WWE Monday Night Raw 3/7/2016 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 3/7/2016 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, March 7, 2016
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for March 7,2016 is coming to you live from the Allstate Arena in Chicago, IL. Follow along here for live, ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below and in the chat on the sidebar!

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Tonight's episode of Monday Night Raw comes to us live from Chicago! Chicago is always a huge stop for WWE, so I'm expecting them to pull out some big moves especially with the live event WWE Roadblock coming up this Saturday. Tonight is also another big stop on the Road to WrestleMania as Shane McMahon makes his return to The Windy City to address what his father and The Undertaker had to say about him last week. Also, expect Dean Ambrose and HHH to play a big role in the show as they get ready for their WWE World Heavyweight Championship match at Roadblock. Another match currently on the card is Brock Lesnar vs. Bray Wyatt, so hopefully that means a promo between Paul Heyman and Bray Wyatt followed by some sort of physical altercation involving The Beast. Also, tonight we get to see the newly formed Y2AJ take on The New Day for the WWE Tag Team Championships! Should be an action packed Raw as we head towards WWE Roadblock and continue on the Road to WrestleMania.

PROMO: The first promo of the night belongs to Shane McMahon! The prodigal son returns to The Windy City! After the "Shane-O-Mac" chants and screams finally die out, he states how he's missed Chicago. He brings up his fathers outburst last week on Monday Night Raw where Vince renounced him as his son, and wrote him out of his will. He then went on to call him a "miserable old bastard" and that he has "lost his touch" with his business, his fan base, his son, and his grandchildren. It is his destiny to be in control of Monday Night Raw, and he will stop everything. The Chairmans tyrannical reign stops, The Authority stops, the backstage backstabbing stops, because it is all choking the life out of the business. People with talent will get what they deserve, and those getting what they don't deserve will also end. The Monday after WrestleMania will be his first in control of Monday Night Raw. Then The Undertakers gongs hit! But it quickly changes to Vince's music and out comes the tyrant. He acknowledges the crowds disappointment and they immediately start chanting "Asshole!" loud and clear, and then of course "CM Punk". He then says Shane has pure fear for Taker, and he will feel that at WrestleMania. As Vince was writing Shane out of his will he saw a photo of the two of them. It was as they were going to Shanes very first WWE event. They show the photo on screen, and Vince has it in his hands. He then says "You are no longer my son." and smashes it on stage. "I am Vincent Kennedy McMahon. You are just Vince's son.". He then brings up how his grandchildren are going to watch their father fail them at WrestleMania, but they will still have their grandfather to be proud of. "My greatest creation(The Undertaker) will end my greatest failure." and he points at Shane. Then security comes out to escort Shane from the building. He stops them, and says he will walk out peacefully as long as no one touches him. Vince yells for them to get him, and he warns security to stay back. Shane then attacks one of the security members, and they all attack. He quickly clears the ring of all of them as the crowd is in a frenzy. He then looks at his father and invites him down to the ring, but he leaves the stage area. Hell of a first segment.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Kevin Owens vs. Neville

KO starts off with a headlock, and is quickly in control. He then goes to talk to Michael Cole, and then continues his trash talk and assault on the "Breakout Superstar of the Year", Neville. After a big clothesline, Neville starts a comeback. A big kick right to the temple stuns KO, and Neville picks up the pace. He knocks Owens out of the ring, goes for a big move, but KO moves out of the way and then throws Neville into the steel steps.

*Commercial Break*

We come back with Owens still in control. He goes for a Cannonball, but Neville avoids it. Owens quickly regains the upper hand with a German suplex, and goes for another Cannonball but gets hit with a boot to the face. Owens rolls outside the ring, Neville goes to the top rope and hits a shooting star press to the floor on Owens! Beautiful move, man. He gets him back in the ring and hits a standing moonsault for a two-count. Both men go to the top, but Owens eventually wins out. He then goes for a moonsault, but misses! Neville hits what looks like an inverted Red Arrow but only gets a two-count! Then Owens gets a quick roll up pin for a big win!

Owens then attacks Neville after the match as Neville was complaining about Owens grabbing his tights on the pin. Which he did. He sets up Neville for a power bomb on the outside but before he can out come SAMI ZAYN! The historic rivalry between these two continues! Zayn beats out Owens with a little help from Neville.

