WWE Raw 5-19-14 Live Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Raw 5-19-14 Live Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Monday, May 19, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing live coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Monday Night Raw for May 19, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Raw is coming to you live from O2 Arena in London, England. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

Tonight's Raw comes to us from London, England as WWE continues their European tour. The major highlight of this weeks show is the announcement concerning the future of the WWE Heavyweight Championship. Also expect to see a continuation of all the major feuds including The Shield and Evolution, and The Wyatt Family and John Cena.

The video introduction to Raw was cut short by the Wyatt's introduction. Bray Wyatt is shown in the ring singing "He's got the whole world in his hands". Wyatt says that when we dream we can fix all the bad things in the world. When we look in the mirror, however, the illusion is broken and we realize everything is wrong. He then recalls how he had a teacher who made him feel like he was inferior,He asked this teacher what made her better than him. The teacher told him that she knew he was evil the first time she looked him in the eyes. He says that while she is rotting in some retirement home now, he stands here as a conqueror and revolutionary with the whole world in his hands and that is his form of payback. He then says he agrees that he is evil, but a necessary evil. Wyatt then directs his promo to John Cena and says that he pretends to be a hero while the whole world burns and that he is going to beat him at Payback.

Cena's music hits and he is nowhere to be found. Cena comes from behind Wyatt and delivers the AA.

A video replay airs of Daniel Bryan being dragged to the ring by Kane and Bryan getting taken away in an ambulance.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Heyman and Cesaro in the ring. Heyman gets on the mic and calls the audience all wannabes and they they should worship the ground on which he and his client walk. Heyman the lay on the mat and says he is doing an impression of the Undertaker at WrestleMania. Heyman then says that Sheamus is going to be emasculated by Cesaro tonight.

MATCH: Cesaro vs. Sheamus

The match begins with the 2 locking up. They are broken up by the ref and lock up again. Cesaro pushes Sheamus to the corner and slaps him in the face. Sheamus retaliates and throws Cesaro onto the apron. Cesaro escapes the 10 beats of the Bodhran. Cesaro runs back in the ring and attacks Sheamus as he is getting back in. Sheamus counters the hip toss and clotheslines Cesaro. Cesaro goes to apron and delivers the Ten Beats. Sheamus sets up Cesaro for the White Noise but he fights out and goes to the outside. Sheamus chases Cesaro outside the ring and delivers a blow to Cesaro. Sheamus gets back in the ring and Cesaro jams his neck off the top rope. Cesaro drives Shemaus to the corner and delivers a European upeprcut. Sheamus reverses and hits a slingshot battering ram over the top rope. Cesaro ducks a clothesline and sends Sheamus outside the ring.

*Comemrcial Break*

The show returns with Cesaro fghting back against Sheamus. He sends Sheamus to the corner and locks in a sleeper hold. Sheamus fights out and hits an axehandle strike to Cesaro. Cesaro sidesteps Sheamus and sends his shoulder into the ringpost. Cesaro then hits the superplex with Sheamus standing on the apron. Cesaro goes for the running European uppercut but meets a backbreaker for a 2 count. Sheamus hits a running high knee followed by a rolling senton for a 2 count. Cesaro fights back and hits a European uppercut to the back of the head. Cesaro whips Sheamus into the corner. Sheamus fights back and goes to the top rope but eats an uppercut. Sheamus fights back with a clothesline. The two exhange blows in the middle of the ring. Sheamus ducks a clothesline and hits a slam for the 2 count. Heyman distracts Sheamus and Cesaro capitalizes with a German Suplex for the 3 count.

WINNER: Cesaro via Pinfall

Sheamus tries to shake Cesaro's hand. Cesaro pretends that he is going to shake it but he pulls his hand away at the last second and struts out of the ring.

A replay airs of last week's battle between The Shield and Evolution.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Big E and Ryback competing in the first round of the beat the clock challenge for a #1 Contender spot for the Intercontinental Championship.

MATCH: Big E vs. Ryback

The match starts out with Ryback applying a headlock. Big E is sent to the mat with a shoulder block. Big E fights back and hits a shoulder block of his own. Ryback is sent to the mat for a 2 count. Big E sends Ryback to the corner and drives his shoulder. into Ryback. Ryback fights back for a 3 count. Big E tosses Ryback to the mat for a 2 count. Ryback reverses and stomps Big E on the mat. Ryback hits a suplex for a 2 count. Ryback hits a headbutt and drives Big E to the corner. Big E is taken down with a snapmare for a 2 count. Ryback continues to dominate but meets a belly to belly suplex from Big E. Big E goes for the splash but Ryback gets up and delivers a spinebuster. Ryback loads up the Meat Hook and hits it for a 2 count. Ryback goes for the powerbomb but Big E fights out. Big E hits the big ending for the 3 count.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with R-Truth coming to the ring with The Funkadactyls.

