WWE Raw 2/2/15 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 2/2/15 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, February 2, 2015
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for February 2, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from Pepsi Center, in Denver, CO. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

The show begins with a video package highlighting the events between Roman Reigns and The Authority since Royal Rumble.

Tripe H and Stephanie McMahon come to the ring. They talk about The Super Bowl. Triple H makes a #CancelWWENetwork movement. He then addresses the controversy involving the Rock's appearance at the Royal Rumble. He said that The Rock had no business being there because he is no longer a WWE Superstar. He then says that the same applies to Sting. The crowd chants for Sting. Stephanie plugs the Network. Tripe H and Stephanie say that the Rock and Sting interfered in the course of business.

Roman Reigns comes to the ring. Reigns asks why Triple H is taking away his chance to main event at WrestleMania. They stare each other down. Stephanie pleads for Roman to calm down. Daniel Bryan's music hits. He comes to the ring and says that he never got his rematch for the the WWE Heavyweight Championship after being stripped of it due to injury and says he deserves to main event at WrestleMania. Seth Rollin's music hits and he comes to the ring with J&J Security in tow.

*Commercial Break*

Rollins gets on the mic and insults Daniel Bryan and says that he doesn't deserve to main event WM. He tells Reigns that he doesn't desrve too either, because of The Rock's "interference". Reigns and Rollins nearly go at. Triple H intervenes and says that Daniel Bryan and Seth Rollins will fight tonight to see who will face Roman Reigns at Fast Lane. The winner of the Fast Lane match will go to WrestleMania. Reigns says he will fight anyone.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Big Show vs. Roman Reigns

The show returns with Roman Reigns stuck in a bear hug. Reigns fights back with clotheslines. Reigns is distracted by J&J and Big Show capitalizes. Reigns kicks out at 2. Reigns recovers and hits a Super Man Punch. The ref is distracted and Rollins hits Reigns with the briefcase. Big Show hits a chokeslam for 3.

WINNER: Big Show via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Curtis Axel coming out and says he was cheated at Royal Rumble. He then points to the WrestleMania sign. Ambrose comes out and throws Axel over the top rope. Ambrose gets on the mic and calls out Bad News Barrett for a championship match after Ambrose pinned Barrett in their last match. Axel comes back and attacks Ambrose. Ambrose hits a Dirty Deeds.

*Commercial Break*

Gold and Stardust dominate. Ascension fight back and hit the Fall of Man for 3.

WINNERS: The Ascension via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

John Cena comes out and gets on the mic. John Cena talks about Triple H on Stone Cold's podcast. Cena then says that Tripe H wants Cena gone but is too afraid to fire him. He says that Tripe H is trying to get him to quit but he refuses to give up. He then thanks Sting for his help in getting his friend's jobs back. Rowan, Ziggler, and Ryback get come to the ring. Stephanie gets on the titantron. Stephanie schedules matches between Ziggler and Wyatt, Rowan vs. Rusev, and Ryback vs. Luke Harper.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Luke Harper vs. Ryback

Harper hits a suplex on Ryback. Ryback fights back and hits a big suplex of his own followed by a scoop slam. Ryback hits a splash from the middle rope for 2. Harper is driven to the corner and eats a clothesline. Harper fights back with a clothesline. Harper hits a big boot and sends Ryback out of the ring. Back in the ring hits a plancha. Ryback fights back but is quickly stopped by Harper. Ryback a Lou Thesz Press followed by a splash for 2. Harper hits a tilt-a-whirl sideslam for 2. Ryback sends Harper out of the ring. Ryback loads up the Meat Hook but Harper gets back in and hits a super kick for 2. Harper applies a front facelock. RYback goes for a Shellshock. Harper gets out and rolls up Ryback for 2. Ryback hits a meat hook followed by a Shell Shock for 3.

WINNER: Ryback via Pinfall

MATCH: Jimmy Uso vs. Cesaro

Cesaro slams Usp and gets him in a headlock. Cesaro gets out and hits a drop toehold. Uso reverses but eats a back elbow. Uso is driven to the corner. Uso hits several chops followed by a clothesline for 2. Uso hits a spin kick. Cesaro rolls out of the ring. Uso hits flip over the top rope. Cesaro fights back and hits a double axehandle from the middle rope. Cesaro applies a rear chinlock. Uso fights back with an uppercut. Cesaro sidesteps Uso and hits a the big swing into a half crab. Cesaro hits a double foot stomp. to the chest for 2. Cesaro hits a powerbomb for 2. Uso fights back with a crossbody from the top for 2. Cesaro sends Uso outside the ring. Uso is sent into the commentary table. Cesaro goes for a move from the top but eats a super kick. Cesaro kicks out at 2. Uso goes for a big splash but Cesaro connects with an uppercut for 3.

