WWE Main Event 9/9/2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 9/9/2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, September 9, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for September 9, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from the Mohegan Sun at Casey Plaza in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

It is a little bit of a mystery as to what is happening on Main Event tonight. No matches have been officially announced this week, so tune in here to see what's in store!

Breaking news for Night of Champions! Seth Rollins vs. Roman Reigns, and Randy Orton vs. Chris Jericho have been announced! Sounds very promising if you ask me.

Seth Rollins makes his way to the ring and meets a chorus of "You sold out!" chants. Seth Rollins opens his own Shield edition of "Where Are They Now?" He breaks down where the members of The Shield are today. Starting with Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins says Ambrose's biggest mistake was challenging him, then proceeds to show the cinder block incident. Now on to Reigns. Rollins says all he heard while in The Shield was that Reigns is the future of the company. Rollins goes on to say he is the one who is the future of the company, and that he created Roman Reigns, and that he will destroy what he created at Night of Champions. He now moves on to himself and of course hypes himself up. Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter interrupt Rollins. Colter says Rollins is too scared to face his enemies face to face like a man. Jack Swagger will take on Seth Rollins next.

MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Jack Swagger

Jack Swagger hits some shoulder blocks early as Rollins rolls out of the ring to recover. Swagger dominates early but Rollins comes back with a chop block. Swagger breaks free from a hold but meets a flying forearm from Rollins in the corner. Swagger hits a belly-to-belly followed by a hard clothesline. Swagger Bomb connects and there is a 2-count. Rollins hits a big kick to the head and regains control. Swagger is back in business and locks in The Patriot Lock, Rollins makes it to the ropes to break the hold. Rollins goes for a sunset flip but Swagger catches him and drives him to the corner. Rollins fights back and nails a flying knee to Swagger's head. Rollins hits Curb Stomp for the win.

Winner: Seth Rollins via pinfall

Heath Slater and Titus O'Neil discuss a strategy to catch Adam Rose's bunny. Time for Slatergator to go wabbit huntin'.

Recap of John Cena's promo with Paul Heyman.

Cesaro is in a match next.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Zack Ryder vs. Cesaro

Are we ready for a squash match? Here we go. Ryder got two good shots in, and here comes the ass whoopin'. Oh wow Ryder actually hit the Broski Boot and flies outside the ring to nail Cesaro. Ryder gets caught in the Cesaro Swing and taps out to an interesting leg submission.

Winner: Cesaro via submission

Renee Young interviews Cesaro post-match. He says he's better than Sheamus in every way and will win the US Title at Night of Champions.

*Commercial Break*

Raw Rebound recapping the awful, painful, torturous, Bella twin feud.

Awful backstage segment where Titus and Slater try to catch the bunny and fail.

MATCH: Titus O'Neil vs. Adam Rose

This is so dumb. I actually really like Titus and he is being subjected to this garbage. He hits a gigantic backbreaker on Rose as the stupid bunny makes his way to the ring to distract Titus. Rose rolls up Titus for the win.

Winner: Adam Rose via pinfall

MATCH: Los Matadores vs. The Ascension

Did not see this coming at all! This might be pretty cool to watch. I can't wait for The Ascension to be called up to the main roster. Good match so far. The Ascension is dominating. Konnor hits a huge clothesline and tags Viktor. Los Matadores go on a roll but fall short as The Ascension hit Fall of Man for the win.

Winners: The Ascension via pinfall


Not a bad edition of Main Event. It was a little boring at times, but it could have been way worse. No match really stood out, but if I had to pick the match of the night, it was The Ascension against Los Matadores. I wasn't expecting to see the NXT Tag Team Champions have a match on Main Event, so it was kind of cool to see them on the big WWE stage. They will do great things (hopefully) for the tag division. 


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