Tag Team Turmoil: The Current State of the WWE Tag Team Division | Smark Out Moment

Tag Team Turmoil: The Current State of the WWE Tag Team Division

Posted by Unknown Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Tag team wrestling has lately been a lost art of old school wrestling. Thinking back to tag teams like The Road Warriors, The Hardy Boyz, Edge & Christian, or The New Age Outlaws, it's almost a difference of night and day from back then compared to now. The fact of the matter is that tag team wrestling should matter and should be important! Let's take a look at all of the current WWE tag teams and break down their potential and what they could improve on to make the division once again relevant.

WWE New Day Tag Team Champions
Current WWE Tag Team Champions: The New Day (Xavier Woods, Big E, and Kofi Kingston)


What better way to start the article than with the current tag team title holders? In fact, I LOVE THE NEW DAY! Yes, I said it. They are classic heels that generate actual heat and the audience really does despise them. That is also a lost art of wrestling—real heels that get booed no matter what city or town they are competing in—and that is what they really have going for them. As faces, they were horrendous, borderline embarrassing, but they have turned it around as of late with their newly found characters and are thriving in their roles. Like I said, they are the champions and deservedly so! They also have a lot of room to grow, though. These three guys have basically been happy-go-lucky faces their whole careers, so they are still a work in the making, but they could easily become the top villains of the tag division for a long time to come—given time and opportunities to work with.


Ahhh...two IWC golden boys. These two really do make a great team, wrestling-wise. They have the best double team moveset and obviously both are smooth as butter on their own in the ring as well. However, the problem with this equation is that they have no identity—no personality at all. Are they heels or faces? Are they tweeners? I really do not know, and if they can find that identity, that's when they can break through that glass ceiling of tag team wrestling and really set the standard for the other teams striving for greatness. Mick Foley predicted these guys as the tag team of the year and I can definitely see that coming true regardless of finding their identity or not, but if they really want to be on the next level with the other more popular modern tag teams (Team Hell No, Miz and Morrison, The Usos), they need to craft those personalities. I'll watch and enjoy a Kidd/Cesaro match regardless as well.


There's not much you can say about The Usos that hasn't already been said. They have been the only constant of the tag team division for the past few years now and stand alone as the clear cut faces of the entire division. They are so entertaining in the ring and they just look comfortable in their skin when they are out there. Now, we all know that one half of The Usos is currently sidelined with an injury, so that clears the way for a tag team like Cesaro and Kidd (or the team I will talk about next) to really step into the spotlight, but the twins will be here for years on end with multiple tag tam title reigns. When it's all said and done, they may be considered one of the top 10 tag teams of all time.


I am really high on this team. Sin Cara has finally found his niche paired with the high-flying and exciting Kalisto (who will be the next Rey Mysterio, by the way) and this team is gaining a lot of momentum. Kalisto has a very bright singles future ahead, so this team will basically be together until creative is ready to pull the trigger on him. Until then, we should all sit back and enjoy this awesome team while we can. They could have a good match with any tag team on the roster and I see a couple championship reigns in their future. If there's one thing this team could work on, it is to just keep working on fresh and exciting moves. That is their money maker and they need to stay original in that area.


There is one thing The Ascension needs to do... STEP UP!! There is a glaring shortage of heel tag teams right now in WWE and this team could be the perfect filler if they can revert back to their entertaining NXT days. Cesaro/Kidd, Usos, and the Lucha Dragons need a real heel team to fight other than The New Day and the great thing about The Ascension is they could really generate some heat. The audience is honestly annoyed with them and their obvious failure to step up to the plate on the main roster. If they can prove them all wrong and become somewhat entertaining, then they could be really good television, but that's easier said than done. Ascension...if you're reading this...you've been called out!


One question here, WHY ARE THESE GUYS NOT USED MORE?! They honestly are really entertaining and funny guys and could be major prime time players in the tag division (pun intended). Creative's refusal to put these guys in the spotlight is somewhat baffling to me and I'm sure to a lot of the WWE Universe. These guys really could be that x-factor to take this division to another level as they could play heels or faces effectively. Polish up their rings skills a little bit and we're looking at a really elite team here... as long as creative puts the guys in the dang ring once in a while! We want the PTP's!!!

As a fan of tag team wrestling, I really hope there is a bright future for the division. As an optimistic fan, I do believe these six teams are a good foundation for the future of the division, but there needs to be more talent in the division as well. I'd love to see a powerhouse team like Sheamus and Barrett or another odd job like Team Hell No or The Miz and Damien Mizdow come along. Hopefully, the current NXT teams will be ready to really go when they get that call up. Here's to hoping to a good year of tag team wrestling and thanks for the read!

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