5 Wrestlers Who Need A Face or Heel Turn Right Now | Smark Out Moment

5 Wrestlers Who Need A Face or Heel Turn Right Now

Posted by Wago Thursday, September 11, 2014
John Cena turns heel video download youtube
The product can be described as stagnant and boring as of right now. Some blame the writing of the show while others blame the delivery of the talent. Both points are valid and sometimes you need to change the tools you're working with. A fresh coat of paint in the form of a face or heel turn can change the outlook on a character for the long run.

Before we get started, let's address one thing:

No, this article will not include John Cena, so if you're here for that, I'm sorry to disappoint you. If you turn him heel, we're all going to like him. Plus he's actually in a good spot that I enjoy as of right now. Now that we have that stupidity out of the way, here is my list of the top five guys who I feel definitely need to be turned, the reasons why, and the explanation of how I'd go about accomplishing these turns....


It's not that Sheamus is a bad wrestler, but he (more than most) hinders my enjoyment of Raw each
Monday. You can have all the in-ring talent in the world, but when I'm not invested in you, I'm not invested in your match. It was obvious after Sheamus won the Royal Rumble and the title that he was being groomed as the next big babyface. But no matter what he did, he just didn't connect with the audience.

It's easier to be hated than loved, and I think that's what Sheamus needs. Right now, the WWE World Heavyweight Champion is a heel and his name is Brock Lesnar. Perhaps a good way to turn The Great White would be to have him lose to Lesnar in much of the same fashion Cena did. This leaves Sheamus embarrassed, angry and so on. Eventually, you have him snap, take it out on a babyface like John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, etc, and we're off to the races. Not only does this provide Lesnar with a new opponent, but we finally freshen up Sheamus.


If being a Paul Heyman guy results in your momentum becoming non-existant and you basically parting ways to join The Authority, and then being forgotten about AGAIN, then why would anyone want to be a Paul Heyman guy? Unless you're an established talent already, it's just a goddamn bad idea. The sad thing is the payoff was there if they had pulled the trigger sooner or built the tension between Cesaro and Heyman a little better.

I always felt Cesaro should have turned babyface at WrestleMania by giving Zeb Colter the big swing after their tag team loss. The guy was so over at the time that it felt like a case of "now or never". WWE opted for "never" and in turn, missed another opportunity. But hey, here's your chance, WWE. Brock Lesnar is going to need some opponents, and for one throwaway pay-per-view, why can't we have Cesaro be the guy to step up?

He has the history with Paul Heyman for there to be a legit reason. In addition to that, Cesaro has the the raw power in which he could overwhelm Lesnar on a few exchanges leading up to the event with Lesnar avoiding the big swing on each occasion.

Randy Orton

Randy Orton is so ultra-talented, but his staying power as either face or heel just isn't. Maybe it's his monotone demeanor or the booking of him against the same boring talent constantly. Whatever the reason, it just seems that the turn in his light has once again fizzled out.

I'd be more than fine with Randy Orton battling The Authority and Brock Lesnar. In fact, Randy Orton vs Seth Rollins sounds like a lot of fun to me. However, I'm unsure of how you turn Randy Orton. There really is nothing happening on the show these days that you can cycle talent in to.

Outside of a Rollins or Lesnar feud, the only interesting match up I could see is against Rusev. Many people have complained that Rusev doesn't have any real opponents. Well, Randy Orton might be the one to provide that. If Lana and Rusev can turn Jack Swagger, then I'm sure Randy Orton would have an easy time.


Having listened to Batista on Talk is Jericho, I have to say that the guy was very much treated unfairly by the fans. When you actually look at his body of work during his period back, he didn't have a single bad match. In fact, the WrestleMania main event and his program with The Shield and Evolution produced some of the best content we have had in years.

Now, I understand it was bad timing between him returning and Daniel Bryan's popularity skyrocketing. But the fans really did shit on him and took it to a personal level via social media. Because of that, Batista has gone on record of saying it did upset him and it's easy to see why when he's trying to entertain. So for that alone, I think we owe Dave some love.

It's also very easy to turn Batista. You pick an arena that's got the right fan base, you have either The Authority or Brock Lesnar in the ring and Batista cleans house—simple as that.

Also, he's Drax.


WWE Ryback smiling big guy

The mothers love the big guy, haha! Especially the mothers...

That completes my five wrestlers who need a face or heel turn. There are several others who I could see an argument for, but these names stick out to me the most. Let me know what you guys think of my list and tell me who you think needs a heel or face turn in the comments below.

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