WWE Monday Night Raw
Sasha Banks vs Paige
Nikki Bella vs Charlotte: Divas Championship match
Oh look, Sasha Banks vs Paige for the FOURTH time in two weeks. I love these two, but half of these matches have not had an actual finish, the quality overall has been average and this "feud" is getting a bit stale as the match starts with Paige taking out Sasha quickly with a take down. Paige goes right back after her. Finally, Sasha gets the upper hand and goes for a pin but it is only a two-count. Sasha begins to work on Paige's right arm bending it in ways it is definitely not supposed to be bent. Sasha then puts her up on the ropes and drives her knees into her stomach and gets a two-count. The Boss then goes back to working on her opponents arms. Paige reverses Sasha in the corner and shits her with several kicks. Paige rolls through for a pin, but Sasha reverses it for a two-count of her own. After the pin, Paige hits a huge German suplex in which I thought may have hurt Banks a little (seriously look at the video of that suplex and tell me that Banks did not suffer at least a little bit of whiplash from it). Paige goes outside the ring, but Tamina slams Paige. After getting back in the ring Sasha locks in the Bank Statement, forcing Paige to tap out. After the match, Team B.A.D. attacks Becky Lynch and Paige as they stand victorious.
The other Divas match is the one we've all been waiting for. We'll see if Nikki Bella will break AJ Lee's record for most consecutive days as Divas Champion or if Charlotte can win her first Divas title and add to the Flair legacy. This match starts off with Charlotte getting Nikki in a lock up. She then begins a flurry of offense on the champ. Then Nikki begins working on the left arm of Charlotte by stretching it between the ropes, smashing it to the canvas with shots from the knees. Charlotte sweeps Nikki right off her feet, but can not capitalize as Nikki goes back to work on the arm. Both ladies are on the apron as Nikki slams Charlotte's arm and face into the canvas, where Nikki begins to dominate the match as we go to break.
When we come back from break, Nikki is still in control of the match and is still targeting that arm with arm bars and stomps. I have to say, Nikki's ring psychology has really improved in the past year when given time to work. Charlotte finally powers out of the arm bar with a big slam for some much needed separation. Charlotte then hits Nikki with chops (which I still think look kind of weird) and punches followed by big boot that gets her a near fall. Nikki then goes right back for the arm, and hits a drop kick as Charlotte went for the spear but only gets her a two-count. Nikki and Brie then switch for Twin Magic, and Charlotte gets a surprising roll up on Brie for a win and we have a new champion or so it seems. Charlotte is joined by Paige and Becky Lynch along with Ric Flair. I know where this is going, because this has been done before. Stephanie McMahon comes out to stop the celebration, and she says that Charlotte can not win the title by pinning Brie. When Brie put her hands on Charlotte that's a disqualification by the letter of the law and Nikki keeps the belt. Stephanie does say that Charlotte will get her rematch at Night of Champions and if Nikki loses by count-out or by disqualification, then she loses the title.
When we come back from break, Nikki is still in control of the match and is still targeting that arm with arm bars and stomps. I have to say, Nikki's ring psychology has really improved in the past year when given time to work. Charlotte finally powers out of the arm bar with a big slam for some much needed separation. Charlotte then hits Nikki with chops (which I still think look kind of weird) and punches followed by big boot that gets her a near fall. Nikki then goes right back for the arm, and hits a drop kick as Charlotte went for the spear but only gets her a two-count. Nikki and Brie then switch for Twin Magic, and Charlotte gets a surprising roll up on Brie for a win and we have a new champion or so it seems. Charlotte is joined by Paige and Becky Lynch along with Ric Flair. I know where this is going, because this has been done before. Stephanie McMahon comes out to stop the celebration, and she says that Charlotte can not win the title by pinning Brie. When Brie put her hands on Charlotte that's a disqualification by the letter of the law and Nikki keeps the belt. Stephanie does say that Charlotte will get her rematch at Night of Champions and if Nikki loses by count-out or by disqualification, then she loses the title.
Well that finish sure was a cop-out. The match was fine, I didn't have complaints in that department, but somewhere in the back of my mind, I knew this was happening. I think what people are upset about is the fact that Nikki broke AJ Lee's record and if I were a betting man, I'd wager that that was what WWE intended to do, whether it was for storyline or backstage reasons.
