match Rating: 2.5/5

TNA Impact Wrestling

Jade vs Marti Belle

Jade chases Belle around the ring before the bell rings. Belle with a takedown followed by a ground and pound attack. Jade lands a couple side kicks to the chest of Belle. Belle rolls to the outside. Jade ducks a clothesline and lands a series of forearms. Jade drives Belle back first to the steel ring steps. Jade with forearms to the chest of Belle. Jade accidentally hits the steel ring post. Belle take advantages of that. Jade whips Belle to the steel ring steps. Jade follows that up with a basement dropkick. Jade grabs Belle’s baton. Earl Hebner scolds Jade. Jade drops the baton. Jade rolls Belle back into the ring.

Jade connects with a gut wrench suplex. Jade with a german suplex for a two count. Jade lands another basement dropkick. Jade goes for the Package Pieldriver, but Belle drives Jade to the corner. Belle connects with the Bicycle Kick to Jade. Belle back to the ground and pound attack. Belle snaps and she almost hits the referee. Belle with side kicks to the thigh of Jade. Belle sends Jade to the outside. Jade gets Belle in the Electric Chair position on the outside and Jade whips Belle face first to the ring apron. Jade goes for a suicide dive behind the referee’s back, but Belle hits Jade in the face with the baton to pickup the victory.

Winner: Marti Belle
Match Rating: 2.25/5


Bayley vs. Deonna Purrazzo

They lock up and Deonna with a side head lock. Bayley goes for a hip toss but Deonna blocks it. They continue to block hip tosses and Bayley with a rollup for a near fall. Purrazzo with a rollup of her own for a near fall. Deonna with an Irish whip but Bayley with an Irish whip out of the corner and hits a hip toss. Bayley sends Deonna into the turnbuckles and hits a running shoulder but misses a splash.

Deonna gets a near fall. Deonna with a kick and running knee to the head and a side Russian leg sweep. Deonna gets a near fall. Deonna with an elbow to the back of the head followed by a snap mare and boot to the head for a near fall. Deonna sends Bayley into the turnbuckles and Bayley starts to Hug Up. Bayley with a boot followed by a back elbow from the turnbuckles. Bayley with a belly-to-belly suplex for the three count.

Winner: Bayley
Match Rating:2/5

WWE SmackDown

Becky Lynch vs Dana Brooke

Both women lock up and Dana Brooke gets the upper hand, pushing Becky into the corner. Becky recovers and hits a DDT to Brooke. Charlotte distracts Becky and Brooke rolls her up for the win.

In under a minute.

Just when I finally think that WWE is giving Becky a chance to grow, they push her aside just for the post match return of Sasha Banks. This really was a waste of a segment for Becky Lynch.

Winner: Dana Brooke
Match Rating: 0.25/5

So there you have it, the breakdown for the week in women's wrestling. What were some of your favorite and least favorite moments from these women? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

MATCH OF THE WEEK: Charlotte vs Paige (WWE Women's Championship Match)


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