WWE 2014 Slammy Awards Winners, Results, Predictions & Review | Smark Out Moment

WWE 2014 Slammy Awards Winners, Results, Predictions & Review

Posted by Anthony Mango Monday, December 8, 2014
WWE's annual Slammy Awards will take place on the December 8, 2014 edition of Monday Night Raw coming from the Bon Secours Wellness Arena in Greenville, South Carolina.

Who will win at the Slammy Awards? Which categories and nominees will be presented this year? WWE is slowly rolling out the categories and nominees, so this post will be updated frequently with new information. Until it has all been announced, we'll have to speculate on what will end up happening. We can assume some of the standard awards will return but the majority of last year's awards will either be renamed or replaced entirely. WWE tends to not take this too seriously and they love to reformat it to fit whatever they want to highlight during that particular month, so if they want to give Rusev an award (oh...you know they will), rest assured we'll have some new category like "Best Non-American Superstar of the Year" that we won't see next year.
List of Slammy Awards Trophy Winners 2014 WWE Raw

P.S. Don't forget about the 2014 Smark Out Moment Awards going on throughout this month. Start compiling your lists and thinking about what you're going to vote for on the Smack Talk section!


Superstar of the Year (presenter: Booker T)

NOMINEES: Brock Lesnar, Dean Ambrose, John Cena, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, Roman Reigns, Bray Wyatt

PREDICTION: If Cena doesn't win, Daniel Bryan will

RESULT: Roman Reigns

REVIEW: I honestly didn't expect him to take it. I figured he and Ambrose would cancel each other out.

Match of the Year (presenter: Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat)

NOMINEES: The Shield vs Evolution (Extreme Rules), John Cena vs Bray Wyatt (Payback), Team Cena vs Team Authority (Survivor Series), Daniel Bryan vs Batista vs Randy Orton (WrestleMania 30)

PREDICTION: The Shield vs The Wyatt Family would get my pick, but it will probably be Daniel Bryan vs Randy Orton vs Batista

RESULT: Team Cena vs Team Authority

REVIEW: Good match, but I would have given the edge to the Evolution one and as my prediction indicates, I didn't expect fans to vote for this.

"This is Awesome" Moment of the Year (presenter: Seth Green)

NOMINEES: Yes Movement occupies Raw, Stephanie McMahon gets arrested and taken away on Raw, Sting debuts to help Team Cena defeat Team Authority, Hulk Hogan, The Rock and Stone Cold Steve Austin meet at WrestleMania 30

PREDICTION: Sting's debut

RESULT: Sting's debut

REVIEW: Thumbs up.

WWE Diva of the Year (presenter: Jerry Lawler)

NOMINEES: AJ Lee, Paige, Nikki Bella, Brie Bella



REVIEW: That's my girl. I mean, Punk's girl. For now.

LOL Moment of the Year (presenter: Adam Rose)

NOMINEES: Damien Mizdow as The Miz's stunt double, Mr. T thanks his mother at the 2014 WWE Hall of Fame, Vickie Guerrero throws Stephanie McMahon in a pool of pudding on Raw, El Torito vs Hornswoggle WeeLC Match at Extreme Rules

PREDICTION: I really don't know how people will vote for this. I'd vote for Mr. T, though, as that was hilarious

RESULT: Damie Mizdow as The Miz's stunt double

REVIEW: Sandow's doing a great job with this gimmick and it's nice to see even more recognition for how over this is getting.

OMG Shocking Moment of the Year (presenter: Santino Marella)

NOMINEES: Seth Rollins turns on The Shield, Nikki Bella betrays Brie Bella, Bray Wyatt's choir for "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands", The Streak is Conquered

PREDICTION: The Streak is Conquered

RESULT: The Streak is Conquered

REVIEW: Anything else would have just been wrong.

Extreme Moment of the Year (presenter: RVD)

NOMINEES: Brock Lesnar hits 16 German suplexes at SummerSlam, Kane hits Daniel Bryan with Tombstones on floor, steel steps, and table on Raw, Chris Jericho hits a cross-body on Bray Wyatt from the top of a steel cage on Raw, Seth Rollins curb stomps Dean Ambrose through cinderblocks on Raw

PREDICTION: Nothing from the Evolution vs Shield match or Hell in a Cell? I guess the cinderblocks

RESULT: Chris Jericho

REVIEW: I still think this fits better for the Anti-Gravity Moment of the Year...

Surprise Return of the Year (presenter: John Laurinaitis)

NOMINEES: Hulk Hogan returns as the guest host of WrestleMania 30 on Raw, Ultimate Warrior returns to WWE at WrestleMania 30/Raw/Hall of Fame, Batista returns on Raw, The Rock returns to interrupt Rusev and Lana on Raw

PREDICTION: Ultimate Warrior

RESULT: Ultimate Warrior

REVIEW: I was honestly more shocked at The Rock's random appearance, but it makes perfect sense for Ultimate Warrior to win here. Who really thought he'd be popping up for the Hall of Fame?


Tag Team of the Year

NOMINEES: Gold & Stardust, The Usos, Los Matadores with El Torito, Slater Gator with Mini Gator, The Miz & Damien Mizdow

PREDICTION: The Usos deserve it but I could see fans voting for The Miz & Damien Mizdow

RESULT: The Usos

REVIEW: YES! They deserved it.

