WWE Raw 7/14/2014 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 7/14/2014 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, July 14, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for July 14, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from the Richmond Coliseum in Richmond, Virginia. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

This is it, the Battleground go home show. Expect to see rivalries and conflicts escalate to new heights as tonight's main event sees John Cena, Roman Reigns, and Dean Ambrose take on Randy Orton, Kane, and Seth Rollins in a 6-Man Tag Team Match. It also seems that the 16 time World Champion Ric Flair will make an appearance! This is sure to be an exciting edition of Raw; rumors have been spreading all over that we will finally receive an answer to a certain legendary wrestler's cryptic "7.14.14" tweet tonight! Will we see history made? And what will the landscape look like heading into Battleground? Follow along with Smark Out Moment's live coverage of Monday Night Raw and find out!

John Cena kicks off tonight's show and makes his way to the ring. The main event is announced and it is sure to be exciting. Cena is promoting Battleground on the WWE Network, along with his Fatal Four Way Match against Reigns, Orton, and Kane for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Roman Reigns now makes his way to the ring. Cena introduces Reigns to the crowd and you can see the tension between the two. Cena tries to give a friendly speech but Roman interrupts and tells Cena to get to the point. Cena says they need to work together to get rid of Kane and Orton when Ambrose interrupts on the tron. Dean Ambrose plans to execute his "Screw The Authority" plan and is jumped by Orton, Rollins, and Kane! Ambrose is putting up a fight but the numbers game is too strong as Orton and Rollins slam Ambrose into a steel gate over and over. All the men are now stomping Ambrose and completely beating him to a pulp. Kane chokeslams Ambrose onto a box. Ambrose retorts with, "Is that all you guys got?" Seth Rollins then delivers the Curb Stomp and knocks Ambrose unconscious.

*Commercial Break*

We are informed that Ambrose has been taken to a local medical facility.

Sheamus and Miz make their way to the ring as Miz boasts that he will win the Battleground Battle Royal to become the new Intercontinental Championship. He claims he will avoid the Brogue Kick to protect his money making face and will display his face on the tron for the duration of the match.

MATCH: Sheamus vs. The Miz

The two lock up and Miz hides in the corner. Sheamus hits an elbow and Miz rolls out of the ring to protect his face. Both men are back in the ring as Miz stomps Sheamus in the corner. Miz irish whips Sheamus into the barricade and throws him back in the ring. Miz has Sheamus in the corner again but Sheamus regains control and hits the rolling senton. Miz is able to roll out of the ring again.

*Commercial Break*

Miz continues to protect his face and rolls Sheamus back into the ring. Miz has Sheamus in an ankle lock and tries to kick Sheamus but Sheamus catches the boot and starts unloading on Miz. Sheamus now delivers the patent chest hammers on the apron. Sheamus hits a power slam and gets a 2-count. Sheamus goes up high but Miz throws him off and gets a 2-count of his own. Miz goes for the Figure Four, fails, and Sheamus delivers the Irish Curse Back Breaker for the 2-count. Miz goes for the Skull Crushing Finale, misses, but rolls Sheamus up for the win.

Winner: The Miz via pinfall

Orton, Kane, and Rollins are backstage. Rollins walks off. Kane and Orton are getting into it a bit and Triple H breaks up a potential argument and tells them to trust each other. Triple H tells them to handle business tonight. Stephanie shows up and makes out with Triple H.

Dolph Ziggler makes his way to the ring and is in action next.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. Fandango

The match begins with a lockup and Fandango gets the upper hand, but not for long as Ziggler hits a hip toss. Fandango has Ziggler in a headlock and slams his head into the mat. Fandango gives Dolph in elbow to the neck, but Ziggler fights back and hits a huge clothesline! Summer Rae and Layla interrupt the match, distract Fandango, and Ziggler hits a dropkick. Fandango continues to be distracted as Ziggler hits The Famouser for the win.

Winner: Dolph Ziggler via pinfall

Ziggler dances with the Summer and Layla in the ring post-match and has both women on his arm.

*Commercial Break*

Backstage segment. Damien Sandow is dressed as a Sonic carhop and Adam Rose interrupts and the two begin to fight over a hot dog. Pretty corny. Actually, really corny.

The Usos make their entrance, but Harper and Rowan attack them from behind. Harper and Rowan double team the Usos and make a statement heading into Battleground. Harper and Rowan will face the Usos for the Tag Team Titles this Sunday.

Ric Flair is set to appear tonight! Jack Swagger faces Rusev in a debate, next.