RESULT: Kevin Owens wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Hell of a match! Owens kicking out of that inverted Red Arrow was incredible, Owens going for a moonsault from the top rope was awesome, and then Sami Zayn coming to the rescue was amazing as well! Sami vs. KO at WrestleMania has been in the works since these two started their rivalry in the indie scene. Would love to see it.

*Commercial Break*

They show the beat down that HHH put on Dean last week on Monday Night Raw.

PROMO: Stephanie and Dolph Ziggler are in the back, and they talk about how Dolph won that match at Survivor Series a few years ago to get The Authority out of power. He says history is bound to repeat itself when Shane wins at Mania but this time they will be out of power for good. Stephanie then says Dolph has a tag team elimination match tonight against three members of The League Of Nations, but he gets no partners.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Brie Bella vs. Summer Rae

Summer Rae starts off on the attack, but Brie gets right back into the action. Not for long though as power shifts back to Summer as she locks in a move in the middle of the ring. Brie gets out of it and catches a kick, then plants Summer on her face. Suddenly out comes Lana. She comes down to the ring and Summer gets a roll up pin off the distraction for the win.

The Lana attacks Brie and hits what seems to be Bries own face buster against her.

RESULT: Summer Rae wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: I don't understand why they want Lana in the ring so bad. Shes at her best next to Rusev on the mic. This seems like a road that is leading to a dumpster fire.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Dean Ambrose is coming out to speak his mind about what happened last week. Of course he says that this Saturday night he is highjacking the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, and he is high jacking WrestleMania and there is nothing anyone can do about it. He said that last week, HHH, tried to beat respect of authority into him. This Saturday HHH will respect him, because he will be the new face of the company. He will go to charity functions with him, he will be the face of this company, and he will be forced to respect him as champion. Then out comes HHH himself! HHH mocks Deans enthusiasm, and says that the championship will stay with him as long as he wants it to. "Roman tried to take this from me, and now they are gluing his face back together." My favorite line ever. HHH says Roadblock is just a clever name that some idiot came up with, and has nothing to do with him. He isn't even a speed bump, more like a pothole. HHH says he can see why they consider him and Roman are brothers. They both disrespect authority, and how is that working for Roman? HHH urges Dean to quit the whole delusional act, because it is going to get him hurt permanently. He says "I'd rather be delusional than whatever you are." Hunter says "I am driven. By money, power, and authority." Dean then invites him into the ring, but to no avail. The champ says he doesn't fight on anyones time but his own. HHH then announces Dean will go one on one with Bray Wyatt tonight, and that he will learn either tonight or Saturday at Roadblock that The Authority always wins.

*Commercial Break*

ELIMINATION TAG TEAM MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. League of Nations

The League of Nations is represented by Rusev, King Barrett, and Sheamus.

I'll cover this like I regularly cover tag matches. I'll write out hoe Dolph eliminates someone if that were to happen.

-Dolph eliminates Wade Barrett with a super kick. It is now 2 on 1.

After a distraction from Rusev, Sheamus hits a monstrous Brogue Kick for the three-count.

RESULTS: The League of Nations wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: This was about as good as it could be. I would've liked to see it come down to one on one just to show that fighting spirit Dolph possesses, but we can't always get what we want!

*Commercial Break*

They play a video package of Shane-O-Macs career in the ring just to remind us that he has had some incredible and ground breaking moments in the squared circle.

PROMO: Becky and Sasha are arguing about who would've won the matches if they had more time. But now it is a triple threat at WrestleMania for the Divas Title, but tonight they have Naomi and Tamina in a tag match.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sasha Banks & Becky Lynch vs. Tamina & Naomi

I'll cover this like I cover all tag matches!

Charlotte and Ric are chilling at ringside of course.

Sasha Banks locks in the Bank Statement on Naomi for the win.

Charlotte attacks after the match taking out both Sasha and Becky.

RESULT: Sasha and Becky win via submission.
THOUGHTS: This was a good way to get the ladies in the triple threat at WrestleMania involved together on Raw.

PROMO: Goldust and R-Truth have another great promo.

*Commercial Break*

WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH: Chris Jericho & AJ Styles vs. The New Day

I'll cover this like all the tag matches as well, but I'll point out some high spots as we go along since it is a championship match.

- The New Day hit their Big Ending + DDT on AJ Styles but Jericho breaks up the pin.
- Styles hits his flying forearm to Kingston but Big E breaks up the pin.
- Y2J locking in Walls of Jericho on Kingston, but Big E tags in during it.

