WWE NXT 12/18/14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 12/18/14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, December 18, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for December 18, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from NXT Arena in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

The show begins with a video package highlighting NXT: R Evolution.

Former NXT Champion Adrian Neville makes his way to the ring. He gets on the mic and says that Sami Zayn should be in the ring tonight, but can't because of the actions of Kevin Owens. Kevin Owens comes to the ring and Neville questions his actions. Owens says that Neville's opinion is irrelevant to him. Owens says that the only reason he is here is to get to the top. He then tells Neville that if he wants a fight, then he has one.

Becky Lynch is interviewed about her attack on Bayley and her change in attitude. Lynch says that her actions are getting her to the top of NXT.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Tyler Breeze saying he is taking time off of NXT to do some modeling in Europe.

MATCH: Bayley vs. Becky Lynch

Bayley takes Lynch to the mat with a front facelock an applies the ground and pound. Bayley hits a running clothesline for 2. Lynch is driven to the corner and Bayley drives several shoulders to the midsection for another 2. Lynch fights back and takes out Bayley's injured left knee. Lynch hits a knee to the midsection but Bayley fights back with a suplex for 2. Lynch goes back to the left knee and applies a submission hold for the victory.

WINNER: Becky Lynch via Submission

*Commercial Break*

The Vaudvillains approach William Regal backstage and show him that the legal an was not pinned during their match with the Lucha Dragons at NXT: R Evolution. Regal books a rematch.

MATCH: Bull Dempsey vs. Random Jobber

Dempsey beats up the jobber and hits the headbutt from the top for 3.

WINNER: Bull Dempsey via Pinfall

Baron Corbin comes to the ring immediately after Dempsey's match to prove who is overlord of the jobbers.

MATCH: Baron Corbin vs. Random Jobber 2

Corbin hits his finisher in 14 seconds.

WINNER: Baron Corbin via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Enzo Amore and Big Cass vs. The Ascension

Big Cass and Victor square off. Viktor gains the upper hand and pounds Cass in the corner. Cass fights back and hits a big splash in the corner. Enzo is tagged in. He is distracted by Carmella flirting with a fan in the front row. Viktor hits his finisher for 3.

WINNERS: The Ascension via Pinfall

MATCH: Adrian Neville vs. Kevin Owens

The match begins and Owens immediately goes outside the ring. Neville hits a heel kick and Owens goes back outside the ring. Owens gets back in the ring and beats on Meville Neville ducks a clothesline and hits a hurricanrana. Owens goes back outside the ring. Neville goes for a baseball slide. Owens sidesteps him and hits a clothesline. Back in the ring, Owens backs Neville to the corner and hits a chop.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Neville fighting back. Owen's fights back and hits a cannonball in the corner for 2. Owens follows up with a big back elbow. Owens hits a series of knees to Neville's face for 2. Owens hits several right hands. He beats Neville to the mat. Owens hits a headbutt and whips Neville to the corner. Neville sidesteps Owens and hits a kick followed by a European uppercut. Neville continues the offense and takes Owens down. Neville hits a springboard dropkick for 2. Neville goes to the apron. He slingshots over the top but Owens catches him in a gutbuster. Owens follows up with a senton splash for 2. Owens sits Neville on the top rope. He goes for a superplex but Neville fights out. Owens knocks him off the top and hits a DDT for another 2. Owens gets Neville on his shoulders. Neville fights out and hits a German suplex. Owens rolls outside the ring. Neville hits a corkscrew and takes Owens out. Owens drives Neville into the ring post. The ref counts to 10 and calls the match. Owens gets pissed and powerbombs Neville into the apron.

WINNER: Draw via Count Out


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