A Big Future for The New Day's Big E in WWE | Smark Out Moment

A Big Future for The New Day's Big E in WWE

Posted by Jackson Ward Monday, December 7, 2015
In a WWE that seems to be promoting polarization, characters and plots end up being received in shades of gray. Dean Ambrose is about only guy on the roster who is exclusively cheered. With heel and face assignments becoming more and more arbitrary, a Superstar's goal has been narrowed down to one thing: get a reaction.

No matter what affiliation you claim—markdom, smarkdom, or just a casual consumer—you have had a reaction to The New Day, who have become the new darlings of the Internet Wrestling Community. They are hated by traditional fans and for the ChristEasters, they evoke a cocktail of emotions. In 2015, that's the Holy Trinity.

It's not a debatable point; they're great.

Projecting them can be tricky. Kofi Kingston and Big E have been capped at the Intercontinental ranks as solo acts. Xavier Woods never got a real chance in singles competition. At some point, The New Day will get an opportunity to graduate from the Tag Team division. That evolution has to be led by Big E.

Best WWE Entertainer Big E
Don't let the gyration fool you, Big E is an imposing dude.

By far the most committed member of The New Day, Big E has been nothing short of spectacular. His mic work spews a form outrageous dedication that is foreign in today's WWE. His antics and physical humor alone give all viewers incentive to stick around a little longer. He's been magnetic and the time has come for Big E to get a main event push.

He's got the look. As any pseudo-intelluctul fan will tell you, "Vince loves big guys." It's become an overused bullet point, but that doesn't kill its validity. I mean, who do you think put the strap on The Great Khali? A gloss over of WWE history only affirms this. WWE has always preferred its wrestlers to be physically exceptional; anomalies. WWE has built its empire by conquering the casual fan. To do that, there needed to a sideshow feel to the promotion. Fans weren't to just have a wrestling experience, they were to have an entertainment experience. Thus the obsession with size. Whether it be attractions like Giant Gonzalez or the morbidly obese Yokozuna, WWE wants you to ask, "Hey, who's that guy?" In sports entertainment, instant gratification is priceless.

With pecs like basketballs and hips like Shakira, Big E is going to get your attention. Being massive is a gimmick in itself—look at Ryback. But, to be a WWE Champion you must be multifaceted (or partly Samoan).

Big E has that range. We know he can be funny. We know he's a good talker. It's hard to make detractions about his in ring work. His moveset is punishing. Who really wants to take that splash? Or eat that Suicide Spear? He has done a great job highlighting his strengths, which happens to be his strength.

Considering his relative short time in WWE, he's accomplished, too. Big E has won the Smark Gold medal (NXT Championship) and semi-recently held the Smark Silver (I.C. belt).

If there's anything to go against him, it's the fact that he has yet to capture a truly significant win on the main roster. His more memorable feuds include the likes of Damien Sandow (R.I.P), Jack Swagger, Curtis Axel and The Miz. Not exactly Murderer's Row, but hey, he's got to start somewhere.

Nothing rubs off that NXT shine quite like some lukewarm booking on the main roster—just ask Adrian Neville. However, Big E has progressed well and his arch is promising. Throw in the fact he's only 29, and that makes Big E a genuine prospect.

If he is to return to singles competition as a New Day representative, he'll most likely be re-inserted into the Intercontinental scene. Big E squaring off against Kevin Owens or Dean Ambrose is an intriguing thought, no doubt.

The wildcard? Brock Lesnar.

Although Big E's goofy disposition may distract from his physical prowess, it's safe to say that he has comparable strength to Lesnar's. If you step in the ring with Lesnar, you better look the part. No one has annihilated the suspension of disbelief quite like him. Those who clamored for Daniel Bryan to challenge Lesnar at WrestleMania 31 would have gotten something that looked more like a snuff film than a wrestling match.

We digress.

Can you imagine Paul Heyman trading promos with The New Day? It would end up being more like a filibuster, but the entertainment value would be infinite. Already reminiscent of the Lion King's hyenas, The New Day's pack-like mentality is perfect for run-in shenanigans. This could be a potent feud.

Enough of the hypothetical. It can be fun, but it's inherently useless. One last thing. If you didn't know, Big E is black. Unless you count The Rock, there has never been a black WWE Champion. Seeing that WWE likes to beat their progressive chest at times, how hard is it to imagine them seeing a social incentive with Big E as champ?

Even if Big E had green skin, he is deserving of a stiff push. Above all, Big E's effort is commendable. He and his pals have taken a questionable gimmick and turned into the best part of every Raw and SmackDown. Here's to recognizing opportunity and going for it.

Fun WWE Tag Team Champions New Day
Hyenas, Maggle!

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