WWE NXT 5-22-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 5-22-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 22, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for May 22, 2013 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from NXT Arena in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

This week's NXT will see the second match in the semi-final round of the NXT Women's tournament with Sasha Banks taking on Natalya. Bo Dallas is also scheduled to take on Big E in a special stipulation match. If Bo Dallas wins, he gains a shot at the NXT Title. If he loses, however, he must leave NXT forever. With only one week left before NXT:Takeover, you're not gonna want to miss any of the results on what should prove to be an exciting episode of NXT!

The show begins with a recap of Bo Dallas' run in last week with JBL during which JBL made tonight's special match.

MATCH: BO Dallas vs. Big E

Bo Dallas gets on the mic before the match and names himself Mr. NXT. He then says no matter what happens tonight, he will never stop Believing.

The match begins with Dallas getting Big E in a headlock. Big E fights back and sends Dallas to the ma.t Dallas rolls outside the ring. Back in the ring, Big E leaps over Dallas and connects with another shoulder check. He then delivers several right hands to Dallas' midsection. The action pours outside the ring and Dallas gets his head slammed off the apron. Dallas rolls back in the ring and back out again. Dallas fights back and tackles Big E's knee. He then slams Big E's head off the steel stairs. He rolls Big E back in the ring for a 2 count. Dallas delivers several right hands and gets another 2 count. Dallas applies a chinlock as the show goes to commercial.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Big E in control. Dallas fights back and takes Big E to the mat for a 2 count. Dallas hits several elbows followed by a huge clothesline for the 2 count. Big E reverses an Irish whip into the corner. Big E hits a belly to belly followed by a clothesline. He removes his straps for the Big Ending but Dallas reverses with an inverted DDT for a 2 count. Big E is driven into the corner and pounded with right hands. Dallas goes for a tornado DDT but Big E hits a belly to belly for a 2 count. Big E goes for the big splash but Dallas gets his knees up. Dallas hits the couple underhook DDT for the 2 count. Bo Dallas distracts the ref and removes the the turnbuckle. His plan backfires and Big E throws him into the exposed corner. Big E hits the Big Ending for the 3 count.

WINNER: Big E via Pinfall

*Commercial Break*

A recap from during the break plays. Bo Dallas reveals to the NXT audience that he strongly dislikes all of them and that they should leave.

A backstage interview plays with Tyson Kidd. He said that he came back to NXT to win the NXT Championship and he will win it at Takeover.

Sami Zayn is interviewed and says that he is not hindered by his loss from last week. Tyler Breeze interrupts the interview. The tw exchange words and set up a match at NXT: Takeover.

MATCH: Paige vs. Tamina Snuka

The match begins with the 2 locking up. Paige is driven to the corner. She fights out with several right hands followed by a kick to the gut. Tamina shrugs off a headbutt and sends PAige through the ropes. PAige lands on the apron but eats a big clothesline from Tamina. Back in the ring Tamina hits three scoop slams for a 2 count. Tamina applies a bear hug. Paige fights out but is sent off the ropes and meets a clothesline for a 2 count. Paige is sent off the ropes and Tamina hits her across the back. Tamina applies a torture rack.

Paige gets out and drives Tamina to the corner. She hits a series of clotheslines. She gets Tamina against the ropes and hits a big knee. Tamina fights back and sits Paige on the top rope before pushing her down to the floor. Tamina throws Paige back in the ring and goes to the top rope. Paige gets her legs up for the counter and rolls up Tamina for the 3 count.

WINNER: Paige via Pinfall

MATCH: Adam Rose vs. Camacho

The match begins with Camacho driving Rose into the corner. Rose fights out and fends off Camacho with the Rose Pedal. He gets Camacho in the corner and pounds on him. Camacho fights back and hits the Samoan drop. He throws Adam Rose to the corner and stomps him. Adam Rose fights back but meets a suplex followed by a leg drop. Camacho continues the aggressive offense and hits Rose's head off the top turnbuckle. Rose fights back with a spinebuster and drives Camacho to the corner. Rose hits a bronco buster and goes for the party foul but Camacho fights out. Camacho rolls out of the ring and gets counted out.

WINNER: Adam Rose via Count Out

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Natalya vs. Sasha Banks

The 2 women lock up. Sasha shoves Natalya and tries to run away but is caught by Natalya. Natalya catches a kick and rolls Sasha up for a 2 count. She applies a headlock on the mat. Sasha fights back but meets a shoulder block. The 2 exchange blows and Sasha is again rolled up by Natalya. Natalya runs across the back of Sasha and hits a knee for a 2 count. Sasha reverses the whip and beats Natalya in the corner. She stomps on Natalya's back and gets a 2 count. Sasha applies a sleeper hold and sends Natalya to the mat. Natalya fights back and srives Sasha to the corner. Natalya hits a butterfly suplex. Sasha fights back and hits a bulldog but hursts her leg in the process. Sasha rolls out of the ring but is thrown back in by Charlotte. Natalya applies the sharper shooter and Sasha submits.

WINNER: Natalya via Submission.

MATCH: Adrian Neville vs. Curt Hawkins

The match begins with the 2 locking up. Hawkins takes Neville to the mat but Neville reverses with a headscissors. Neville applies a headlock and meets a clothesline to the back of the head. He hits a big suplex for a 1 count. Hawkins applies the sleeper hold but Neville fights out. Neville is sent to the corner but fights out with a big boot.. Hawkins goes to the mat and Neville connects with a kick to the head. Neville hits a missile dropkick followed by a missile dropkick. Neville goes to the top rope and hits the Red Arrow for the 3 count.

Winner: Adrian Neville via Pinfall

Tyson Kidd comes out after the match and says hes not there to cause trouble, but he wanted to let Neville know that he is going to win the title at takeover. Tyson Kidd then runs through all the accolades of his career and says that he wants that feeling back and that the NXT title is the way to get it back. Neville responds by saying that he isn't going to let Tyson Kidd use NXT as a springboard at his expense. He then says that the only member of Kidd's family that is going home with gold at Takeover is Natalya.

This was a very solid episode of NXT. Every match features quality matches with very little filler. I am continually amazed by how much better the women's matches are on NXT than they are on the main roster shows. 3 out of the 4 women wrestlers tonight are on the main roster, and the difference between their performances there and on NXT are very noticeable. I don't know for sure what it is, but I think they are allowed to be a bit more experimental in their move sets in NXT as opposed to the main roster. This not only applies to the women's division, but can be said about NXT in general. I could be wrong, but it seems that once wrestlers from NXT make it to the big times, they are encouraged to execute reliable, familiar move sets as opposed to the more off the cuff style we see in NXT and throughout indy wrestling. I can understand why this is, but sometimes it really stifles in ring creativity and is, in my opinion, a major contributing factor to the sometimes less than exciting product of the past few years.


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