MATCH: R-Truth and Funkadactyls vs. Fandango and Layla

Summer Rae comes to the ring and kisses Fandango. Summer Rae hits a Lou Thesz Press and beats up Layla. The match is called off.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Stephanie McMahon coming out to Daniel Bryan's music. She gets on the mic and says the audience should be chanting yes because he underwent a successful surgery. She then says that Daniel Bryan is inspirational but that the people need an active champion. She then says she is contemplating stripping Daniel Bryan of the Championship and giving it to any number of WWE Superstars. She says, however, that she is not going to strip Daniel Bryan of the championship, but instead she is demanding that he come on Raw next week and hand it over himself.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with 3MB coming out as the Union Jacks. Heath Slater gets on the mic but is interrupted by Lana and Rusev. Lana puts down England and praises Russia and Vladimir Putin.

MATCH: Rusev vs. Heath Slater

Heath Slater slingshots over the top rope before the match but is caught by Rusev. Rusev takes out Slater and 3MB and throws Slater in the ring. Slater tries to fight back against Rusev but is slammed to the mat. Rusev applies the accolade and Slater submits.

WINNER: Rusev via Submission

The Shield cuts a promo backstage. Ambrose says that based on Evolution's recent actions, it seems like they are afraid. Reigns shows his stitches from earlier in an injury earlier in the European tour. Rollins says that last week he made a mistake against Batista, but this week will be different.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with the second match in the Beat the Clock Challenge.

MATCH: RVD vs. Alberto Del Rio

The match starts out with the two locking up. RVD rolls up Del Rio for a 2 count. RVD hits a body scissors but Del Rio fights back and drapes RVD over the apron. Del Rio hits RVD on the apron then a snap suplex back in the ring for a 2 count. RVD hits a monkey flip for a 2 count. Del Rio goes to the outside. RVD goes after him but Del Rio rolls back in. When Rvd reenters the ring, he eats a kick to the face for the 2 count. Del Rio applies the chinlock. RVD fights out and hits a back kick. RVD hits a leg drop for a 2 count. Del Rio fights back and hits a backstabber for a 2 count. Del RIo goes for the cross armbreaker but RVD fights out and hits the rolling thunder. He goes to the top rope for the frogsplash but Del Rio moves. Del Rio hits an enziguri for the 2 count. RVD ducks a kick from Del Rio and rolls him up for the 3 count.

Winner: RVD via Pinfall

Cena is interviewed backstage and says he is bringing the Usos to the ring tonight to even the odds. He says he could tell that there were a lot of Wyatt followers that were filled with desperation. Cena says he feeds off desperation.

Evolution is shwn backstage. Triple H says that if the Shield thinks that is all Evolution has, then they are stupid. Batista then says he will beat Rollins on his own tonight.

*Commercial Break*

Triple H comes out and finds a way around Evolution's ban at ringside. He announces himself as special guest ring announcer and Randy Orton as special guest time keeper.

Rollins gets on the mic and says that he has some special guests too. He then says Ambrose and Reigns will be special guest commentators.

MATCH: Seth Rollins vs. Batista

The match begins with Batista driving Rollins to the corner. Rollins fights back and delviers ten blows to Batista in the corner. He then stomps Batista several time son the mat. Batista tries to slam Rollins, but he fights out and hits a dropkick.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Batista in control. Rollins fights out with a jawbreaker. He follows up with some chops but eats an elbowoff the ropes. Batista whips Rollins into the corner and chokes him on the middle rope. Batista places Rolllins on the top rope and goes for the superplex. rollins fights out and hits a neckbreaker off the top rope. Batista is sent to the corner and fights out with a boot. Rollins fights back and takes Batista to the mat. Rollins hits a series of forearms in the corner. Batista fights back but is sent outside. Rollins hits the suicide dive. Rollins throws Batsta back in the ring but is distracted by Triple H. Rollins jumps off the top rope but Batista ducks in. Batista hits a spinebuster. Rollins fights back and hits a knee from the top rope for a 2 count. Rollins goes to the top rope but is pushed off by Triple H. Pandemonium ensues outside the ring between Evolution and Shield. Rollins goes for the suicide dive on Triple H but meets a right hand. Rollins turns around and meets a spear from Batista. The ref calls for the bell. Batista gets distracted by Ambrose. Reigns gets in the ring and hits a spear on Batista. The Shield goes to triple powerbomb Batista but Triple H helps him escape. The Shield stands tall as Evolution flees.

