Mailbag Inbox Q&A - January 2016 | Smark Out Moment

Mailbag Inbox Q&A - January 2016

Posted by Anthony Mango Wednesday, January 27, 2016
Latest WWE Inbox Episode Questions and Answers Smark Out Moment
Do you have a question that you want to ask the minds over at Smark Out Moment? Our version of the WWE Inbox is the Smark Out Moment Mailbag. Once a month, we set aside some time to answer any of the questions on your mind, whether they be wrestling related, trivia to try to stump us, or just general questions to get to know Tony Mango and the other members of the team better.

Here are your submissions for this month:

Sent in from BenderFilms

Question: "In the late 80's to mid 90's, many wrestlers had moves that just don't hold up today, and are now just regular moves! (DDT, Leg Drop, etc.) The question is, who is someone from that era that had a finisher that looks just as devastating and good as it did "back in the day"?"

Answer: The Sharpshooter still holds up for me. That's the first that comes to my mind. The spinebuster is still cool, too.

Question: "If you were a wrestler, what would your gimmick be, attire look like, and move set be (assuming you have amazing athletic ability and can do whatever moves you want), and what "era" would you wrestle in??? Thanks for reading, love the content. Keep it up."

Answer: Thanks Bender! We've answered this before in the past, but to refresh my answer, I still think I'd be somewhat of a suited up Chris Jericho type of heel and I'd probably want to be in the current era.

Sent in from Declan McAree

Question: "I went back to early 2014 and watched every Smalk Talk episode from then on. I got to the WM32 review and Wago said that at the time he thought WM32 was the best of all time but that 6-9 months later he may have a different opinion. Looking back on it what do you guys think of WM32 and do you guys still think that it could potentially be classed as the best Wrestlemania ever."

Answer: Do you mean WrestleMania 30 from 2014 or 31 from 2015? Either way, I think they both hold up to a good extent, but I don't know if I'd rank either of them as the best ever. That would take a lot of deep thinking and a tournament to force me to pick. I'd have to rewatch some of them, too.

Sent in from Peter Piccininni

Question: "I need to have a short prolog before my question. So I am diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome ASD I also have ADHD. Fun fact Sasha Banks brother is also Autistic. Motor and sensory perception failed at wrestling. Social interaction my social disorder reason I don't call up as much as should Monday night. One part of my brain may be closed, but I think the part of mind most people can't access is creative. The reason I believe I come up with insane ideas I post in The Mega Maniacs group. I haven't seen my friends since that Summerslam that Bryan won and lost the gold. I mean I had my class and work acquaintancesbut not my real friends. So thanks for being my friends because after I came to Mega Maniacs group you were no longer celebrities, but my friends.So my questions any opion change on me? I think you'll say we don't care I feel I'm well like on Mega Maniacs without this knowledge and next week if this is the week before the rumble I'd be listening for a year. Also anything you want to say about Autism or Asperger Syndrome. Also do you know other than me another ASD wrestler or am I the only one?"

Answer: As far as myself (and I think I can speak for the others as well), that doesn't change my opinion at all. I (we) definitely love having all you guys around supporting us, keeping the conversation going, and goofing off in The Mega Maniacs and in the comments and whatnot. It's a lot of fun. Thanks for sticking with us for a full year, too! As far as the autism / AS side of the question, I'm not too familiar with all that much in regards to them, nor do I know anyone in the wrestling industry that is involved, but if you're the only one out there, kudos man!

Question: "I think I missed some points. Matt Morgan, Little Egypt from GLOW and claims Rowdy Piper have ADHD too. I never use any of the above as crutch except when I still want to meet a celebrity. Paden your my favorite Peyton, Paden now. P.S have many questions for next months, but was only going to ask the first one because of the seriousness. But tonight is the Rumble I lost connection like almost every time. If anyone and I feel not was offended by my cursing we're grow up I was mad. This a lot and is a reason I stopped watching NXT some Takeovers didn't play and lost touch with it. This buffering or loading please wait happens at a lot of PPVs. I really only use the Network for PPV and show every now and then. Me and Mom think my room is a dead zone. When I posted that I was kindly saying tonight that complaining to clear that up. I bought and a new TV for the PPV and have a new Roku for it so I can't really move because the Roku can't connect to other TV and I'd rather not watch on my phone. I'm not complaining I'm just very annoyed. So my question does this happen to you guys? Is this a WWE or my internet problem? Any suggestions any help would be great. This may or may not be solved by now never know what I'll find on the web but any thoughts thanks guys"

Answer: Don't feel bad about cursing. We do it all the time (probably too much). During the Royal Rumble, a couple of us suffered some hiccups and on my end, we had to actually restart our feed completely, which is definitely annoying as hell during something timed like that. It could be an internet issue if it happens very consistently, so you should check your connections with SpeedTest and talk to your ISP if those levels aren't right. Otherwise, it could just be the WWE Network itself, and in that case, I don't think there's anything any of us can do about it but complain to WWE directly with their feedback services.

Sent in from AwesomePianoMan

Question: "I'm hungry for some cheese pizza. Where should I go?"

Answer: The Pizza Belt! Just not Papa Johns.

Sent in from Morrosupremo

Question: "Pitch in your opinion the best WrestleMania 32 card with the active superstars without injuries that you have?"

Answer: Stay tuned for the upcoming Fantasy Booking of WrestleMania 32!

Sent in from June Rider

Question: "Will Smark Out Moment ever do a retro review? Say that you pick a particular match from the past and you guys talk about your opinions on the feud, what could've been done to make it better, and then finally the match itself. You could also talk about what the feud meant for both competitors careers. I think something like this could be really cool to do every once in a while. Thanks and keep up the great work."

Answer: Thanks for the compliments, June! I definitely want to expand future editions of the Wrestling with the Past segment to incorporate more structured reviews of past events and such, so stay tuned for that.

Question: "Should wrestling focus more on the story-line aspects or should it try to feel as unpredictable as possible? In my opinion I think the WWE is a story driven sports Entertainment Company that tries to set up intriguing stories that will appeal to a mass audience, but it seems that most outside of the casual fans are losing sight of that. In their mind the WWE should try to feel as unpredictable as possible, but can that ruin an ongoing story-line? Just want to know your thoughts. Thanks and keep up the great work."

Answer: More than anything, I think there needs to be a balance. Storyline should take precedent over pure shock value, cause once that initial surprise is over, you need to deal with the consequences. Sure, it would be crazy and unpredictable to see someone like Heath Slater win the Royal Rumble, but how would you then realistically build up to WrestleMania? Each surprise should be weighted on how much staying power it has and those shocks should be used to mix things up once in a while and keep the fans on their toes, but never just to get a response for the sake of getting a response. A proper storyline executed in the right way is always the best even if it's predictable.

Sent in from The Silent Wind of Doom

Question: "If you could make a stable of wrestlers in the style of Social Outcasts, made out of the most underappreciated or just the best jobber wrestlers of all time, what four would you pick?"

Answer: Barry Horowitz, Virgil, Gillberg, and Brooklyn Brawler.

Question: "We got the new nicknames "Heathy Baby" and "Red Dragon" for Heath Slater. What is your proposed new nickname for him?"

Answer: Hearsay Heath Slater.

Question: "The Rock says Lana told him Rusev smells like rotten testacles. Looking at Rusev, what do you think he smells like?"

Answer: Potatoes.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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