WWE Monday Night Raw 1/25/2016 Live Results Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Monday Night Raw 1/25/2016 Live Results Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, January 25, 2016
Tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for January 25, 2016 is coming to you live from the AmercianAirlines Arena in Miami, FL. Follow along here for live, ongoing coverage of the results of the show to find out what happens as things occur and chat with fellow WWE fans in the comments below and in the chat on the sidebar!

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All I can say is... Oh my God. The Royal Rumble delivered and then some. Every single match on the card was phenomenal and had almost too many memorable moments. Just kidding, there is no such as too many memorable moments. Sasha Banks is back, but most importantly.. Entering at number three was AJ Styles! Although he did not win it was enough for him to be there. You're winner was.. The number 30 entrant... Triple H by eliminating Dean Ambrose! I love it. I freaking love it. It was kind of easy to predict, but I love it. Be prepared for some good stuff with HHH holding the belt! Other match victors were, Dean Ambrose retaining his Intercontinental Title against Kevin Owens in a brutal Last Man Standing match. The New Day retaining their Tag Team Championship, Kalisto winning the United States Championship from Alberto Del Rio, and Charlotte successfully defending her Divas Championship with help from her decrepit father against Becky Lynch. But was then quickly attacked by Sasha Banks. To me, this was one of the best PPV's they've done in a long time! Be prepared for some fallout tonight!

PROMO: The opening promo of the night belongs to Vince McMahon! This Raw has a lot of momentum riding on it, so its only fitting we start with the boss! He is accompanied by his darling daughter of course. Mr. McMahon says he's feeling "damn good" for obvious reasons. Celebrating that they "broke" Roman Reigns and "pierced his heart and ripped his title away". Vince says that he did what everyone does when broken, tuck your tail and run. Saying "once your broken, you stay that way". But then he says that he has a confession to make. He confesses that he loves the misfortune and misery of others. Saying that's why he loves the WWE Universe because we are all broken. Steph chimes in saying that "if you want something done you have to do it yourself, and last night that exactly what we did". She just mentioned AJ Styles, who made his debut last night like the amazingness that he is. As the crowd chants "AJ Styles" Mr. McMahon says "I don't care who you are. Whenever you are in this ring you end up at the bottom of my shoes." Stephanie then goes on to praise the new WWE World Heavyweight Champion, her husband, Triple H. Then introduces him as he comes out to the ring. I absolutely love HHH holding the title. He comes out rocking his suit and tie, and unbuttons it to show the belt. 14x champ, and in my opinion the right guy has the belt right now. The nostalgia is killing me. I'm waiting for Batista to come out and challenge him like the good ol' days. HHH starts off by saying Reigns could be the best athlete he has ever seen, but today he is not. Because he lacks respect. Stating he is cocky and arrogant. He just couldn't put up with his disrespect for Vince. He says the fans were right when they say he does not need to be champ, but he sure as hell wants to be champ. He says until someone learns some respect, he is going to be the champion and there is not a thing anyone can do about it. As the fans boo, he says that's the disrespect that he is talking about. Then Stephanie brings up WrestleMania and who will face her husband. She says that tonight they will evaluate everyone in action and then they will determine the main event of the next PPV, FastLane. The winner of that main event match at FastLane will face HHH in the main event at WrestleMania.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. Kevin Owens

Both men quickly go outside the ring, but it ends poorly for Dolph as he is sent into the barricade. Owens stays on the attack. Dolph gets a quick reversal and lands a drop kick and rolls out of the ring.

*Commercial Break*

We come back with Kevin Owens controlling the match. Ziggler goes for a super kick off a reversal but its caught, then Ziggler gets the step on KO and throws him into the steel post shoulder first and hits a Famouser for a two-count. He then locks in a sleeper hold. Owens breaks out, but eats a super kick for his trouble for a two-count. Ziggler takes Owens to the top rope, but Owens fights out and pushes him right off the top. KO then hits a pop-up power bomb out of nowhere for a big win.

RESULT: Kevin Owens wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Good match! If anyone deserves to be in the main event at FastLane its KO. He's been on fire ever since he stepped into WWE. A natural.

