When it comes to trending hashtag topics I know #TBT, which is Throwback Thursday, any hashtags started from Comedy Central's @Midnight or hashtags started on WWE programming. So when I was saw #WCW trending the first thing that came to my mind was World Championship Wrestling.
Boy, was I wrong. #WCW has nothing to do with World Championship Wrestling. It actually means Women Crush Wednesday. So you post a picture of a very attractive female, such as the picture of Stacy Keibler below, and you put the hashtag #WCW with it. Nothing to do with World Championship Wrestling. Not that I was disappointed—you can't go wrong with pictures of beautiful women. And please, after reading this, you should go vote for who is the sexiest WWE Diva (cheap plug).
However, I was really hoping that #WCW would have some relations to World Championship Wrestling. Every time I hear "WCW", I start recalling the Monday Night Wars between Raw and Nitro, WCW Thunder on Thursday nights and growing up watching WCW Saturday Night on TBS, always starting five minutes after the hour.
So, this past Wednesday I was chatting with a friend of mine about the #WCW and we decided that every Wednesday, we will post a picture of a World Championship Wrestling wrestler and use the #WCW, pretty much hijacking the Women Crush Wednesday and, in a sense, honoring World Championship Wrestling.
Disco Inferno was my first #WCW. And when you try something new, creative and fresh it becomes a bit nervousing. Mostly, because you're not sure how people will react. To my pleasure, I got very positive feedback, most of them loved it and some thought it was very funny.
Of course, there were some that just didn't get the whole WCW is World Championship Wrestling or why use the #WCW and not be a attractive, beautiful women. That is okay, so they don't get it. It won't stop me.
So, fellow readers of Smark Out Moment, I encourage you to post your favorite World Championship Wrestling wrestler every Wednesday on any social media site you use, and use the hashtag #WCW. Let's create something fun and amazing.
In addition, leave a comment below about some other cool hashtag wrestling ideas. Maybe we'll put those to good use as well!