WWE Legends House Season 1 Finale Episode 9 Review & Synopsis | Smark Out Moment

WWE Legends House Season 1 Finale Episode 9 Review & Synopsis

Posted by Anthony Mango Thursday, June 12, 2014
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What happened this week on Legends House? Welcome to the full results breakdown and show review for Legends House season 1 episode 9, which was broadcast on June 12, 2014.

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On last week's episode, the cast participated in a good ol' comedy roast of Rowdy Roddy Piper, which featured none other than Iron Sheik! Some great jokes were told, some people bombed, but a fun time was had by all. Then, out of nowhere, the tide turned and Pat Patterson decided that he was not going to "be phony" anymore. This wasn't elaborated on all that much, but a big discussion ensued about how the cast sometimes hates portraying a character rather than being themselves. We were left with a tease for tonight's finale, where it appears as though even more issues will come to surface. Let's find out!

After the previous night's discussion, the guys are exhausted. Ashley comes over to tell the boys that they're throwing a farewell party for the members of the community they've been staying at. All 8 of them will have to join in on a musical performance as the centerpiece of the festivities. They go for a group hug and Howard Finkel gets pantsed....what kind of a group hug is that??

Piper explains that he actually does know how to play the bagpipes and harmonica, rather than it just being a random gimmick. Hillbilly Jim and Jimmy Hart are taking charge, considering how they are more proficient at music than the others (for the most part).

The legends go to The Falls steakhouse for their "last supper", so to speak. They tease Jimmy Hart about ordering bean soup. (Seriously, does that guy ever eat anything other than beans and potatoes?) At dinner, they all agree that they feel like a lot of pressure has been released from the talk of the last episode. They begin reminiscing about Gary Busey, the LARPing, Newlywed Game and the other events this season. Tony Atlas says he loves and respects everyone more, now that they've gotten to know each other better. Lo and behold, Jimmy Hart is having a baked potato with butter and some corn while everyone else eats lobster and steak and such.

They trade stories of their biggest moments in their lives. Hacksaw brings up his program with Andre the Giant. Tony Atlas regales us of the day he met his wife—who had saved him before he had almost died. Hillbilly Jim's stories are of buying his mother a house and a car, even before himself. WrestleMania I for Jimmy Hart. Pat Patterson finds out that Roddy Piper is a grandfather, which he didn't know before. Mean Gene Okerlund speaks of when he was on dialysis and his wife gave him a kidney (and breaks down crying when saying it...can you blame him?) This provokes Jimmy Hart to open up about losing his daughter, which makes the other legends feel like crap for having teased him so much without knowing.

Now that that has broken everyone down, the more emotional stuff is coming out. Hacksaw tells the story of a car crash that he was in, where a past love of his life unfortunately didn't make it. Howard was bullied and his success not only proved people wrong, but helped him get over it. Finally, we get to Pat Patterson's admission of being gay and losing his partner of 40 years to a heart attack. The guys all accept him and he expresses that a huge weight has been lifted off his shoulders.

"It's gonna be balls to the wall" - Okerlund's choice of words shocks me almost every episode. I never expected him to have that vocabulary, but it's hilarious. Dirty Old Man Okerlund sweet talks it up with Ashley and tries to get her drunk with his special drink, The Okerlund, which just happens to be swimming in vodka.

The cast sing their song—classic Jimmy Hart vocals and all. Pat Patterson's up next to showcase his karaoke talent, singing "My Way" by Frank Sinatra. Not too shabby, I must say. (He's certainly one hell of a lot better than the drunk jackasses that I was listening to at TGI Friday's yesterday, that's for sure.)

They sign their portraits that were hanging on the wall and prepare to leave the house. Jimmy Hart picks up the phone and tells Tony Atlas that the limo is there to pick him up. They say their goodbyes. The next one to leave is Hillbilly Jim. He's followed by Jimmy Hart. "Keep it tight" - Okerlund (LOL). Then, Howard leaves as well as Mean Gene. "Quite candidly, I can't wait to get the fuck out of here." - Okerlund strikes again. Pat Patterson pretty much bolts out and continues his talk of being happy to leave. This episode really seemed like it stressed that Patterson didn't have a good time there like the others, overall. Maybe that's just my interpretation of it. Hacksaw leaves and Piper is the last one in the house alone. Piper cries, saying that he got another family, but they were taken away again. He then starts playing Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, which brings on an ominous tone as he says he doesn't think that they'll all see each other again. "It wasn't about business, it was about humanity."

Next week, there will be a special recap episode entitled "Legends House Reunion".


I assumed that I would hate this series when they first announced it. The idea seemed like too much of a ripoff of The Surreal Life—which I'm not fond of. Granted, my opinion hasn't changed about it being patterned after that, but as far as the quality goes, I'm glad I was proven wrong. I've enjoyed every episode of Legends House, including this finale. If they do a second season, I'll be watching for sure, and hoping that more of my favorites will be involved in a much longer season as well.


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The founder, editor-in-chief, head writer, podcast host, and more for Smark Out Moment and all branches under A Mango Tree including Fanboys Anonymous. Tony Mango is not just a pundit/analyst, but also a creative director/consultant, media manager and more. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.


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