WWE Raw 2/9/15 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 2/9/15 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, February 9, 2015
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for February 9, 2015 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from Schottenstein Center in Columbus, OH. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

Tonight's show starts with Roman Reigns making his way through the crowd. He bemoans the fact that the Authority took away his right to main event at WrestleMania. Reigns says he will beat Daniel Bryan at Fast Lane and go on to Mania regardless. Daniel Bryan comes to the ring. Bryan sarcastically thanks Reigns for spearing the Big Show last week on Raw during Bryan's match with Rollins. Daniel Bryan says that it doesn't matter if Reigns is bigger and stronger, because Bryan is the better wrestler. The Authority come to the top of the ramp. Triple H calls out Sting to confront him tonight. Stephanie schedules a tag match between Reigns and Bryan vs. Kane and Big Show.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Kane and Big Show vs. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns

THe match begins with Bryan and Kane. Bryan counters a slam by Kane and dumps him outside the ring. Bryan hits a suicide dive and tags in Reigns. Reigns goes to work on the arm of Kane. Reigns hits a big clothesline. Big Show is tagged in. Reigns backs him into the corner. Show gains control and beats on Show. Reigns reverses a chokeslam and hits a DDT for 2. Big Show hits a headbutt and tags in Kane. Kane hammers on Reigns in the corner. Kane applies a rear chinlock. Reigns fights out and slams Kane. Tags are made to Show and Bryan. Bryan gains control and hits a series of kicks in the corner. Show shoves him away but Bryan takes out Shows knee and hits the Yes! Kicks. Big Show rolls out of the ring. Bryan goes for a crossbody to the outside but is caught and slammed into the ropes by Kane and Big Show.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Bryan in a bear hug from Big Show. Bryan is slammed and Show tags in Kane. Kane makes a cover for 2. Bryan rallies but is stopped with a side slam for 2. Big Show is tagged in and they double team Bryan. Big Show walks across Bryan twice. Big Show goes for a splash from the middle rope but Bryan moves. Bryan goes for the tag but Kane is tagged in and knocks Reigns off the mat. Bryan gets Kane in the YES! Lock. Big Show pulls Bryan out of the ring and throws him over the barricade. The Ref calls for the bell.

WINNERS: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns via DQ

After the match, Daniel Bryan accidently kicks Roman Reigns while trying to fight off Kane. Reigns shoves Bryan. They stare each other down. Tripe H comes out and schedules a match a 5 on 2 match later tonight between Kane, Big Show, Rollins and J&J Security, vs. Daniel Bryan.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Ryback

Ryback is distracted by J&J and Rollins takes control. Ryback fights back but is dumped over the top. J&J pummel Ryback while the ref is distracted. Back in the ring, Rollins hits a neckbreaker for 2. Rollins applies the front facelock. Ryback fights back with a back body drop. Rollins rolls out of the ring. Ryback hits a spine buster. He goes for the Shell Shock but J&J interfere. The ref calls for the bell.

WINNER: Ryback via DQ

*Commercial Break*

A Sheamus video package airs.

MATCH: Brie Bella vs. Paige

Brie gains control and hits a kick to the back of the head. Brie delivers a running knee for 2. Brie applies a figure 4 headlock. Paige rolls up Brie for a 2 counr. Brie fights back and hits a dropkick for 2. Paige fights back with a series of clotheslines and a dropkick. Nikki tries to interfere and hit Paige with the belt but Paige reverses and hits her finisher for the 3 count.

WINNER: Paige via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Rusev and Lana coming to the ring and playing a video package of John Cena getting beat up. Lana and Rusev talk some trash on Cena about how he is washed up and week. Cena comes to the top of the ramp and responds to Rusev. Rusev and Cena clash on the ramp.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. Bray Wyatt

Wyatt throws Ziggler. Ziggler wrestles Wyatt to the mat. Ziggler hits a dropkick, but Wyatt quickly regains control. Ziggle ris choked on the middle rope. Ziggler sidesteps Wyatt and hits a neckbreaker. Wyatt is sent to the outside.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Wyatt in control. Wyatt covers Ziggler for 2. Wyatt applies a headlock. Ziggler rallies but is tackled by Wyatt. Ziggler fights back with a jack breaker. Ziggler slides under Wyatt and hits a DDT. Wyatt fights back and goes for the Sister Abigail but Ziggler counters and hits a famouser followed by a superkick for 2. Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Ziggler follows but gets his clocked cleaned with a big clothesline. Back in the ring, Wyatt hits Sister Abigail for a 3 count.

