WWE Raw 2/23/15 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 2/23/15 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, February 23, 2015
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for February 23, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from Nashville in TN. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

The show begins with Randy Orton making his way to the ring. He gets on the mic and says that he has been out of action because of Seth Rollins. He says that he is only getting started on his revenge. He then calls out Seth Rollins. Triple H, Stephanie, Kane, and Big Show come out instead. Stephanie gets on the mic and says that the intensity Orton showed last night was excellent, and that he should be the face of WWE. Orton says that he isn't part of the Authority and that he is going to smash Orton's face in. Stephanie again offers Orton a place again in the Authority. Orton says he would rather kick ass than kiss ass. Big Show gets on the mic and tries to talk Orton into joining the Authority. Orton rejects him too. Stephanie gets on again. Shw proposes that Orton attend a business meeting with The Authority. Orton agrees.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Bad News Barrett vs. Dolph Ziggler

The 2 men lock up. Barrett gains the advantage and drives Ziggler to the corner. He hits a neck breaker for a 2 count. Barrett applies a headlock. Ziggler fights out with a swinging neckbreaker followed by an elbow for 2. Barrett fights back for 2. Ziggler is draped across the top rope and Barrett hits a knee for another 2 count. Barrett drives his knee into Ziggler's back and plants him on the mat. Barrett hits a series of right hand. Ziggler is whipped to the corner for 2. Ziggler sidesteps Barrett and dropkicks him to the outside.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Barrett in control. Ziggler fights out with a jawbreaker. Ziggler sends Barrett to the corner and hammers him with ten right hands. Barrett fights out and goes for Wasteland but Ziggler counters with a DDT for 2. Barrett hits a superkick followed by a powerbomb for 2. Barrett goes for the Bullhammer but Ziggler rolls him up for 2. Barrett fights back with a winds of change for 2. Ziggler gets stomped in the corner. Ziggler fights back and rolls up Barrett for 2. Ziggler hits the Zig-Zag for 3.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

The Authority and Randy Orton are shown backstage at their business conference. Rollins speaks out of place and Stephanie flips out. Kane adds in his 2 cents and Stephanie tells him to look at the big picture. Stephanie then says that the Authority would be unstoppable with Orton on their side. She asks Orton again to join. Rollins and Orton shake hands. Stephanie sets them up in a tag-team match between Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Prime Time Players vs. The Ascension

Konnor takes it Darren Young. Viktor is tagged in. He beats on Young in the corner. Viktor makes the cover for 2. Konnor is tagged in tagged back in. Young fights back and hits a big clothesline followed by a throw. Konnor reverses a whip and tags in Viktor. They drp Young to the ground. Viktor makes the save but is sent outside the ring. Darren Young rolls up Viktor for 3.

WINNER: Prime Time Players via Pinfall

The Ascension beat up Darren Young after the match.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Roman Reigns coming through the crowd. He gets on the mic and talks about his journey since the Royal Rumble. He is interrupted by Daniel Bryan. Bryan gets on the mic and says that a lot of people doubt Roman Reigns, and Daniel Bryan is the biggest doubter of them all. Last night, however, Reigns proved that he had more heart than anyone thought he had and that Reigns won fair and square. Daniel Bryan then congratulates Reigns and shakes his hand.

As Bryan is walking up the ramp, Paul Heyman comes out on the mic. Heyman tells Reigns he had a great match and victory last night at Fastlane. Heyman says that Reigns would have been his favorite to win the title off any man during any era in WWE History. However, at WrestleMania, Roman Reigns isn't facing a man, he is facing a beast. Roman Reigns says he will beat Lesnar.

*Commercial Break*

Match: Usos vs. Cesaro and Tyson Kidd

Uso and Cesaro lock up. Uso rolls up Cesaro for 2. Cesaro fights back and tags in Kidd. Cesaro drags Uso out of the ring. It backfires as both Kidd and Cesaro are taken out by the Usos. Kidd hides behind Natalia and hits a forearm on Uso. Cesaro is tagged in and hits a European uppercut for 2. Cesaro applies a rear chinlock. Kidd makes the blind tag. Jey Uso is tagged in and drives Kidd to the corner. Uso hits a headbutt to the corner for 2. Kidd fights back and hits a bodyscissors, sending Uso to the outside. Kidd goes for a cannonball off the ring apron but is caught by the Usos. Kidd is covered in the ring but the count is broken by Cesaro. Jey Uso hits a flying crossbody from the top rope for 2.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Cesaro in control. Kidd is tagged in and goes for a springboard elbow but Uso gets his elbow up. Cesaro is tagged in and knocks othe rUso off the mat. Cesaro is rolled up for 2. Cesaro fights back and tags in Kidd. Kidd and Cesaro hit the double team Swing. Cesaro is tagged back in and hits an uppercut. Jey Uso is olaced on the top rope. Kidd is tagged in. Uso fights back and makes the tag, Kidd hits an elbow from the top for a 2 count. Kidd gets rolled up for a 2 count. Uso hits an enziguri. TysonKidd fights back and uses the ropes for leverage but the count is broken by Naomi. Uso goes to the top rope. Natalya pushes Uso off the rope. The ref calls for the bell.

