Take a minute though, let it soak in...ready?
Cena vs. Lesnar. Cena vs. Lesnar. For goodness sakes, we are going get another Cena vs. Lesnar match! For how much I potentially detest this match, I am not 100% against it for a few reasons.
Reason 1 - Big Match Feel
Yes, even to this day, there is something special about a match that has a big match feel. When I say a big match feel, I mean you can feel the anticipation. The storyline is properly built. Fans are standing and cheering to every maneuver and counter. These are the matches that make you say "That was money well spent." You are at a loss for words to describe about how amazing the match was.
Matches that come to mind that had a big match feel, in recent years:
- Money in the Bank 2011 - CM Punk vs. Cena
- WrestleMania 28/29 - The Rock vs. Cena
- WrestleMania 29 - CM Punk vs. The Undertaker
- SummerSlam 2013 - CM Punk vs. Lesnar and Cena vs. Daniel Bryan
Reason 2 - Major Pay-Per-View
In the grand scheme of WWE pay-per-views, there are three main events: WrestleMania is the biggest stage of them all, Royal Rumble comes second to kick off the Road to WrestleMania, and then there is SummerSlam.
If you don't believe SummerSlam is a major pay-per-view, you are mistaken my friend. In the world of sports—and I do know that WWE is not a "sport", but it is sports entertainment—there is nothing major going on. Major League Baseball has their All-Star Game, but that is about it. SummerSlam provides that missing major sporting event in the summer. SummerSlam is something we can all look forward too. That is why SummerSlam is known as the biggest event of the summer. Of course it is...there is nothing else going on.

Since SummerSlam provides that missing summer sporting event, when you are doing type of show, you need names and they need to be mainstream. Once again, SummerSlam is in Los Angeles (for the sixth year in a row) which is the second biggest market in the United States. In addition, it draws people from all over the world, so you need a big name to headline. Cena is still the biggest name WWE has. Cena can do all the major media promotional events, but he needs to be in the main event. The stations wanting to set up interviews with WWE to promote SummerSlam want the big names in the big matches.
Lesnar is also still a name. He is always rumored about going back to UFC. In addition, he connects with the male demographic between the ages of 18-43. Why? That is a demographic that is dying on the inside for a Cena heel turn. However, since that will probably never happen, that demographic will immediately behind Lesnar.
So, are you ready for another Cena vs. Lesnar? If you are not, who do you want to see instead of them? Let your voice be heard and leave a comment below.