"Tell Me You Didn't Just Say That" Insult of the Year (WWE.com Award)

NOMINEES: Nikki tells Brie she wished she died in the womb on Raw, Paul Heyman raps on John Cena on Raw, Chris Jericho insults The Authority after Stephanie's arrest on Monday Night Raw - July 28, 2014, The Rock insults Rusev and Lana on Raw


RESULT: The Rock

REVIEW: No complains out of this list of nominees, but I still think the better line was Dean Ambrose joking about Noble and Mercury.

Breakout Star of the Year

NOMINEES: Rusev with Lana, Roman Reigns, Paige, Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins

PREDICTION: The Shield shouldn't be on this list. They've been around more than this year. Rusev will win.

RESULT: Dean Ambrose

REVIEW: As much as I think this award should only apply for rookies, I can't disagree with the idea that Ambrose was a breakout star. He clearly was.

Hashtag of the Year

NOMINEES: #OccupyRaw, #RKOOuttaNowhere, #MoscowMooseKnuckle, #EatSleepSuplexRepeat, #NineNinetyNine


RESULT: #RKOOuttaNowhere

REVIEW: I didn't expect this to win, but it definitely should have. It had a whole Vine meme going on for a while about it! There's no reason for it not to have won. I did think that people were going to go with Bryan's hashtag just in support of Bryan, though.


RAW Guest Star of the Year

NOMINEES: Larry the Cable Guy, Jerry Springer, Kevin Hart, Hugh Jackman, Betty White


RESULT: Hugh Jackman

REVIEW: I'm surprised, but I like Jackman the best out of this bunch, so I'm glad he won.

Rivalry of the Year

NOMINEES: The Shield vs Evolution, Daniel Bryan vs The Authority, Brock Lesnar vs John Cena, Rusev vs The USA, Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose

PREDICTION: Good feuds on this list, but I'm predicting Bryan vs Authority

RESULT: Daniel Bryan vs The Authority

REVIEW: Definitely the right choice.

Tweet It! Best Twitter Handle or Social Media Champion

NOMINEES: Dolph Ziggler (@HEELZiggler), John Cena (@JohnCena), Zack Ryder (@ZackRyder), Ryback (@Ryback22), Nikki & Brie Bella (@BellaTwins), Paige (@RealPaigeWWE)

PREDICTION: Back in the day, this would have gone to Ryder. I think Cena will win, but I'm hoping Ziggler wins instead, as he deserves it more. Ryback's pretty hilarious with the stupid shit he does on social media, though.

RESULT: Dolph Ziggler

REVIEW: He deserved this.

Best Couple of the Year

NOMINEES: Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella, Triple H & Stephanie McMahon, Jimmy Uso & Naomi, Tyson Kidd & Natalya

PREDICTION: HHH and Stephanie should win, but I wouldn't be surprised if the fans vote for Bryan

RESULT: Daniel Bryan & Brie Bella

REVIEW: No way. This is Triple H and Stephanie McMahon 100%.

Animal of the Year

NOMINEES: Gator (Hornswoggle), El Torito, The Bunny, Grumpy Cat


RESULT: The Bunny

REVIEW: Better than the alternatives.

Faction of the Year

NOMINEES: The Authority, The Wyatt Family, The Shield, The Rosebuds

PREDICTION: The Authority

RESULT: The Shield

REVIEW: This was definitely The Authority's to lose.

Best Actor of the Year

NOMINEES: The Miz, Batista, The Rock, Mizdow


RESULT: The Rock

REVIEW: In all reality, The Rock is definitely the best actor of the bunch, so he deserves this.

Anti-Gravity Moment of the Year

NOMINEES: Seth Rollins dives off the balcony at WWE Payback, Adrian Neville's Red Arrow, Dean Ambrose dives onto lumberjacks at SummerSlam, Kofi Kingston in the Royal Rumble match

PREDICTION: I really hope Kofi wins, but I assume it'll be Adrian Neville's Red Arrow

RESULT: Seth Rollins balcony dive at Payback

REVIEW: Good moment, but meh...

NXT Superstar of the Year

NOMINEES: Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Tyler Breeze, The Ascension


RESULT: Sami Zayn

REVIEW: This was a pretty obvious answer

Fan Participation of the Year

NOMINEES: "You Sold Out" (Seth Rollins), "Nine Ninety-Nine" (WWE Network), "We the People" (Jack Swagger), "I'm Afraid I've Got Some Bad News" (Bad News Barrett), "He's Got the Whole World in His Hands" (Bray Wyatt)

PREDICTION: Bray Wyatt's got this one

RESULT: "You Sold Out"

REVIEW: Lame. That wasn't as good in my book as the fans jumping on the Wyatt Family bandwagon.

Double-Cross of the Year

NOMINEES: The Authority turns on Randy Orton on Raw, Seth Rollins betrays The Shield and joins The Authority on Raw, Nikki Bella betrays her twin sister Brie Bella at SummerSlam, Mark Henry turns on his friend, Big Show, on Raw

PREDICTION: I'm surprised they didn't add Big Show turning on Team Cena. This should go to Seth Rollins turning on The Shield

RESULT: Seth Rollins betrays The Shield

REVIEW: Come on...it had to be this.


The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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