That being said, who are some other wrestlers that should join in the ladder match for a future title shot to join Ambrose and Rollins?
Right now, there is no Intercontinental Championship title match announced for Money in the Bank and nobody is being set up as a possible contender for the belt. If Barrett is not going to be rushed into defending his title against someone, then he absolutely needs to be in this match. First and foremost, not having him on the card at all would be a downside, considering how popular he is at the moment. Secondly, Barrett could very well be a potential winner of the future title shot—and I sincerely hope that he does win it.
Ziggler should be used to being overlooked at this point, but that doesn't mean that it should continue happening. He is far too talented in the ring and he's still over enough with the crowd that it justifies putting him into this match. While I have no faith that he would win the briefcase, there's no argument against how his inclusion here would improve the match. Ziggler's called the Show Off for a reason.
Nowadays, Rob Van Dam is only really useful for his name recognition, putting people over, and doing a spot here and there. That is exactly what he should do here. After one or two spots, he can sit out the rest of the match and lose.
Speaking of spots, Kofi Kingston's the man when it comes to pulling stunts out during ladder matches (and battle royals, for that matter). He deserves a lot better than what he's been given in WWE as of the past few years—and realistically, this match will not be the time to change that around—but at the very least, he is a steady hand to use as filler in this match and help steal the show.
Big E's not at the level to main event yet, but he's better than what WWE has been giving him to work with for the past few months. If there's any particular reason as to why he's lost steam, it's due to WWE's poor booking of him. Name me two Big E feuds outside of getting squashed by Rusev ever since he won the Intercontinental Championship? If you struggled to think of them, then that's the problem right there. Including Big E into the briefcase hunt is only going to help him out and it has absolutely no downsides whatsoever.
Speaking of someone who has been booked badly....poor Damien Sandow. WWE never should have given him the Money in the Bank last year if they had no intention of him winning the title. This guy just screams midcard champion, but he must have pissed someone off, because WWE is just not letting him go anywhere but down. As mentioned before, putting him in this match is not an indicator that he would have to win it, but it would help give the guy a little adrenaline shot and some more credibility than coming out and jobbing while wearing ridiculous outfits.
Fandango has to get back on track as well. Plus, who wouldn't want to see a leg drop from the top of the ladder? He could be a standout midcarder for the next year if WWE plays their cards right and this could be the start of that, with him having a stellar performance.
Unless Swagger can be positioned to job to someone like Bo Dallas or Rusev on the card, then he might as well be used as fodder for the rest of the guys here. There always has to be someone in the match that stands no chance whatsoever, so why not make that be Swagger? There may even be room for a funny spot including Zeb Colter, if he's up to the task.
If we're meant to believe that The Authority want to keep their people in control, then there is absolutely no reason why Kane should sit this pay-per-view out instead of being in this match. At no point did they ever give him a chance to be in the title match, for some reason, so giving him the chance for the briefcase as a backup option if Seth Rollins is not able to pull it off is the perfect explanation for him being here.
Maybe it's just because I'm a fan of him, but I'd like to see The Miz return here rather than the Raw afterward. The last time he returned from filming a movie, he came back at Money in the Bank to a nice reaction from the crowd. Perhaps it can happen a second time and mend some fences with the audience that gave up on him over the past year and a half.
Plenty of other people could be tossed into the ladder match as well, but don't necessarily have to be.