WWE NXT 5-8-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 5-8-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 8, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for May 8, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from NXT Arena in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

Last week's episode saw the first round of the NXT Women's Championship Tournament with Sasha Banks defeating Bayley and Natalya defeating Layla. This week expect to see Charlotte take on Emma and the newcomer Alexa Bliss take on Alicia Fox in quarterfinals competition. Also expect to see Adrian Neville in action as he returns fresh from a victory against Brodus Clay last week on NXT.

MATCH: Emma vs. Charlotte w/Sasha Banks

The match starts out with the two locking up and Emma getting driven into the corner. Emma fights back and trips Charlotte for the 2 count. Emma is sent to the corner and Charlotte slams her neck off the top rope for the 1 count. CHarlotte applies a figure four headlock. Emma reverses with a bridge for the 2 count. Charlotte fights back and again applies the leg lock. Emma escapes but Charlotte throws her to the corner. Emma fights back with a forearm. The two women get to their feet. Emma removes the pink Cobra from her boot. Sasha Banks gets on the apron to distract Emma. Charlotte ducks the cobra strike and Emma hits Sasha Banks. Charlotte rolls up Emma in the Charlotte's Web for the 3 count.

WINNER: Charlotte via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: The Legionnaires vs. El Local and Kalisto

Lafort and El Local lock uo.. El Local applies the headlock. Marcus Louis is tagged in. El Local makes the cover for a 2 count. Lafort is tagged in and hits the neckbreaker for a 2 count. Louis is tagged back in and they double team El Local. El Local is slammed to the mat for a 2 count. Lafort is tagged in and slams El local. Louis is tagged in and delivers a boot to the midsection in the corner. Louis applies the headlock. El Local fights out. He is sent to the corner but delivers a kick to the head of Louis. Kalisto and Lafort are tagged in and Kalisto delivers a huge crossbody to La Forte. Kalisto slams Lafort for a 2 count, broken up by Louis. El Local takes out Louis with a corkscrew over the top rope La Forte delivers a knee to the midsection. Kalisto somersaults into the ropes, bounces off and kicks Lafort for the 3 count.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Camacho vs. Captain Comic

Camacho rushes out of the corner and hits Cpt. Comic with a huge dropkick. Camacho stomps Comic on the mat and delivers an atomic drop. Camacho hits a leg drop. Comic fights back with several blows to the midsection but is quickly stopped by Camacho. Camacho applies a chin lock but COmic fights out. Camacho delivers a headbutt and sends Comic to the mat. Camacho delivers a Samoan drop followed by a running power slam for the 3 count.

WINNER: Camacho

Adam Rose comes running to the ring after the match but Camacho flees.

Alicia Fox cuts a promo backstage and says she can see the future and there is Gold in her future.

Alexa Bliss also speaks, saying she would love to follow Paige as Champion. She also says that when she's around, life is bliss.

MATCH: Alicia Fox vs. Alexa Bliss

The match starts out with the two women locking up. Alicia Fox delivers a big right hand and tosses Bliss to the mat. Bliss fights back and does a back handspring to Fox for a 2 count. Fox comes back with a back breaker for a 1 count. Alicia Fox hits a snapmare for a 1 count. She applies the headlock. Bliss tries to fight out but meets a northern lights suplex for a 2 count. Fox drives Bliss to the corner and brings her to the mat in a head lock. Bliss powers out and delivers several forearms. Alicia Fox goes for the back break again but gets Bliss reverses and rolls up Fox for the 3 count.

WINNER: Alexa Bliss via Pinfall

Adrian Neville is interviewed backstage about the upcoming Battle Royal for the number one contendership. Neville that he respects whoever wins the Battle Royal and looks forward to the challenge.

MATCH: 20 Man Battle Royal

Oliver Grey is eliminated by Brodus Clay.

Curt Hawkins is eliminated by Brodus Clay.

Brodus Clay is eliminated by multiple opponents.

Danny Birch is eliminated by Aiden English.

Aiden English is eliminated by Mason Ryan

*Commercial Break*

El Local is eliminated over break.

Sylvester Lafort and Kalisto are eliminated simultaneously.

Xavier Woods is eliminated as he eliminated Camacho.

Mason Ryan is eliminated by Jason Jordan.

Jason Jordan is eliminated by Baron Corban.

Baron Corban is eliminated by Bo Dallas

Yoshi Tatsu is eliminated by Bo Dallas

Mason Ryan is eliminated by Bo Dallas.

Colin Cassidy is eliminated by Bo Dallas

Bo Dallas is eliminated by Tyson Kidd.

Tyler Breeze, Sami Zayne and Tyson Kidd are all eliminated at the same time. Tyson Kidd and Zayne were hanging on the ropes outside. Tyler Breeze runs to the ropes and gets headscissored by Kidd, dragging the two other men with him.

Triple H comes out and schedules a triple threat match for next week to determine the number one contender.

The Diva's tournament is really heating up and helping to raise the bar for women in the entire company. I like how these matches are kept relatively short so that they remain entertaining and worth watching. Alex Bliss had a good showing for her premiere on NXT, and I look forward to seeing her in the future.

Kalisto was very impressive in his tag match tonight against the Legionnaires. He definitely delivers the luche libre style that has been lacking in WWE for quite some time. With Rey Mysterio too old to perform like he used to, and Sin Cara botching all the time, there has been a void in pure luchadore style that Kalisto seems to be filling. With the lack of a light heavyweight division, however, there is not much WWE can do with performers like Kalisto.

The battle royal was entertaining, but an unmomentous way to determine the number one contender. I would have liked to see a tournament instead, but I guess creative figured 1 tournament is enough at any given time. On the replay of the final elimination you can clearly see Tyler Breeze was the last one to touch the ground, but I am excited to see the resulting triple threat match nonetheless. I can't wait to see Tyson Kidd and Sami Zayn battle it out in the stratosphere, being two of the premiere high flyers the company has to offer. Tyler Breeze has come a long way and always delivers an expectantly intense performance inside the ring. Any way you look at it, this match has all the makings of an instant classic.


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