PROMO: Jojo is backstage and asks Roman about Vinces' earlier comments. Roman says its ridiculous and asks Jojo to tell Vince and HHH that he is there, and won't be leaving until he hears the announcement later tonight.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: The Social Outcasts are in the ring. I also love these guys. Entertainment value like crazy. Heath Slater points out Flo Rida sitting front row at the show tonight. Heath tells him to sit there and not to make him mad. Adam Rose then says that Flo upset Heath, and that's not good. Bo Dallas then calls out Flo into the ring to fight them, and in the ring he goes. Heath says he really does not want to hurt him, but he will challenge him to a rap battle. Heath then introduces Flo Rida to... Bo Rida! Bo Dallas.. Who drops some super sick rhymes. Honestly.. Bo Rida may have won the rap battle because Flo SUCKED. But his last rap introduces The Social Outcasts opponents.. The Dudley Boyz!

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Dudley Boyz vs. The Social Outcasts

Wrestling for The Social Outcasts is Curtis Axel and Bo Dallas. I'll do my normal tag team coverage, and let you know who wins and how!

Dudleys hit a 3D for thee win on Curtis Axel!

RESULTS: The Dudley Boyz win via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: This was about as boring as it sounds.

PROMO: Renee Young is interviewing AJ Styles. She asks him "Who exactly is AJ Styles?" While he is answering Jericho interrupts. Saying Styles belongs here, but he still has to prove it against him tonight.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho

AJ Styles vs. Chris Jericho.. On Raw.. A dream match for me is coming true and I'm too excited.

A lock up starts the match, and the ref breaks it up. The two trade wrestling holds and arm drags. Jericho controlled the match with elbows and knees, but Styles hits a big running clothesline to gain momentum. Jericho however gets back on top and starts his knife inch chops. Styles is thrown on the apron, and Jericho hits a springboard drop kick to knock him down. Hard landing for Styles. After a suplex Jericho gets a one-count. Styles gets the advantage and starts his chops, but Jericho reverses and hits another drop kick from the second rope. Styles hits a surprise drop kick of his own as Jericho rolls out of the ring. Styles chases him onto the apron, but Jericho gets up and knocks his feet out from underneath him.

*Commercial Break*

When we get back from break Jericho is still in control. Styles then starts to heat up with a crazy amount of strikes, and a big suplex for a two-count. The two trade moves, and Jericho hits another huge kick for yet another two-count. Styles launches himself off the top rope with a flying elbow for a two-count. Jericho locks in the Walls of Jericho in the middle of the ring, but Styles desperately makes it to the bottom rope! Amazing match. Jericho goes for a clothesline and Styles hits that cartwheel kick to head and goes to the top rope for a splash but Jericho rolls away. Styles blocks a Lionsault, and rolls Jericho up for a pin!

After the match Styles extends his hand for a handshake. Jericho shakes it but pulls Styles back for a stare down as he tried to walk away.

RESULT: AJ Styles wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: THIS IS WRESTLING. Beautiful match. Even though they still haven't let him hit the Styles Clash yet, but that'll be an even bigger moment when he does now. Great great great.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sasha Banks vs. Becky Lynch

Sasha returned last night and attacked Charlotte after her match, and I couldn't have been happier. My girl is back!

This is a rematch of one of the best women's matches that NXT ever put on.

Becky starts off on fire here, and that's not a bad joke because of her orange hair. But Sasha quickly takes control after that. Becky and Sasha trade moves back and forth, and Becky hits a big suplex for a two-count. Sasha sets Becky up on the middle ropes and drives her knees through her for a two-count. Sasha hits her knees to the back and locks in the Bank Statement but in comes Charlotte to throw Sasha out of the ring and then takes it to Becky. Sasha hops back in the ring and attacks as well, but Charlotte makes short work of her too as she stands above both divas.

RESULT: Technically this should be Sasha winning via DQ since she was attacked first.
THOUGHTS: Good match, and a decent ending setting up for a triple threat match I'm sure.

PROMO: Goldust and R-Truth are in the back. Goldust tells Truth that he is in search for a new partner, but Truth says he is a married man.. He does not swing that way.. And walks away.. Odd.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Kane vs. Bray Wyatt(w The Wyatt Family)

Bray starts off with the advantage and upper hand. Kane then comes back with a drop kick to take control. Bray then hits a clubbing blow of his own to take the momentum.

