WWE Raw 3/23/15 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 3/23/15 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, March 23, 2015
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for March 23, 2015 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from Staples Center in Los Angeles. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

Tonight's show starts with Sting coming to the ring. Sting talks smack on Triple H. Stephanie comes to the ring. Stephanie welcomes Sting to the "Big Time". Stephanie reminds Sting that her father eviscerated his career when he bought WCW. Stephanie then compares Sting's loyalty to WCW to that of a dog. She then calls Sting a freak. Sting gives a WOO! Stephanie tries to slap Sting but he blocks it. Triple H comes to the ring, takes off his jacket, and rolls up his sleeves. Stephanie grabs the sludge hammer from beneath the ring. Sting swings his bat. Tripe H retreats.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dean Ambrose and R-Truth vs. Stardust and Luke Harper

R-Truth and Stardust start things off. Stardust is sent to the corner. He tags in Luke Harper. Ambrose is tagged in as well. He gets Harper in and armbar. Harper reverses and sends Ambrose to the mat. Ambrose hits a Thesz Press and follows with a rake across the ropes. Ambrose hits a boot followed by a dropkick for 2. Stardust interferes. Truth comes to the aid of Ambrose. They send Harper and Dust to the outside.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Stardust in control of Ambrose. Ambrose is driven to the corner. He fights out but is caught with an Alabama Slammer from Stardust. Harper is tagged in and dominates Ambrose. Harper hits a slingshot into the bottom rope for a 2 count. Harper applies a rear chinlock. Ambrose fights out but gets hit with a side slam for 2. Stardust is tagged in and goes for a superplex. Ambrose counters and plants Stardust from the top rope. Harper knocks Ambrose off the top rope. Ambrose hits a clothesline outside and regains control. R-Truth and Stardust are tagged in. R-Truth slams Stardust for a 2 count. Ambrose takes out Harper. Truth hit his finisher for a 3 count.

WINNERS: Dean Ambrose and R-Truth

*Commercial Break*

A special segment with competitors form the Special Olympics airs.

A video package for Roman Reigns airs.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Mizdow, Miz, Adam Rose, and The Ascension vs. Titus O'Neil, Ryback, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, and Eric Rowan.

This match is basically a preview for the Battle Royal at WrestleMania. Each person gets a spot in. Ryback picks up the pin on Miz with a Shell Shock.

WINNERS: Titus O'Neil, Ryback, Zack Ryder, Darren Young, and Eric Rowan

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Randy Orton vs. Seth Rollins and J&J Security

Joey Mercury start things off against Mercury. Orton plants Mercury and calls out Rollins. Mercury tags in Noble instead. J&J distract Orton and Rollins kicks him in the head. Orton fights back and hits a double DDT on J&J. Orton fights off Rollins and hits an RKO on J&J for 3.

WINNER: Randy Orton via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Nikki Bella vs. Paige

The 2 women lock up. Paige gains the advantage. She hits a headbutt. Nikki fights back and shows off. Paige fights back and hits a clothesline from the apron. Back in the ring Nikki fights back for a 2 count.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Nikki Bella in control. Nikki hits a spinebuster. Paige fights back. The 2 women hit each other with a double clothesline. Paige gets to her feet and plants Nikki for 2. Nikki fights back and hits an enziguri for 2. Paige fights back and hits a superkick for 2. Nikki reverses and with an inside cradle for 2. Nikki follows with an Alabama Slammer for 2. Paige hits her finisher for 2. Paige tackles Nikki to the outside. Paige gets elbowed by AJ by accident and Nikki takes her out. Back in the ring Nikki hits the Rack Attack for the 3 count.

WINNER: Nikki via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

Snoop Dogg comes out. He is interrupted by CUrt Hawkins. They exchange words and Snoop Dogg disses AxelMania. He then introduces the real "Mania": HulkaMania. Hulk Hogan comes to the ring. Hogan also disses AxelMania. Axel rips his shirt off and gets in Hogan's face. Hogan punches Axel and celebrates with Snoop Dogg.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Los Matadores vs. Cesaro, Tyson Kidd, and Natalya

Cesaro gets the early advantage and Matador reverses with a cross body and makes the tag. Torrito and Natalya square off. Tyson Kidd comes in and Dominates Matador. Cesaro is tagged in. He applies a rear chinlock. Matador tries to fight out but gets hit with knee. Cesaro makes the tag and spins Matador. Tyson Kidd hits a dropkick and contnues the offensive. Matador reverses. Cesaro is tagged in. Torrito and Matador gang up on Cesaro. Cesaro fights back. Natalya hits Torrito with a clothesline. Torrito rolls up Natalya for a 3 count.

WINNERS: Los Matadores via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Jack Swagger vs. Zeb Colter

Rusev drives Swagger to the corner and beats on him. Swagger fights back but is quickly taken back down by Rusev. Swagger fight out of the corner with an elbow. Swagger hits a big boot and whips Rusev to the corner. Rusev fight out of the Patriot Lock but gets slammed for 1. Rusev drives Swagger to the corner and assaults him with kicks. Rusev hits Swagger with a clothesline. Rusev hits a super kick and puts Swagger in the Accolade.

WINNER: Rusev via Pinfall

After the match John Cena comes to help Swagger. Rusev destroys Cena.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bray Wyatt coming to the ring. Wyatt gets on the mic and talks smack on the Undertaker. Thunder begins to rumble throughout the arena. Wyatt disregards the thunder and calls himself the New Face of Fear in the WWE.

Diesel is announced as an inductee to the WWE Hall of Fame.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler

Bryan gets behind Ziggler and brings him to the mat. Ziggler fights out. Bryan applies a side headlock. He brings Ziggler to the mat with a snapmare. Ziggler wiggles out and they stare each other down. The two men lock up in a Greco-Roman knuckle lock. Bryan comes out on top and throws Ziggler to the ring by the wrist. Ziggler hits a snapmare and drops an elbow. He applies a side headlock. Ziggler forces Bryan to the corner. Ziggler slaps Bryan in the face. The two begin to brawl. Bryan goes up and over Ziggler. Ziggler send Bryan to the apron. Bryan reverses and sends Ziggler outside. Ziggler sidesteps Bryan and hits him with a huge clothesline over the barricade.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bryan in control. Ziggler reverses and Ziggler applies a sleeper hold. Ziggler hits a back elbow and goes for a Fameasser but Bryan reverses for a 2 count. Bryan hits a German suplex for 2. Bryan goes to the top rope but Ziggler knocks him to the turnbuckle. Ziggler goes for a superplex but Bryan fights out. Ziggler comes back and plants Bryan for a 2 count. Bryan goes for a back slide but Ziggler reverses for 2. Bryan fight back with a kick to the head for 2. Bryan kicks Ziggler in the corner ending with a huge dropkick. Bryan goes for another one but Ziggler hits a superkick followed by a superkick for 2.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler via Pinfall

After the match, Ambrose hits Dirty Deeds on Ziggler. He gets a ladder and reaches for the IC Title above the ring. All the contestants of the WrestleMania ladder match pour into the ring.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar making their way to the ring. Heyman gets on the mic and hypes up Lesnar vs. Reigns. Heyman says that whenever people say that Lesnar can't do something, they are proven wrong. Reigns comes to the ring. Reigns and Lesnar stare each other down. Lesnar hold the title up. Reigns snatches it from Lesnar. The crowd boos Reigns. The 2 men struggle for the belt.


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