WINNER: Cesaro via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

Miz and Mizdow are shown backstage. A fan asks Mizdow for his autograph but not Miz. Miz flips out and fires Mizdow. He then hires him back as his personal assistant.

Rowan is shown backstage with Cena. Rowan gets deep and thanks Cena for standing up for him.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Bray Wyatt vs. Dolph Ziggler

They lock up and Wyatt gains control. Ziggler fights back with a clothesline. Wyatt hits a big right hand and chokes Ziggler on the middle rope. Zigger hits another dropkick and goes for a famouser but Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Ziggler goes for a single leg takedown. Wyatt hits a right hand followed by a senton splash for 2. Ziggler fights back with a back elbow followed by dropkick. Wyatt rolls out of the ring. Ziggler follows but eats a right hand. Wyatt suplexes Ziggler onto the ramp.

*Commercial Break*

The returns with Wyatt in control. Ziggler fights back but is taken out with a huge elbow for 2. Ziggler hits a jawbreaker and sidesteps Wyatt to send him into the ring post. Ziggler goes for a double axehandle but Wyatt catches him with a right hand. Ziggler avoids a senton splash. Ziggler hits a neckbreaker followed by an elbow drop for 2. Wyatt hits a clothesline. Wyatt tries to slam Ziggler but Ziggler catches him with a DDT for 2. Ziggler goes for a splash but Wyatt moves and hits a splash into the corner of his own. Ziggler fights back and hits a kick to the gut for 2. The 2 exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Wyatt comes out on top. Ziggler fights back but is caught with a Sister Abigail for 3.

WINNER: Bray Wyatt via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Fox dominates but Paige rols her up for 3.

WINNER: Paige via Pinfall

After the match, The Bellas spray Paige with self tanner.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Miz vs. Sin Cara

Miz takes control and applies a headlock. Sin Cara reverses and hits a crossbody from the middle rope. Sin Cara goes to the top rope. He goes for a swanton bomb but Miz moves. Mizdow tries to be Miz's stunt double but Miz yells at him. Miz hits a big boot. Sin Cara rolls up Miz for 2. Miz fights back with a clothesline for 2. Miz hits a neckbreaker and gloats. Sandow gets on the apron and the crowd goes nuts. Miz yells at him. Sin Cara capitalizes for 3.

WINNER: Sin Cara via Pinfall

Bray Wyatt cuts a promo.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Rusev vs. Rowan

Rusev attacks Rowan as he enters the ring. Rowan beats up Rowan outside before throwing him back in the ring. Rusev continues the beat down. He applies the Accolade. The bell never rang.

Lana gets on the micand says the audience is invited to a movie preview. A video package plays for Rusev. The Russian flag only half unfurls behind Rusev and Lana. Rusev is furious.

Roman Reigns and Daniel Bryan have a confrontation backstage.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Daniel Bryan

Bryan and Rollins lock up. Rollins forces Bryan to the ropes. Rollins applies a headlock. Rollins hits a shoulder block. Bryan goes to work on the right arm of Rollins. Bryan hits a double underhook slam into an armbar. Rollins gets to the bottom rope. Rollins fights back and throws Bryan out of the ring. Rollins throws Bryan into the barricade.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Rollins in control. Big Show is at ringside. Rollins hits a neckbreaker for 2. Rollins stomps Bryan in the corner. Rollins covers Bryan for 2. Rollins goes to work on Bryan's neck. Rollins goes for a big splash in the corner but Daniel Bryan sidesteps him and hits a series of blows. Rollins reverses and drives Bryan's head into the middle turnbuckle. Bryan flips over Rollins and hits him with a clothesline. Bryan then hits a series of "YES!" kicks for 2. Bryan drives Rollins into the corner. Rollins reverses for 2. The 2 men battle it out. Rollins hits a spin kick. Bryan goes for the Yes lock. ROllins gets out. Bryan hits a double dropkick on J&J security and sends Rollins over the top. Bryan hits a suicide dive on all 3 men. Bryan goes to the top but is knocked to his groin for on the top turnbuckle. Bryan sneaks behind Rollins on the top rope and reverses. Bryan hits a side suplex from the top. Bryan goes for the High Running Knee but Rollins catches him with a powerbomb followed by a superkick for 2.

Bryan applies the Yes! Lock. Rollins gets to the bottom rope. Reigns comes running down the aisle and hits a spear on Big Show. Rollins hit Mercury with a spear. He hits a superman punch on Rollins. Daniel Bryan hits a high knee for the 3 count.

WINNER: Daniel Bryan via Pinfall


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