Big E turns the Code Breaker into the Big Ending for the pin fall win!

Y2J hits three Code Breakers on Styles after the match, and shoves the Y2AJ shirt in his mouth! Heel Jericho is back, baby!

RESULT: The New Day retain their WWE Tag Team Titles via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: This easily could've, and in my opinion should have, been the main event. It did not disappoint! Great match, and the turn by Y2J at the end would have been a great ending to Raw!

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Renee stops Y2J and asks about what happened in the ring. Y2J says he is tired of AJ getting all the attention. In Chicago, the city he was born in, and they are all chanting "AJ STYLES!". He ends it by saying, "I hope they enjoyed it. Because they won't be chanting AJ Styles anymore."

MATCH: Kalisto vs. Tyler Breeze

Both men start off the match with their incredible athleticism, but Breeze takes control. Breeze continues his dominance with a chin lock attempting to wear the US Champ down. Kalisto then escapes it and hits a creative kick, and a corkscrew. He hits his Salida Del Sol very quickly, and wins via pin fall!

RESULTS: Kalisto wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: I can't wait to see who Kalisto faces at WrestleMania and it better not be on the pre show. This guy is awesome to watch, and they need to give him a hyped, and long singles match at WrestleMania to prove that he is the main event star he can be.

*Commercial Break*

They announce that The Big Boss Man will be inducted into the Hall of Fame!

PROMO: Jojo and Kalisto are backstage. She asks what he is expecting heading into his first WrestleMania. Ryback then steps in and asks how he couldn't be in the main event much less not even be in a match at WrestleMania. Ryback then says he respects Kalisto, but no one compares to the Big Guy. He is just plain better. He then urges Kalisto to go out on his own like he did.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Ryback vs. Curtis Axel

This match started mid-commercial break, but Ryback is killing Axel at the moment. This is when the "CM Punk" chants start. Ryback makes short work of Curtis Axel and walks out quickly.

RESULT: Ryback wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Ryback kicking someone's ass and then leaving the ring is the best Ryback. Please don't let him talk on the mic. It is horrid.

PROMO: Stephanie and Vince are talking about Shane in the back. Stephanie is worried after Shane's performance against the security crew, and says "What if?". Vince says "Don't worry.. I've got this."

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

Dean Ambrose starts off as the aggressor, but Bray takes the lead! Bray hits a huge running clothesline, and yells to the crowd "Is this not what you came to see?"

*Commercial Break*

We come back to Bray still in control of Dean Ambrose! Bray picks Dean up for a suplex and just  tosses him like a doll across the ring. Bray runs towards Dean in the corner, but Dean gets his foot up. Then Bray regains himself to knock Dean off the ropes. Then he chases Dean outside and both men smack into one another head on like two semis. Both men get in the ring at the count of eight. Dean tries to mount some offense, but is quickly thwarted by Wyatt with a huge clothesline for a two-count. Bray takes Dean to the top rope, but Dean knocks him off the ropes. Dean goes for Dirty Deeds, but Bray gets out of it. Both men go to the outside of the ring where Bray goes for Sister Abigail, Dean avoids it, but then Bray hits his Rock Bottom type slam on the floor. With both men in the ring Bray Wyatt is setting up for Sister Abigail. Instead Dean hits his bounce back clothesline for a two-count. Suddenly The Wyatt Family appear at ringside and attack him for a DQ.

After a complete beat down, Bray hands Dean a Sister Abigail for good measure as he sends a message to Brock Lesnar. Then out comes the WWE World Heavyweight Champion to join the fun. He shakes his head in happiness with what The Wyatt Family has done, and gets in the ring for some action of his own. Bray then bodies up to HHH as some sort of challenge of his own! He then laughs right in the face of the champion and grabs touches the belt that is draped across Hunters shoulder. He then commands his family to leave the ring, and Hunter turns all focus to the beaten carcass of The Lunatic that lay in the ring. HHH then takes apart the announce table seemingly preparing it for Dean, but as he goes back in the ring Dean hits the champ with Dirty Deeds! The Lunatic Fringe grabs the belt and holds in high in hopes that he gets to do that exact thing as WWE Roadblock closes on Saturday night!

RESULT: Dean Ambrose wins via DQ.
THOUGHTS: Bray cannot win a match without his family getting involved unfortunately, but the stare down he had with HHH was a very cool moment, and something I wouldn't mind seeing more of. Hopefully Roadblock can shake something up on the Road to WrestleMania!

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