WWE NXT 7/10/2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 7/10/2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, July 10, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for July 10, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from the Full Sail University in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

On tonight's episode, expect to see Bayley take on Summer Rae, along with a high profile main event that will see Sami Zayn team with Adrian Neville against Tyson Kid and Justin Gabriel.

MATCH: Bayley vs. Summer Rae

Bayley side steps Summer Rae and bashes her head into the turnbuckle for a 2 count. Bayley applies the wrist lock and follows up with an arm drag off the middle rope. She hits a drop toehold and spins around on top of Summer Rae. Bayley hits a scoop slam and Summer Rae rolls out of the ring. Bayley chases her but meets a boot to the face as she reenters the ring. Summer Rae stretches Bayley's arm but Bayley reverses for a 2 count. Summer Rae pulls off Bayley's headband. She covers Bayley for the 2 count. Charlotte drives Bayley's head into the mat for a 2 count. Summer goes for a spin kick but Bayley catches it and drives Summer into the mat. The crowd starts chanting Bayley's gonna hug you. Bayley drives Summer into the corner and hits several blows. She sends her back to the corner and hits a spear followed by a suplex for a 2 count. Summer Rae reverses an Irish whip and hits a spin kick for the 2 count. Summer sends Bayley to the corner. Bayley reverses and goes for the Belly to Bayley suplex. Summer reverses and hita the Summer Crush for the 3 count.

WINNER: Summer Rae via Pinfall

A replay airs of Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel's attack on Sami Zayn. Neville and Zayn are interviewed and vow revenge on Kidd and Gabriel. Tyson Kidd and Gabriel are then interviewed. Gabriel says he's glad to be in NXT, but Zayn and Neville simply aren't on his level.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sin Cara vs. Wesley Blake

The match begins with the 2 locking up. They come to a stalemate. Sin Cara rolls up Blake for a 1 count. Blake fights back and sends Sin Cara to the mat for a 2 count. Blake is sent outside the ring and Sin Cara hits the suicide dive. Back in the ring Blake is sent to the corner. He fights out and hits an arm breaker for a 2 count. Blake goes to work on Sin Cara's left arm and covers him for a 2 count. Blake applies a submission hold on Sin Cara's arm. Sin Cara fights out and hits a drop toehold. Sin Cara hits a series of cross bodies off the middle rope. He hits a slingshot elbow for the 2 count. Sin Cara goes to the apron and hits a kick to the head. Sin Cara goes to the top rope and hits the senton for the 3 count.

WINNER: Sin Cara via Pinfall

Tyson Kidd and Natalya are shown backstage. Natalya confronts him about his attitude. Kidd tells her that its her choice whether or not she wants to be by his side tonight.

*Commercial Break*

Summer Rae is shown staring in the mirror with Sasha Banks, doing their makeup. Summer Rae tells her that Banks better get used to the "Summer of Summer".

CJ Parker makes his way to the ring. He gets on the mic and calls Xavier Woods to the ring. Parker says he doesn't want things to get out of hand between he and woods amd apologizes for his actions last week. Xavier Woods touts his PHD candidacy and says logic is the only thing keeping him from ripping out Parker's dreads. Parker again offers Wood's an offering of peace. Woods disses Parker and turns to leave the ring. Parker hits a kick to the back of Woods' head.

*Commercial Break*

A vignette for the Vaudevillains airs in which they relate their Tag Team Championship ambitions.

A video package for the Ascension plays.

MATCH: Bull Dempsey vs. Angelo Dawkins

The 2 lock up. Angelo Dawkins applies a headlock and Dempsey reverses. Dawkins tries to hit an arm drag but Dempsey counters into a headlock. Dempsey goes for a backbody drop but Dawkins counters with a sunset flip. Dempsey drops onto Dawkins chest. Dempsey hits a headbutt followed by a series of elbows. Dawkins is driven to the corner and receives several blows. Dawkins fights back with several right hands follwoed by a dropkick. Dempsey quickly retaliates and hits a big splash in the corner. Dempsey hits the Bulldozer for the 3 count.

WINNER: Bull Dempsey via Pinfall

Dempsey gets on the mic and says he isn't going to stop until he is NXT Champion.

Sami Zayn interviews Adrian Neville. Neville says he and Zayn go way back and that he will always have his back. They then make their way to gorilla position for their upcoming match,

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville vs. Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel.

The match begins with Neville and Kidd squaring off. Neville gets behind Kidd. The 2 exchange holds. Kidd his sent to the mat and Zayn is tagged in. Zayn applies a wristlock and tags Neville back in. Neville applies an armbar. Zayn is tagged back in. Kidd is sent to the corner and gets hit with a big chop. Kidd fights back and tags in Gabrielle. Zayn hits a hip toss and tags in Neville. Neville hits a corkscrew moonsault off of Zayn's back for a 2count. Gabrielle fights back and tags in Tyson Kidd. Neville is sent to the corner he goes up and over Kidd and hits a crossbody off the opposite turnbucjle. Zayn is tagged in and hits a big chop. Kidd fights back and drives Zayn to the corner. Zayn fights back but gets dumped outside the ring.

*Commercial Break*

Gabrielle hits a drop toehold for a 1 count. Tyson Kidd is tagged in and beats Zayn to the mat. Zayn is draped over the top turnbucjle and Kidd assault him with a series of boots. Gabriel is tagged in and hits a slide kick for a 2 count. Kidd is tagged in and they hit a double kick to Zayn's head for a 2 count. Kidd applies a front facelock and tags in Gabrielle. Gabrielle hits a scoop slam for a 2 count. Zayn tags in Neville. Neville clears house and hits Gabrielle with a series of kicks. He hits a standing shooting star press for a 2 count. Neville ducks a spin kick from Gabrielle and hits a powerbomb for a 2 count. Kidd drags Gabrielle to the corner and makes the tag. Kidd hits a slingshot but gets caught with a superkick. Neville goes to the top rope but gets knocked off. Kidd hits the slingshot elbow for the 2 count.

Zayn is tagged in. Neville hits a suicide dive to Gabrielle on the outside. Zayn hits a corssbody from the top for the 2 count. Kidd fights back with a face rake but gets dumped out of the ring. Zayn hits a front flip over the top rope and takes down all three men outside the ring. Kidd fakes an injury amd Natalya gets on the apron to check on him. Kidd tries to cheap shot Zayn but Zayn counters. Natalya is knocked off the apron. Zayn checks on her but Kidd rolls him up for the 3 count, ignoring Natalya.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel via Pinfall

NXT continues to deliver with another quality episode. It was good to see Sin Cara in action, even if it was just a filler match. I'm not sure how I feel about Bull Dempsey. I enjoy the idea of his character, but something about it feels very forced. Sami Zayn and Adrian Neville make an awesome tag-team, as do the heal incarnations of Tyson Kidd and Justin Gabriel. I wouldn't be surprised to see either one or both of these teams eventually become main stays on the main roster. I am a huge fan of Sami Zayn, but I don't have any idea of what they are going to do with him if he ever gets pulled up to the main roster. A team consisting of him and Neville, however, would be a great way to introduce both men's high flying, indy style to an audience that is used to seeing a whitewashed, sometime monotonous product.


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