*Commercial Break*

We come back with Bray still in control. This match is struggling to hold my interest, and I am a huge Bray Wyatt fan. Bray goes for his back splash, but Kane avoids it. Kane hits a clothesline and a side walk slam for a two-count. Kane preps for a chokeslam, but Wyatt reverses for a slam of his own for a two-count. Kane hits a big boot and preps for a chokeslam again. Bray rolls out of the ring, Kane follows and hits Rowan and throws Bray back in. Harper distracts Kane, Sister Abigail from Bray Wyatt gets him the win.

The Wyatts attack Kane after the match per usual. Stroman makes Kane look like a child.. It's ridiculous.

RESULT: Bray Wyatt wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Like I said this struggled to hold my attention. Not much to this.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Earlier today a "rumor" surfaced on WWE's twitter page saying that a major star is making a return for WrestleMania season. There has been a limo in the parking garage all night and Rich Brennan is going to see if he can find out who is inside. The Miz steps out of the limo. Talk about a major let down. Then comes a TRUCK! THE ROCK! THE ROCK IS BACK! The Miz gets mad at Rocky, but Rock blows him off. Rock stops by to talk to Rick Ross, Big Show, and Lana and Rusev before making his way to the ring! There is no one better at what they do than The Rock. Its unbelievable. In the ring The Rock confirms that he will be WrestleMania! The Rock then goes off script to talk to some fans who are dressed up in the front row. Amazing. Then out to join comes.. NEW DAY! Yes! The New Day and The Rock in the same ring.. Kofi brings up the fact that he is called the peoples champion but he does not have any gold. Good points. Big E then brings up how Rock left Miami to leave LA. So many comedic moments I wish I could tell you guys. The Rock responds in true Rock fashion and brings up the "llama penises" on their heads.. Not unicorn horns. Calling Big E what would happen if the Incredible Hulk banged Steve Urkle.. The Rock then invites New Day into the ring to fight. New Day decides that the fans don't deserve it and say goodbye, but The Rock stops them. Saying that plan B is going to work and plan B is family. The Usos come out and all three men take care of New Day.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Paige & Natalya vs. Alicia Fox & Brie Bella

Paige picks up the pin with the Rampaige

RESULT: Paige & Natalya win via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Basically a fill time match. A bad one at that.

*Commercial Break*

PROMO: Miz is in the ring talking about how he is tired of being interrupted.. And is then interrupted by Kalisto for a match.

MATCH: Kalisto vs. The Miz

Miz uses his frustration to start off hot, but Kalistos speed takes over. Miz uses his clear power advantage, but it is well countered by Kalistos speed. A flying cross body gets Kalisto a two-count.

*Commercial Break*

We come back with Kalisto getting beaten on pretty hard. Miz hits a clothesline for a close two-count. Miz goes up top and hits a big double axe handle for a two-count. Miz goes for a neck breaker but Kalisto gets a sneaky roll up pin for a two-count. Kalisto hits a big move off the top rope and a corkscrew after that for a two-count. A huge DDT by Miz gets him a two-count. Kalista then hits his Salida Del Sol out of nowhere for the win.

RESULTS: Kalisto wins via pin fall.
THOUGHTS: Not a bad match! Kalisto is always entertaining.

MATCH: Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus & Rusev(w League of Nations)

I will cover this like I normally cover tag matches. If anything crazy happens I'll let you know. Other than that it is who wins, and how.

Roman Reigns hits a spear on Sheamus for the win.

After the match Reigns and Ambrose power bomb Rusev through an announce table.

RESULT: Dean Ambrose & Roman Reigns win via pin fall
THOUGHTS: Good and very entertaining match! I love the quick paced matches like this.

PROMO: Stephanie comes out to announce the main event at FastLane. The main event is a triple threat match. Roman Reigns vs. Dean Ambrose vs. Brock Lesnar. Whoever wins will go on to main event WrestleMania vs. HHH for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship.

What did you think of the show? Let us know in the comments below!


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