WWE Main Event 9/16/2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 9/16/2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, September 16, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for September 16, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from the Mississippi Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, Mississippi. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

There should be some interesting segments (hopefully) tonight leading up to Night Of Champions. Tune in here to find out what goes down on tonight's go-home edition of Main Event.

Hello everyone, and welcome to another live coverage of WWE's Main Event right here on Smark Out Moment! Dolph Ziggler and R-Truth...I mean...R-Ziggler kick off the show as they make their way to the ring for a match.

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler & R-Truth (R-Ziggler) vs. The Miz & Damien Sandow (Damien Mizdow)

Truth and Miz start the match. Miz delivers a hard clothesline to Truth and tags in Sandow. Truth is in control for the moment, taking it to Sandow's arm. Truth tags Dolph as they double team both Miz and Sandow. Ziggler and Truth do a classic Ric Flair strut, stylin' and profilin' (respect)! Dolph goes for a superkick, misses, and Sandow is tagged in. Ziggler goes on a bit of roll but Sandow stops the momentum.

*Commercial Break*

Miz is in control for the time being and has Dolph down in the center of the ring. Ziggler gets the hot tag to Truth as Miz tags Sandow. Miz distracts Truth and Sandow is now in control, stomping away at Truth. Miz is back in and delivers a boot to Truth's face. Miz knocks Ziggler off the apron but runs into a back body drop from Truth. Miz tags Sandow, he beats up Truth for a bit, then tags Miz back in. Miz hits his signature clothesline in the corner and gets a 2-count. By the way, I love how the announcers are actually saying "R-Ziggler" and "Mizdow." I mean, I just think that's ridiculous. Dolph and Miz get the hot tags and Ziggler explodes on Miz. Ziggler hits The Famouser, but Miz kicks out at 2. Truth tags himself in, hits a huge DDT on Miz, Sandow breaks the pin, and Miz hits Skull Crushing Finale on Truth for the win.

Winners: The Miz & Damien Sandow (Mizdow) via pinfall

Oh wow! Big E is wrestling tonight! It's a miracle! He faces Seth Rollins in the main event match up.

Renee Young interviews Rollins backstage. Generic stuff. Rollins says he's going to win at Night of Champions.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Brie Bella vs.Cameron

Before this match even begins, I beg people to stay tuned. The Divas have been so atrocious lately that I usually just get up to pee when they have a match. But, since this is live coverage, I'll refrain from getting up to relieve myself. So far, this isn't exactly the worst match in the world. However, there is way too much screaming going on. It sounds like a bad porno; I can't lie. The crowd begins the "YES!" chants for Brie. She is being totally dominated by Cameron at the moment. Okay, the yelling is getting so annoying. Brie hits a missile dropkick and gets a 2-count. She ends up hitting a facebuster for the win.

Winner: Brie Bella via pinfall

A recap of the rivalry between Cena and Lesnar.

Big E makes his way to the ring for his match with Rollins. Good sweet freaking God I can't get over the giant lats on this dude. Do you see those? Can you imagine the weight Big E puts up? Damn.

MATCH: Big E vs. Seth Rollins

It would be my dream for Big E to win this match, but we all know that won't happen. Big E gains the first advantage and gives a body slam to Rollins (those lats tho). Big E slams Rollins in the corner and delivers heavy shoulders. Rollins exits the ring to regroup. Rollins come back, gets on a roll for a bit, but meets a huge shoulder block from Big E followed by two shoulders in the opposite corners. Big E is a monster. I wish he was at least the IC Champion again. Rollins attempts a crossbody. Big E catches him and hits multiple backbreakers. Rollins is getting absolutely wrecked right now. To say Big E is dominating is an understatement. Rollins gets himself back in the match and dives on Big E outside the ring.

*Commercial Break*

Rollins is in control and has Big E in a headlock center ring. Rollins hits a kick to the head and continues to remain in control. Big E drives Rollins in the corner but it backfires as Rollins hits a splash. Big E fights back! Yes! Huge suplexes! A huge belly-to-belly! Please let Big E have a moment! Rollins fights back in it, but Big E tackles Rollins through the second rope! That was crazy! Back in the ring, Big E goes for the Big Ending, misses, and ends up shoulder first in the ring post. Rollins hits Curb Stomp for the win. Wow that was a good match.

Winner: Seth Rollins via pinfall


The match between Big E and Seth Rollins made this edition of Main Event worth watching. Big E is such an underrated talent and it was a thrill to watch him tonight. Other than the main event match, the rest of the card was average. Ziggler put on a pretty good showing as well as Truth. I personally don't want to see Miz as the new IC Champion so let's hope Ziggler pulls off a win at NOC. Overall, a decent edition of Main Event.


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