Looking at this whole match and finish objectively, it did what its job well. It set up the rematch at Night of Champions, Nikki now has immense heat and you need that in a top heel for your division. One thing that I implore WWE to do is to start establishing storylines. If I may fantasy book for a bit, I would have Paige turn on Charlotte in the match on Sunday, keep the title on Nikki and then have Sasha Banks win the title at Hell in a Cell and Paige vs Charlotte in the same pay-per-view. There you have two potentially great feuds that have nothing to do with hashtags or revolutions. Just straight up wrestling angles
TNA Impact Wrestling
Brooke vs Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim vs Lei'D Tapa (Fatal 4-Way Knockouts Title Match)
Well now we've come full circle in this title feud from last week where Awesome Kong and Lei'D Tapa interrupted that week's Knockouts Title match. The match starts with Brooke trying to take on Kong and Gail Kim to Tapa. The two behemoths no sell their offense and push them out of the ring. Tapa throws Kim to the barricade to take her out as Kong continues to no sell Brooke. Kong throws herself at Tapa out of the ring and Kim out of nowhere does to the same. Not to be outdone, Brooke connects a crossbody from the top of the rope out of the ring to Kim. Tapa and Kong fight outside of the ring while the champ and Kim fight in the ring, with Brooke hitting Kim with a hurricarana and a side-Russian leg sweep, getting the momentum momentarily before Kim stops her and tries to hit her leg with the steel post.
Once the action spilled into outside the ring, Kong takes out Brooke by pushing to the post. Tapa and Kim go back to the ring and Tapa slowly starts to dominate until Kim hits Tapa in the back of the leg. Kim just starts kicking Tapa while she's down and goes to the top rope. Tapa gets there almost immediately and hits Kim with a Superplex. Kong then hits a top rope splash on Tapa and Brooke hits a top rope elbow on Kong when she was down. With everybody back up, connects on a double clothesline to Brooke and Kim. Tapa then has Kong in a fireman's carry but then Brooke pushes and kicks them out of the ring. The two remaining women are Kim and Brooke and Brooke goes for the sunset flip but Kim counters and holds Brooke down for the win and Kim is your new Knockouts champion.
I've always been a huge Gail Kim and seeing her win the title was great. The match overall was pretty solid. I thoroughly enjoyed and it deserved to be a title match. My one complaint was the action wasa bit too fast at times and everybody was just hitting spots, one after another. Even still, that doesn't take away too much from what I thought was the best match of the week.
Bailey vs Sarah Dobson
Bailey, in her first match since NXT TakeOver: Brooklyn, takes on Sarah Dobson and right off the bat, Dobson is aggressive, hitting Bailey with forearms and even using some creative offense like doing a drop toe hold to have Bailey hit the first rope and then back flipping into a double knee strike to Bailey. Dobson goes for a pin only to get a two-count but keeps on the offensive assault. Dobson then has Bailey in a guillotine hold for a about a minute until Bailey gets up in the hold and drives Dobson into the corner, freeing herself. The champ then connects on a couple of double axel handles which allows to hit Dobson with a great suplex and then hits the Bailey-to-Belly suplex to get the victory. Bailey then grabs the microphone and as soon as she starts talking, Sasha Banks appears and talks about how great their match was and pretty much goes full babyface until she says that she's here to win. Both exchange words and the intensity could be felt from these two. The crowd starts chanting "Ironwoman" in regards to the 30-minute Ironwoman match that will main event the next NXT TakeOver special. This segment was phenomenal and it showcases how great these two truly are. I expect nothing from greatness from these two come October.
WWE SmackDown
Naomi and Sasha Banks vs Paige and Becky Lynch
Becky and Naomi start the match and Becky connects on some forearm hits, a take down on Naomi and she starts hitting her from all sides. Lynch, clearly with the momentum on her side, forces Naomi to have to tag in Banks but even the former NXT champion can't weather this initial offensive fire storm from Lynch. Banks was able to reverse an Irish whip to push Becky into the corner, forcing het to jump once she gets to the corner, but Banks was prepared for that kicks Lynch in mid-air to stop her in her tracks as we go to commercials.
Coming back from the commercial break, Lynch is dangling upside down on Team B.A.D.'s corner as Naomi is stomping on Lynch's upper body. Banks tags in doing the same thing until Naomi is out back into the match and continues to pound on Lynch until Banks is tagged in again. Banks goes for a pin only to get a two-count. She then pushes Lynch into the second rope and is being held by the legs by Banks while Naomi leap frogs Banks and butt stomps Lynch. Very creative teamwork if I do say so myself. Lynch just keeps getting overwhelmed by Team B.A.D. as Banks comes in and continues to do damage with an abdominal stretch hold. Lynch eventually gets out and even manages to tag in Paige a little bit later. Paige starts her night with several knees to Naomi's face and looks to be on a roll, but Banks distracts Paige which is enough for Naomi to use a small package to get the pin victory for Team B.A.D.
There was also a backstage segment where Nikki was celebrating her breaking the record where she was walking into an empty party room that was supposed to be full of celebrities. PCB shows up to rub it in Nikki's face and remind her that she will lose the title at Night of Champions, followed by Adam Rose coming in to say that the party SUCKS! Nikki has had it and throws her cake into Brie and Alicia Fox to close the segment.
So there you have it, the breakdown for the week in women's wrestling. What were some of your favorite and least favorite moments from these women? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!
WOMAN OF THE WEEK: Brooke vs Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim vs Lei'D Tapa (Fatal 4-Way Knockouts Title Match: TNA Impact Wrestling)