WWE NXT 5-1-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE NXT 5-1-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Thursday, May 1, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE NXT for May 1, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. NXT is coming to you from NXT Arena in Winter Park, FL. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

On this week's show expect to see NXT Champion Adrian Neville take on Brodus Clay in a no DQ match. This week also begins the tournament to determine the new NXT Diva's champion. Also expect to see fan favorites such as Adam Rose and Mojo Rawley in action tonight.

The show starts out with Triple H addressing the crowd to announce NXT Takeover on May 29th.

MATCH: Tyson Kidd vs. Bo Dallas

The match starts out with the two men locking up. Tyson is driven to the corner and the ref separates them. They lock up again and Dallas is thrown off the ropes. Dallas answers with a shoulder block. Kidd gets behind Dallas. Dallas reverses and locks in the headlock. Tyson sends Dallas off the ropes and sends him to the mat. He follows up with a kick to the back. Tyson drives Dallas to the corner and follows up with a suplex. Tyson goes to the top rope but Dallas roles out of the ring. Kidd goes for an attack off the apron but Dallas reverses. He roles Tyson back in the ring for a 2 count. Dallas keeps up the offense with a series of elbows to the face. He delivers a clothesline for the 2 count. Dallas locks in the chinlock.

Tyson fights out with a chop but misses on the dropkick. Dallas makes the cover for 2. Dallas delivers several knees for another 2 count. He once again applies the chinlock. Tyson reverses a slam and delivers an elbow from the corner followed by a hurricanrana, driving Dallas' head into the turnbuckle. Tyson continues the offense with a series of kicks and a dropkick for the 2 count. Dallas verses the Irish whip but eats a kick to the face. Dallas fights back with a hip toss for a 2 count. Dallas delivers a tornado bulldog for another 2 count. Tyson is thrown into the ropes but holds on and kicks dallas in the face. Tyson goes to the top rope but is knocked off by Dallas. Tyson fights back with a kick to the head and goes to the top rope. He hits the blockbuster for the 3 count.

WINNER: Tyson Kidd via Pinfall

Camacho is interviewed back stage about his rivalry with Adam Rose. He says he makes the exotic express look like bingo night at the Elk's Lodge. Adam Rose comes on camera and says wherever he goes, its party time. Rose's party crew comes out and dances around as Camacho walks away.

Bailey talks about how important the NXT Diva's Championship is to her.

Sasha Banks talks some trash on Bailey.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Bailey vs. Sasha Banks w/Charlotte

The match starts out with Banks driving Bailey to the corner. Banks executes a snapmare for the 1 count. Bailey is again driven to the corner. Bailey reverses the scoop slam for a 1 count. Bailey rolls up Banks for a 2 count. Bailey hits an armdrag off the middle rope and follows up by driving Banks into the corner. She slaps Banks down to the mat and delivers a suplex for a 2 count. Banks fights back with a big right hand and a dropkick. Banks beats on Bailey in the corner. Bailey fights back and hits a back body drop. She follows up with a splash to the corner and the Belly to Bailey suplex. Banks roles out of the ring and pulls Bailey to the top rope. Banks hits the Bankrupt but Bailey kicks out at 2. Banks hits a backstabber and locks in a crossface submission. Bailey submits.

WINNER: Sasha Banks via Submission

A video package plays highlighting Brodus Clay's rampage through NXT and his rivalry with Adrian Neville.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Adam Rose vs. Danny Burch

Rose runs around the ring and gets the crowd pumped up. The bell rings and the two men lock up. Rose gets caught in a wristlock but fights out and rolls around the ring. Rose ducks an attack and takes Burch down to the mat. Burch delivers a kick to the midsection and drives Rose to the corner. Rose gets fired up and begins an aggressive offense against Burch. Rose drives Burch to the corner and hits the bronco buster. He delivers the Party Foul on Burch for the 3 count.

WINNER: Adam Rose via Pinfall

The Exotic Express comes to the ring after the match to celebrate. Camacho comes out and levels one of the party people.

Brodus Clay is interviewed backstage and talks about how bad he is going to beat Adrianne Neville.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Natalya vs. Layla

The match starts out with a lockup. Layla takes Natalya to the mat and proceeds to dance around. Layla continues the offense with a wristlock. Natalya reverses and slams Layla to the mat for a 1 count. Layla reverses a slam and drives Natalya to the mat for a 2 count. Layla locks in a submission hold. Natalya fights out but is thrown to the mat by Layla for the 2 count. Natalya rolls up Layla for a 1 count. Layla locks in another submission hold. Natalya fights out with an elbow followed by a clothesline. She delivers a suplex followed by a spinning clothesline off the ropes. Natalya goes for the sharpshooter but Layla fights out. Layla tries to hit the sunset flip but Natalya reverses and locks in the Sharpshooter for the submission from Layla.

WINNER: Natalya via Submission

Adrianne Neville is interviewed backstage and says he is going to beat Brodus Clay, but not by count out this time. Instead, he is going to pin him in the middle of the ring.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Oliver Grey vs. Mojo Rawley

The match starts out with Grey delivering a kick to the midsection. He beats on Rawley but is pushed into the corner. Rawley hits a splash in the corner and follows up with The Hyperdrive for the 3 count.

WINNER: Mojo Rawley via Pinfall

Aiden English comes out and calls Rawley a fool. Rawley turns his back and faces the crowd. English attacks Rawley but Rawley fights back and clotheslines English over the top rope.

Adrianne Neville is shown stretching and warming up for his upcoming match.

*Commercial Break*

The match starts with Neville attacking Clay and dumping him outside the ring. Neville dives over the top rope and takes down Clay. Back in the ring Neville continues the aggressive offense with MMA kicks to the chest and head of Clay. Neville goes to the top rope but CLay gets to his feet. He gets off the ropes and delivers a dropkick to the corner. Clay fights back and shoves Neville to the corner. Neville is hung upside down from the turnbuckle and Clay drives his backside into them. Clay follows up with a slam and an elbow for a 2 count. Clay beats on Neville and sits on him from the middle rope. Clay gets Neville on his shoulder.

Neville gets down and takes clay down by the knee. Neville hits a dropkick to Clay's head. Clay gets up and headbutts Neville to the mat. Neville gets hit with a powerbomb followed by a splash from the middle rope. Clay covers him for a 2 count. Clay goes to the outside and grabs the NXT Championship belt. Clay runs towards a cornered Neville but Neville fights back with a kick. Neville goes to the top rope and hits The Red Arrow as the belt is strewn across Clay's chest. Neville makes the cover for the 3 count.

WINNER: Neville via Pinfall

This was a decent episode of NXT. The women's tournament is shaping up to be pretty exciting and I like how it's a mix of Main Roster and NXT Divas competing for the belt. Bo Dallas and Tyson Kidd had the best match on the show and it was a great way to start things off. The two men have opposite styles which complimented each other well in the ring. Kidd is looking good since his return and its just a matter of time before we see him on the Main Roster again. Dallas' premiere on the Main Roster is quickly approaching and I look forward to see what creative has in store for him.

Neville and Clay's match was a classic monster vs. high flyer match that saw Neville overcome a vicious beating at the hands of Clay. However, I don't see Clay going very far from here. He had such a ridiculous gimmick with Tons of Funk that I don't know if his character could recover from it. That is a real shame because Clay is a powerhouse that could have been a decent competitor if he was used right from the beginning.


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