WWE Total Diva Season 2 Episode 11 Review & Synopsis | Smark Out Moment

WWE Total Diva Season 2 Episode 11 Review & Synopsis

Posted by Brad Garrow Sunday, June 1, 2014
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What happened this week on Total Divas? Welcome to the full results breakdown and show review for Total Divas season 2 episode 11, which was broadcast on June 1, 2014. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Last week on Total Divas the girls prepared for their Diva's invitational title match at WrestleMania 30. Brie and Daniel Bryan prepared for their wedding day. Nikki Bella was struggling to tell John that she was once married. This week will be the culmination of season 2 which will include Brie and Daniels wedding as well as John finding out Nikki's secret.

Season 2 Finale

WWE put up the season finale of Total Divas vs WWE Payback? That is not smart.

Ariane starts the show being super annoying, but Vinnie is there so that is a plus. Uh oh...Nattie lets it slip to everyone that Nikki has been married before. I mean this show is on national television so yeah everyone is going to find out. Eva Marie is doing an autograph session and people start chanting "you can't wrestle"...it's true but still a little classless, even for WWE fans. Nattie is working the red carpet yet again for another WWE kick off event. Ariane has apparently never told Vinnie she loves him? This is a story? Just get me to Cena and Nikki already. So Nikki's brother just dropped the bomb to John. This is so perfect!!

*Commercial Break* 

Back in NOLA where Ariane and Vinnie are taking Arianes mother out for dinner. Vinnie brings up the love thing again...yawn. I just really don't care about this. Ariane is crying trying to explain herself. Vinnie seems like a cool dude still. Nikki and John are going to dinner and are not talking, so this is pointless. John says he is having the most awkward dinner of his life.

WrestleMania Day needs its own paragraph. Man that set is beautiful. EMMA!!! She is the best!! Summer is complaining to Emma about Brie not inviting her to her wedding. It cannot be understated that these poor girls had to perform after the Undertakers streak was ended and totally killed the crowd. The Bellas are afraid that the match is going to get cut.

*Commercial Break* 

We get to see highlights for Mania. Eva is super nervous for her 14 way match. No one will notice her. The girls are all super nervous for their match time. Man this is amazing, I love all these Mania highlights. Nattie gives Eva a really great pep talk and says she is proud of her. I'm fired up. Taker/Lesnar match. Just incredible. We get to see their very real reaction to Undertakers streak ending. These poor friggen girls got buried.

*Commercial Break*

Their Mania match was sloppy and confusing at best. They did their best. They did not show that Ariane's top broke and she went topless during the match. They showed D Bry celebrating his title win and I have chills for a second time. Brie and Daniel are now on to their wedding day. We see footage from their rehearsal dinner and it looked very lovely. Nikki's family is mentioning marriage to John. Vinnie is taking care of Ariane who has food poisoning.

Wedding day! Brie and Nikki's brother lets it drop that John knows she was once married.

*Commercial Break* 

Nikki now has to tell her family she lied to them about telling John. Brie says Nikki is the worst maid of honor ever. I'm 100% sure that is not the truth. Nikki and her brother are arguing and their mother squashes everything. Great Mom. The ceremony is about to start, and Damn does Brie looks amazingly gorgeous.

*Commercial Break* 

I'm betting this season ends on a cliff hanger. Brie and D Bry's wedding is absolutely picturesque. I can't describe their wedding vows, they are pretty awesome. WWE creative definitely did not write those lines. John Cena is crying. The ceremony erupts in a YES chant. Nikki now wants to talk to John. He tells Nikki this is not the time or the place.

*Commercial Break* 

Reception time, Ariane tells Vinnie she loves him. Pretty sweet. It all seems pretty elegant and beautiful. Nikki and John are talking and John says he doesn't care what happened in the past. The build up for this moment was so WWE and such a fizzle. In typical WWE fashion they send the crowd home happy with footage of everyone dancing.

Review: What can I say? Season finales are always tough but they wrapped things up pretty nicely. The WrestleMania footage was really cool and seeing Brie and D Bry's wedding was really nice. Season 3 of Total Diva's will begin in the fall! Thank You everyone for reading and following our coverage of Total Divas on SmarkOutMoment.com! Look for my over-selling column to be starting soon! 


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