Rusev and Lana are in the ring with Michael Cole as Swagger and Colter make their way to the ring. Cole says this debate is meant to settle the tensions between the U.S. and Russia. Lana starts to speak Russian and is incessantly booed. She says America chooses violence to solve their problems, America is stupid, and America can't save itself as it tries to save the rest of the world. Lana is telling the crowd to shut up, but they won't let up as she continues to call America stupid. Lana asks Colter and Swagger to apologize for America's stupidity. Colter lays down the law and says he vowed to protect America against enemies both foreign and domestic. Lana says arrogance is the reason the U.S. is crumbling to pieces. She claims Vladimir Putin can save America from self destruction. Colter shows his respect for Obama and then asks Rusev when he plans to step out from behind Lana, become a man, and face Swagger one on one. Rusev declares war, and the match at Battleground is confirmed. Lana escorts Rusev out of the ring as Colter leads the crowd in a huge "We the people" chant. Swagger spears Rusev and the two start to fight! Swagger puts Rusev in the Patriot Lock! Rusev escapes and runs from the ring. I am really into this feud and I hope the match at Battleground is epic.

Regins and Cena are backstage. Cena says Reigns has to trust him, and Reigns says they will take out Rollins, Kane, and Orton by themselves, because he knows the numbers game better than anyone else.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Alberto Del Rio vs. Rob Van Dam

Del Rio dominates early and has Van Dam in the corner. RVD fights back and monkey flips Del Rio. RVD tries for a dive out of the ring but is stopped by Del Rio, and then catches a kick to the head. Van Dam battles out of headlock but only to meet a hard DDT by Del Rio. Del Rio hits another kick to the back of Van Dam's head and has him in a headlock. Del Rio slams Van Dam back on the mat and misses a kick. Van Dam is back on the attack and hits a hurricurana followed by Rolling Thunder. Van Dam tries for the Five Star Frog Splash but meets Del Rio's knees. Del Rio locks in the Cross Arm Breaker for the win.

Winner: Alberto Del Rio via submission

CM Punk's documentary Best In The World is being advertised for the WWE Network which is surprising to me, but hey, whatever will draw in subscribers. Ric Flair is coming up soon, as well as Chris Jericho who will demand answers from Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family.

*Commercial Break*

Nikki Bella makes her way to the ring for a Diva's tag team match. Stephanie McMahon comes out and says Brie abandoned Nikki and announces the tag match is now a handicap match.

MATCH: Nikki Bella vs. Alicia Fox and Cameron

Nikki is holding her own against Alicia but Alicia tags in Cameron, and Cameron is dominating Nikki. Nikki fights back and slams Cameron head first into the mat. Nikki hits a nice slam but Alicia breaks the pin. Cameron is back in control and tags Alicia. Alicia with a snapmare and has Nikki in a headlock. Nikki tries to fight out and does. She hits a nice dropkick and then an elbow. Nikki goes up high but is knocked off by Alicia. Alicia slams Nikki's face in the mat and gets the win.

Winners: Alicia Fox and Cameron via pinfall

WWE 2K15 trailer time! Sting is the pre-order! What a sweet trailer too. An orchestra of people painted up like Sting played their instruments as Sting eerily walked toward the camera carrying his vintage baseball bat. I can't wait, and I'm so happy I already have it pre-ordered.

*Commercial Break*

Triple H is backstage and Orton comes to him about Kane. Triple H says not to worry about Kane because he is just a pawn in their game.

Stardust and Goldust cut a promo and Goldust says they need to go to the most bizarre place they have been.

Cesaro makes his way to the ring without Paul Heyman and is in action next.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Cesaro vs. Big E w/Kofi Kingston

Cesaro hits a huge toss to kick off the match but Big E answers with a gigantic power slam. They are fighting outside of the ring and Cesaro tosses Big E onto the barricade. Big E is back in the ring as Cesaro continues to slap him in the face. Big E lifts Cesaro over his head but he wiggles out and hits a clothesline on Big E. Cesaro hits a powerbomb and gets the 2-count. Big E powers out of headlock and backs Cesaro into the corner and hits a killer belly to belly suplex! Another huge belly to belly to Cesaro followed by a big splash! Cesaro brings a chair in the ring, Kofi takes it, and Big E hits The Big Ending for the win. A really good match.

Winner: Big E via pinfall

Chris Jericho makes is way to the ring. Just so everyone knows, I'm reading his first book, A Lion's Tale...incredible. Read it if you have time. There's my plug for the evening.

*Commercial Break*

Jericho is in the center of the ring wearing his very busy jacket. Welcome to Raw Is Jericho! Jericho says he's happy to be back as the "Y2J" chants ring throughout the arena. He lists all of his accomplishments and everything he has been through and claims he has never seen anything like Bray Wyatt. Y2J says he will bring the crazy to Battleground as the whole crowd chants "Let's get crazy." Wyatt comes on the tron and speaks in his usual riddles. He asks Jericho where he was when the WWE Universe needed him most as the crowd chants "boring." The lights go out and Harper and Rowan corner Jericho in the ring. Jericho slides out of the ring to escape a beat down, but Bray Wyatt blasts Jericho form behind. Wyatt kisses Jericho on the forehead and delivers Sister Abigail on the stage.

Just to clarify, Dean Ambrose will not be competing tonight, and the main event is now a 2 on 3 Handicap Match. John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton, Kane, and Seth Rollins.

*Commercial Break*

Paige joins the commentary table as AJ and Eva Marie get ready for a match.