WINNER: Seth Rollins by Disqualification

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Paige vs. Alicia Fox

Banks hits a boot right out of the fate. Paige fights back with a knee followed by a headbutt She then tosses Fox around by her hair. Fox is sent outside the ring and Paige goes after her. Fox sits Paige on the barricade then knocks her off and throws her in the ring for a 2 count. Fox continues the assault and hits a backbreaker for another 2 count. PAige is whipped into the corner but can't manage to fight out. Fox locks in the headlock and slams Fox to the mat for a 2 count. Fox hits another backbreaker and drives Paige into the ring post through the turnbuckles. Fox covers Paige for the 3 count.

Winner: Alicia Fox via Pinfall

Harper cuts a promo and says Cena is a mouse and he is a snake. Wyatt says that The Usos are just dominoes in a line and they are all going to fall down.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with the final Beat the Clock match.

MATCH: Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler

The match begins with Ziggler ducking Henry and hitting him from behind. Ziggler ducks a clothesline but is sent to the mat by Henry. Henry hits a slam for a 2 count. Ziggler goes t apron and is tossed over the top rope. Ziggler rolls out of the ring. Ziggler struggles to get back in the ring. He is sent to the corner but fights out with an elbow. Ziggler leaps over Henry and delivers a sloppy famouser. Ziggler hits a dropkick and both men struggle to their feet. Ziggler hits another dropkick and covers Henry for a 2 count. Ziggler goes off the top rope but is caught by Henry. Henry slams Ziggler for a 2 count. Henry gets Ziggler up for the World's Strongest Slam but Ziggler fights out and hits the Zig Zag. He tries to cover Henry but the time runs out.

RVD comes out to celebrate winning the Beat The Clock Challenge. Bad News Barrett comes out and hits the Bull Hammer from behind. Barrett says that RVD may have beat the clock but this is London, and London set the time for the entire world. He the says that there is no way an Englishman is going to lose to a Yank.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Adam Rose and the Exotic Express making their way to the ring. Renee Young Asks him what it means to be a rosebud and he says it means not to be a lemon. She then asks them why he thinks he's been targeted by Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter. Rose says he just wants KAcl and "Zebby" to have fun.

Jack Swagger and Zeb Colter come out. Zeb gets on the mic and says Adam Rose makes a much better hero for England rather than America. He then takes some more digs at Adam Rose and challenges him to a match. Jack Swagger then blindsides Adam Rose. Jack Swagger intimidates and threatens the Exotic Express. Adam Rose exacts revenge on Swagger and beats him down to the mat. Swagger and Colter retreat.

*Commercial Break*

A Bo Dallas vignette plays.

It is announced that Hulk Hogan will appear on SmackDown on Friday.

MATCH: John Cena vs. Luke Harper

Harper drives Cena to the corner and throws him to the mat. Cena is whipped to the corner but fights back with a bulldog to Harper. Harper sidesteps Cena and he runs into the corner. Harper hits the back drop for a 2 count.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Harper in control. He knocks Cena to the mat but Cena hits a shoulder block. Harper shakes it off and hits a big boot. Harper executes the gator roll fallowed by a suplex for a 2 count. Cena fights back and slams Harper. He goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle but Harper hits a sloppy German suplex. Cena ducks a big boot in the corner and dumps Harper out of the ring. Cena slams Harper as he gets back in the ring. He goes for another one but eats a faceplant from Harper. Harper fights back and hits a headscissors take down followed by a dropkick. Cena rolls out of the ring and Harper hits a suicide dive. Back in the ring Cena fights out of the corner with an elbow and hits a tornado DDT. Both men go to the mat and the ref begins the ten count. Cena ducks a clothesline and hits a headscissors. Harper fights back with a huge kick to Cena's face. Harper sits Cena on the top turnbuckle and picks him up in a torture rack. Harper then dumps Cena to the mat.

Cena fights back with a clothesline. Cena gets Harper on his shoulders but Harper rolls him up. Cena reverses into the STF. Rowan gets on the apron and but is knocked off by Uso. The Usos attack Wyatt and Rowan outside the ring. They get in the ring to help Cena and both of the meet Sister Abigail's from Wyatt. Wyatt goes after Cena but is dumped over the top rope. Cena hits the AA. on Harper but gets taken out by Rowan. Cena turns around and Wyatt hits the Sister Abigail.

WINNER: John Cena via Disqualification

The Wyatt Family continues to beat Cena up the ramp. Rowan hits a fall away slam on the steel grating. Bray Wyatt gets Cena to the top of the ramp and hits the Sister Abigail. He begins singing as Harper begins counting to ten.


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