WWE SmackDown 5/2/2014 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE SmackDown 5/2/2014 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Friday, May 2, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Friday Night SmackDown for 5/02/2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. SmackDown is coming to you from Kanas City, MO. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to leave your comments below or in the chat room on the sidebar and share this page, Tweet it, and tell your friends to follow along here!

Before The Shield and Evolution clash this Sunday at Extreme Rules. The Shield's Dean Ambrose is in a Fatal 4 Way for the United States Title. Will The Shield evolve? Who will have the WWE Universe behind them John Cena or Bray Wyatt? Let's find out on tonight's SmackDown.

SmackDown starts with a HHH video package on the Shield vs. Evolution for Extreme Rules. And what happened between the Shield and Evolution on Raw. Shield on top at the end of Raw.
Bray Wyatt comes out. With the rest of the Wyatt's. The Wyatt Family vs. Sheamus and The Usos is up first.

MATCH: Usos and Sheamus vs. The Wyatt Family

The Usos and Sheamus dominate most of the match. The Wyatts take control. Eventually the high flying Usos regain control till they miss Bray Wyatt getting the tag and hits the Sister Abigail. The Wyatts win.
The Usos attack Bray Wyatt and Sheamus gets into with the Wyatt's and they are too much for Sheamus to handle. We See the Wyatt Family standing tall.

WINNER: The Wyatts via pinfallfall

Adam Rose Promo and we age going to have WeeLC Contract signing.

WeeLC Contract Signing

El Torito and Hornswoggle do a contract signing for their match at Extreme Rules. They get into a shoving match. Fighting ensues. 3MB and Los Matadors try to hold them back. And El Torito gores Hornswoggle. El Tortito has the advantage going into Extreme Rules.

MATCH: Rob Van Dam vs. Jack Swagger

Paul Heyman and Cesaro come down to do commentary. This was a very short match. Swagger starts off in control. The action spills outside. RVD hits the five star frog splash for the win. Cesaro attacks RVD. And Hey man and Cesaro stand tall.

WINNER: RVD via pinfall

They mention Daniel Bryan will be out to address Kane' actions.

We find Exavier Woods and R-Truth in the ring. Lana comes out and tells us how good Rusev is and we should bow down to him.

MATCH: R-Truth vs. Alexander Rusev

This is another short match. With R-Truth dominating most of the match and knocks Rusev on the outside of the ring. Where Xavier Woods attacks Rusev. Causing a DQ. He gets Rusev in the ring where R-Truth and himself attack Rusev some more till Rusev rolls our of the ring

WINNER: Alexander Rusev via pinfall

They go to a video package about John Cena and Make-a-Wish Day. Where he granted 3 wishes. Then they mention Daniel Bryan will address Kane's actions next.

They come back and mention the WWE Network and how Extreme Rules is available for WWE Network and on your local cable and not DirecTV or Dish.

Daniel Bryan comes out to a roaring Yes chant. And a Daniel Bryan chant. He says "we are all the same and he is do different then us, and that we fight everyday to take care of out families." This Sunday he is going to walk into the Extreme Rules match as champion and leave champion. Its more than about the championship. Its more than him getting beat up. And Kane put hands on his wife. So now its more than a match its War. Yes Chant ensues. He says "the Devils favorite demon is going home." Kane is on the jumbo-tron. And says when we get to hell he will show him around. And the says it looks like this. A video package plays. With Kane's attack on Brie. Kane says he has only begun to show his depths of how far he will go. And starts laughing.

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow comes out as Magneto. They are doing commentary as if Sandow is Magneto. Sandow controls most of the match and does his elbow drop. Till Ziggler gets the upper hand. And hits Sandow with the zig zag and pins for the win.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler wins via pinfall

They mention Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel is coming up.

MATCH: Big E vs. Titus O'Neal

Big E starts off strong. Till Titus O'Neal throws him into the table. Then Titus begins just keeps kicking Big E and will not break a 5 count and gets DQ. Big E catches his breath and attacks Titus. And throws him into the table. Big E is standing tall.

WINNER: Big E via DQ

They mention again that Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns cannot be at ring side during Dean Ambrose's US title defense.

Dean Ambrose and The Shield start heading to the ring. Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns stop half way.

MATCH: Dean Ambrose vs. Alberto Del Rio vs. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel for the United States Title

All three attack Ambrose to start off the match. They toss Ambrose to the outside of the ring. Then Axel and Ryback attack Del Rio. Ambrose recovers only to get tossed out again. They go to break with Axel, Ryback, and Del Rio eyeing each other. We come back from break. To a Extreme Rules preview of Daniel Bryan vs. Kane.

We have Ryback and Axel attacking Del Rio. Till Del Rio and Axel start going toe to toe. Del Rio gets the uper hand and goes for a pin only to have Ambrose break it up. Ambrose starts to get the upper hand till he is blindsided by Axel. Ryback throws Ambrose into the barrier and Ambrose is knocked out. Ryback tries to enter the ring and is knocked out by Del Rio. Axel and Del Rio are going back and forth till Del Rio gets the upper hand. Ryback and Del Rio are now going back and forth. Del Rio puts Ryback into the cross arm breaker and Ryback lifts Del Rio into the shell shock. Ryback covers him only to have Axel pull him off of Del Rio. Axel gets rolled up by Ambrose for the pin. Axel and Ryback attack Ambrose. The rest of The Shield Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins come down for the save. Reigns hits Ryback with the spear then hits Axel with the Superman punch. Then all three triple powerbomb Curtis Axel. The show ends with a recap of the main matches at Extreme Rules.

WINNER: Dean Ambrose via pinfall


I found this a much better lead into the Extreme Rules PPV for a few of the matches. Than the Raw from this past Monday. Even though Evolution did not show up tonight. The Shield looked like they will dominate. And Bad News Barrett might have more than he bargained for in Big E, I look forward to watching Extreme Rules with the rest of you either on cable or the WWE Network.


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