MATCH: AJ Lee vs. Eva Marie

AJ hits a running dropkick and skips around the ring with a handful of Eva Marie's hair. Eva escapes and is driving her knee into AJ's back. Eva hits a back breaker but AJ Lee counters with the Black Widow submission for the win.

Winner: AJ Lee via submission

AJ joins commentary real quick post-match and compliments Paige on her looks.

Triple H, Stephanie, and Kane are backstage and Kane tells them he doesn't trust Randy Orton. Triple H tells Kane all he has to do is bring the title back to The Authority and simply get the job done.

*Commercial Break*

We return with Bo Dallas in the ring. He talks about his victory over El Torito and hopes his opponent has a heart as big as Torito. Khali makes his way to the ring.

MATCH: Bo Dallas vs. The Great Khali

Khali hits three big chops on Bo Dallas in the corner. Bo tries to chop Khali back, but gets tossed out of the ring. Bo dropkicks Khali's knees and hits the Bo-Dog outside the ring. Khali is counted out.

Winner: Bo Dallas via count out

Bo tries to give an inspirational talk to Khali, but Khali nails him with a chop to the head.

*Commercial Break*

Rollins is backstage with The Authority and shows off his briefcase as insurance. Paul Heyman shows up and claims he has a full proof Plan C if Triple H's Plan B ever fails.

Ric Flair is up next! Woooooooooo!

*Commercial Break*

Ric Flair makes his way to the ring. He rightfully receives a standing ovation. You've got to love the Nature Boy Ric Flair. He's stylin and profilin around Renee Young. Flair says he's had some fun in Richmond, and continues to hit on Renee. God I love Ric Flair. What a legend. Renee asks Flair who he thinks will win the Fatal Four Way Title Match at Battleground. Flair says John Cena will win the match, and Roman Reigns makes his way to the ring. Reigns and Flair shake hands, and Flair exits the ring. John Cena now makes his entrance and allows Ric Flair to hold up the championship. It's really cool to see Flair hold the belt.

*Commercial Break*

MAIN EVENT: 2-On-3 Handicap Match: John Cena and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kane

Rollins and Cena start the match as Rollins puts Cena in a headlock, Cena breaks out and hits a shoulder block. Rollins tags Orton. Orton has Cena in a headlock, Cena breaks out and his an elbow. Orton tags Kane. Cena puts Kane in a headlock, Kane shoves Cena in the ropes and hits a shoulder block of his own. Reigns tags himself in. Reigns and Kane fight back and forth and Reigns hits a big headbutt, but gets nailed by Kane's vicious uppercut. Reigns goes up high and hits a flying clothesline and Kane responds with one of his own. Kane tags Rollins.

*Commercial Break*

Back from the break and it's Kane and Reigns in the match. Reigns explodes off the rope and tries to make the hot tag to Cena. He makes it and Cena hits Rollins with the usual moves, the Five Knuckle Shuffle, and misses the AA. Orton tags in and dominates Cena in the corner. Orton has Cena in a headlock on the ground. Cena powers out and dropkicks Orton. Orton hits his vintage back breaker and tags Kane. Cena sets Kane up for the AA, fails, and Kane tags Rollins. Rollins kicks Cena in the chest and gets the 2-count. Cena is in a sleeper and tries to escape. He breaks hit but Rollins hits a kick to the gut. Rollins goes for the three amigos but Cena counters the third suplex. Orton and Reigns are in and Reigns explodes on Orton and delivers a nasty right hand followed by a dropkick on the apron. Kane runs in, and gets a Superman Punch. Reigns gives Orton a Samoan drop after clotheslining Rollins out of the ring. Kane and Orton double team Reigns as the bell rings for a disqualification. Cena saves Reigns and unloads on Kane as Kane accidentally delivers a right hand to Orton. Reigns accidentally spears Cena and Orton hits Kane with an RKO. It's chaos as Orton stands tall at the end. Nevermind! Reigns runs in and spears Orton straight into the ground. Reigns stands tall at the end of the show.

Winners: John Cena and Roman Reigns via disqualification


Overall, this was a pretty good go home show. There was a lot of focus on the Battleground Battle Royal for the Intercontinental Championship, which I liked. I like the idea of bringing prestige back the title. I had three favorite moments from tonight: 1) The WWE 2K15 Sting trailer. I am so beyond hyped for that game, and the fact that Sting is the pre-order bonus is incredible. Hopefully we will see Sting's WWE debut sooner rather than later. 2) Paul Heyman not accompanying Cesaro to the ring, which leads into...3) Paul Heyman tells Triple H to come to him if he needs a Plan C. I thought this was some major foreshadowing for Brock Lesnar's return. I'm speculating that the Beast Incarnate will make an appearance at Battleground, or perhaps the following night on Raw; we'll have to wait and see. I am also very happy about the dissension between Randy Orton and Kane. Instead of watching Kane fight for Orton the entire match at Battleground, we will actually, hopefully, get a legitimate Fatal Four Way. I am actually pretty excited for Sunday, and I can't wait to see how the landscape changes after Battleground. 


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