WINNER: Bray Wyatt via Pinfall

A video package for the Junkyard Dog airs.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar making their way to the ring. Heyman gets on the mic and talks trash on both Reigns and Daniel Bryan.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Star and Gold Dust vs. New Day

Stardust gains control over Kingston. Kingston is sent to the mat and Goldust is tagged in. Stardust walks away from the ring. Goldust is distracted and gets rolled up for 3.

WINNER: New Day via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

Reigns and Bryan cut a promo backstage about their match later tonight.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Stardust having a confrontation with Goldust backstage.

Triple H comes to the ring and calls out Sting. The lights dim and a raven is heard squawking. A video plays and the words "I Accept" appear on the titantron.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Usos vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd

Kidd quickly tags in Cesaro. Cesaro gains control and tags in Kidd. Uso drives Kidd to the corner and makes the tag. Uso makes the the cover for 2. Uso makes the tag and The Usos double team Kidd. Kidd fights back with a boot but is sent outside by Uso. Kidd gets on the apron and takes out Uso with a body scissors.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Cesaro getting tagged in and dead lifting Uso and throwing him across the ring. Kidd is tagged in and applies a headlock. Cesaro is tagged in and Cesaro pummels Uso. Uso fights back with an enziguri. Kidd and Jey Uso are tagged in. Jey hits a headbutt to the corner. Kidd rolls out of the ring. He slingshots back in and eats a superkick for 2. Cesaro distracts the ref by throwing Jimmy into the ring. Cesaro then pushes Jey off the top rope. Kidd covers him for the 3 count.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd and Cesro via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Damien Mizdow vs. Sin Cara

Miz interrupts the match. The match resumes. Sin Cara and Sandow exchange pinfalls. Sandow drives Sin Cara to the corner and follows up with a suplex for 2. Sin Cara hits a back elbow but runs right into a dropkick. Miz gets on the mic and tells Sandow to ge thim a bottle of water. Sandow gets the water but Sin Cara capitalizes and hits a suicide dive. Sandow and Sin Cara exchange offense. Sandow gains the upper hand. He is about to apply the figure 4 when the Miz interrupts again and Sin Cara rolls up Sandow for 3.

MATCH: Ambrose vs. Curtis Axel

Ambrose drives Curtis Axel to the corner. Axel reverses. Ambrose is sent off the ropes and hits a big clothesline. Axel hits a knee followed by a quick boot. He drops an elbow and rakes the face with his boot. Axel applies a rear chinlock. Ambrose rolls off the ropes with a clothesline and follows with Dirty Deeds for 3.

WINNER: Ambrose via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

Match: Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns vs. Big Show, Kane, Rollins, and J&J

The Authority beat up Bryan and Reigns. Rollins dominates Bryan and tags in Big Show. Big Show hits a huge scoop slam. Jamie Noble is tagged in and beats on Bryan. Bryan hits a drop toehold and makes a comeback. Noble drives Bryan to the corner and tags in Joey Mercury. Bryan reverses into a YES! Lock. Rollins breaks up the hold. Kane is tagged in. Kane hits a big forearm followed by a chokeslam. Reigns breaks up the pin. He takes out a few Authority members but is eventually knocked out by Big Show. Rollins is tagged in and hits the running powerbomb to the corner for a 2 count. The Authority team up on Bryan and Reigns. Ziggler, Rowan, and Ryback come to help them. In the ring Daniel Bryan is left with J&J security. Bryan fights back and hits a double dropkick from the top rope. Bryan kicks both of them numerous times. Bryan sets them up for a high running knee but Reigns makes the blind tag and spears J&J for the 3 count.

WINNERS: Reigns and Daniel Bryan

After the match, Bryan confronts Reigns. Bryan shoves Reigns and he retaliates with a spear.


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