WINNERS: The Usos via DQ

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with a promo from Bray Wyatt standing next to a casket calling out the Undertaker.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Stardust vs. Jack Swagger

Stardust comes out of the gate with an aggressive offense. Swagger fights back but is quickly hit with an uppercut. Swagger ducks a clothesline and takes out Stardust's knee. Stardust fights back but Swagger catches him in a Patriot Lock. Stardust fights out. Goldust comes out. Swagger capitalizes on the distraction and gets Stardust in the Patriot Lock. Stardust taps.

WINNER: Jack Swagger via Submission

The show returns with Cena coming to the ring. Cena talks about his match with Rusev and says he never gave up. Rusev comes out with Lana and yells at John Cena. He wants Cena to admit that Russia and Rusev is better than Cena and the U.S. Cena hits a zinger. Lana tells Cena his life is a lie. Cena yells at Rusev and Lana about America and challenges Rusev to a rematch at WrestleMania. Rusev asks why Cena thinks he deserves a rematch. Rusev rejects Cena's challenge.

Orton and Rollins cut a promo. Orton seems to be leaning towards siding with the Authority.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with video package highlighting the career of Sting.

MATCH: Paige and Emma vs. The Bella Twins

Brie and Emma start things off. Paige is knocked off the apron. Brie hits her finisher for the 3 count.

WINNERS: The Bella Twins via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with a video package for the Bushwackers, who are being inducted to the Hall of Fame.

Curtis Axel cuts a promo about how he never got eliminated from the Royal Rumble. He announces that he is entering the Andre the Giant Battle Royal at WrestleMania. Rybacks comes out and gets on the mic. He announces he is entering the battle royal as well.

MATCH: Curtis Axel vs. Ryback

Axel hits Ryback with an aggressive offense. Ryback hits a Meathook followed by a shellshock for the 3 count.

WINNER: Ryback via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Randy Orton and Seth Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan and Roman Reigns

Rollins and Bryan start things off. Rollins gains the advantage but is planted by Bryan. Bryan applies a surfboard and tags in Reigns. Rollins tags in Orton. Orton and reigns square off. Orton is sent to the mat but fires back with a dropkick. Reigns is whipped to the corner. Reigns fights back with a clothesline. Bryan is tagged in and hits a double axehandle from the top rope. Orton fights back and bounces Bryan's midsection off the ropes. Rollins is tagged in. Rollins is sent to the outside by Bryan. Bryan goes for a suicide dive but stops when Orton moves Rollins out of the way.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Orton in control of Reigns. Reigns fights out of the corner put is quickly planted by Orton. Rollins is tagged in. Reigns hits a huge slam and struggles for the tag to Bryan. Bryan is tagged and knocks Orton off the apron. Bryan puts on the wheels and hits Rollins with a quick offense. Rollins rolls up Bryan but Bryan counters with a Yes Lock. THe hold is broken by Orton. Reigns takes out Orton. Rollins is sent to the outside. Bryan hits a suicide dive. Bryan climbs to the top rope. He is distracted by J&J and gets knocked off the turnbuckle by Rollins. Orton is tagged in. He hits Bryan with a flurry of European uppercuts. Bryan is placed on the top rope. Orton goes for a superplex Bryan fights back and goes for a flying headbutt. Orton moves.

The tags are made to Rollins and Reigns. Reigns backs Rollins to the corner and hits him with ten uppercuts. Reigns plants Rollins. Reigns is distracted by J&J. Rollins hits Reigns from behind and tags in Orton. Reigns fights back and Orton hits a powerslam. Rollins makes a blind tag. Orton hits the DDT from the middle rope. Rollins sets up for the Curbstomp. Reigns sidesteps him and goes to the corner to set up for the spear. Bryan makes the blind tag. Bryan hits the running knee for the 3 count.

WINNERS: Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan via Pinfall


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