WWE Main Event 5/27/14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 5/27/14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, May 27, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for May 27, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from Philips Arena in Atlanta, GA. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

On tonight's show, expect to see a non-title match between the Usos and Harper and Rowan of the Wyatt Family.

MATCH: Cody Rhodes w/Goldust vs. Curtis Axel w/Ryback

The match begins with the two locking up. Rhodes takes Axel to the mat. Axel ducks a clothesline but meets a clothesline from Rhodes. Rhodes sends Axel to the corner and delivers ten blows. Axel is taken to the mat and Rhodes stomps on Acel. Axel reverses an Irish whip and delivers a neckbreaker from the second rope for a 2 count. Axel slams Rhodes' head ff the turnbuckle and delivers a chop. Rhodes fights back but gets whipped into the corner. Axel chokes Rhodes with his knee against the rope. Axel drives his elbow into Rhodes' head and locks in the sleeper. Rhodes is sent into the corner but rolls up Axel for the 2 count. Rhodes delivers a clothesline followed by the an uppercut. Rhodes delivers a kick to the groin and hits a moonsault from the top rope. Ryback tries to distract Rhodes but meets a disaster kick. Axel rolls up Rhodes and grabs a handful of tights for the 3 count.

WINNER: Curtis Axel via Pinfall

A replay airs of The Wyatt's attack on JBL and Lawler from last night's raw.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: R-Truth vs. Damien Sandow

Damien Sandow comes to the ring dressed D-Sizzle, a wannabe rapper.

R-Truth slaps Sandow and drives him to the corner. Truth delivers ten blows to Sandow and hits a back body drop. Sandow reverses but meets a big hip toss. Sandow reverses another Irish whip but gets rolled up for a 2 count. Sandow fights back and beats R-Truth on the mat. He hits a side Russian leg sweep and delivers the Elbow of Disdain. R-Truth fights back and hits his finisher for the 3 count.

WINNER: R-Truth via Pinfall

A replay of Daniel Bryan's confrontation with Stephanie McMahon last night when he refused to give up the titles.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Brie Bella w/Nikki Bella vs. Natalya

The match begins with the two locking up. Natalya drives Brie to the mat for a 2 cunt. Natalya applies a body scissors for a 1 count. Brie fights back but Natalya pushes her off. Natalya applies a waist lock and takes Brie to the mat. Brie fights back but gets knocked to the mat with a shoulder block. Brie hits an armdrag and gains momentum. Natalya stops her with several knees to the midsection and applies a submission maneuver. Brie fights out and hits 2 running knees on Natalya against the ropes. Brie hits a dropkick off the second rope for the 2 count. Brie applies a half crab but Natalya reverses into the sharpshooter for the submission victory.

WINNER: Natalya via Submission

Renee Young interviews the Usos backstage about their upcoming match against Harper and Rowan. Jimmy questions what exactly makes the Wyatts a family. Jey says that Cena is going to be the last man standing at Payback.

*Commercial Break*

A video recap airs of The Shield's feud with Evolution.

The Wyatts cut a video promo talking about their bound as a family. Bray Wyatt calls the Usos pawns in Cena's game, and that they will burn together with Cena.

*Commercial Break*

MATCH: Usos vs. Harper and Rowan w/Bray Wyatt

The match begins with Rowan and Jey Uso. Rowan throws Jey to the corner. Uso fights back but gets sent to the mat. Rowan drives Jey into the corner and tags in Harper. Harper whips Jey into the corner but he reverses and rolls him up for the 1 count. Jimmy is tagged in but meets a drop kick from Harper for a 2 count.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Rowan in control. Jimmy fights out and tags in Jey. Jey hits several clothesline and a kick to the midsection. Jey goes for the Samoan drop but Rowan fights out. Jey goes for a crossbody but gets caught by Rowan. Rowan delivers a fall away slam. Jey rolls out of the ring and tags in Harper. Jey gets thrown against the apron and knocked down to the floor. Harper throws him back in the ring and tags in Rowan. Rowan delivers a big body slam for a 2 count. Rowan applies a chinlock buy Jey fights out with a kick to the head. Harper is tagged in and delivers a big boot for a 2 count. Jey tries to fight back but is shoved to the Wyatt's corner. Harper executes the gator roll and hits a suplex for the 2 count. Harper applies a sleeper hold on the mat.

Jey fights out but meets a sitdown slam for a cover that is broken up by Jimmy. Rowan is tagged in and drives Jey into the corner. Jey fights out with a boot to the face and hits a missile dropkick from the middle rope. Harper and Jimmy are tagged in. Jimmy hits a kick and uppercut. He ducks a clothesline and hits a forearm. Jimmy hits the Samoan drop followed by a kick to the jaw. He covers Harper but it is broken up by Rowan. Udo rolls up Rowan for a 2 count. Rowan is sent out outside the ring along with Harper. The Usos both dive over the rope onto Harper and Rowan. Harper is sent back in the ring and Jimmy goes to the top rope. Rowan throws Jey into the ropes and knocks Jimmy off the top. Harper hits the spinning clothesline on Jimmy for the 3 count.

WINNER: Harper and Rowan via Pinfall

The Wyatt Family beats up the Usos after the match. Jimmy meets a Sister Abigail from Wyatt amd Harper counts to 10 over his immobile body.

This was a pretty good episode of Main Event. The Usos and Harper and Rowan put on a great match that built anticipation towards Bray Wyatt's match against Cena at Payback. I continue to be disappointed with the way Damien Sandow is used as a buffoon comedy act. He is a talented wrestler and deserves more than these embarrassing alter egos. Brie Bella had a surprisingly good match against Natalya. She looked like an actual wrestler tonight, which is a step up from her usual performances. Payback should be a half decent pay per view, if for nothing else than the last man standing match between Cena and Wyatt.


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