WWE Main Event 5-13-14 Results & Review Coverage | Smark Out Moment

WWE Main Event 5-13-14 Results & Review Coverage

Posted by Unknown Tuesday, May 13, 2014
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Follow along with ongoing coverage of tonight's episode of WWE Main Event for May 13, 2014 including full results of what goes on and a review synopsis of the event. Main Event is coming to you from Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, NC. Keep refreshing this page and checking back to get the most up-to-date results coverage. Make sure to tell us what you think about this episode by leaving a comment below or talking in the chat room on the sidebar!

Sheamus is scheduled to face off with Cesaro on tonight's episode. Besides this match, expect to see recaps of the events on Raw from last night including Daniel Bryan's bombshell injury announcement, and The Shield's ongoing feud with Evolution.

The show starts with Renee Young interviewing Paul Heyman in the ring. Heyman interrupts Renee's first question and tells her not to mention Sheamus in the same sentence as a Paul Heyman Guy. He then plugs Brock Lesnar's victory at WrestleMania. Heyman is interrupted by Sheamus.

Sheamus gets on the mic and says Heyman is good at introducing himself, so Sheamus introduces himself and says he is going to kick Heyman's face in if he doesn't leave the ring in 5 seconds. Sheamus starts counting as Renee Young leaves the ring. Heyman gets tough with Sheamus but runs out of the ring at the last minute.

Cesaro enters the ring and blindsides Sheamus. He gives him the Neutralizes him. Cesaro goes to swing Sheamus but Heyman stops him. Heyman and Cesaro leave the ring and Heyman gets on the mic and says that he stopped Cesaro because he wanted to leave a piece of him left for their match later. He then said he is going to prove why his client Cesaro is The Main Event.

*Commercial Break*

Sandow gets on the mic but is interrupted by Ziggler's music.

MATCH: Dolph Ziggler vs. Damien Sandow

The match starts out with Ziggler getting behind Sandow. Sandow gets to the ropes and the hold is broken up, Sandow fights back but is quickly stopped with a dropkick from Ziggler. Sandow reverses an Irish whip and drills Ziggler into the corner, sending him out of the ring. He hangs ziggler off the apron and delivers an elbow to the head. Ziggler is sent back in the ring for a 2 count. Sandow continues the offensive and applies a headlock. Ziggler is sent to the corner and fights out with an elbow. He meets a drop toehold into the turnbuckle as Sandow regains the advantage. Sandow goes for a splash but Ziggler moves. Ziggler hits a clothesline and gets Sandow in the corner. He hits ten blows followed by a neckbreaker for a 2 count. Sandow ducks a kick from Ziggler and rolls him up for a 2 count. Sandow applies a submission maneuver but Ziggler gets to the ropes. Ziggler fights out of a back slam and hits a Zig Zag for the 3 count.

WINNER: Dolph Ziggler via Pinfall

A replay airs of the aftermath of Roman Reigns and Batista's match from last night. The Shield was ambushed by the authority's heel brigade but fight back and clear the ring.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Emma making her way to the ring.

MATCH: Emma vs. Alicia Fox

Alicia fox gets on the mic and says I'm kinda surprised yu showed up and throwing the mic at Emma. She blindsides Emma and stomps her on the ground.

The bell rings despite the attack. Alicia Fox quickly knocks Emma to the mat and delivers a backbreaker. She picks Emma back up and throws her outside the ring through the middle rope. Fox slams Emma off the barricade then rolls her back in the ring for a 2 count. Fox tosses Emma to the Mat but meets a drop toehold to the middle turnbuckle. Emma goes for the Emmalite sandwich but Fox moves. Fox gets Emma against the ropes. Emma reverses an Irish whip and rolls up Fox for the 3 count.

WINNER: Emma via Pinfall

Fox has another melt down after the match. She harasses Tony Chimmel and shoves papers down the throats of the commentators because they won't give her their wallets.

Sheamus is interviewed backstage and he says that his match tonight isn't going to be a match, it's going to be a fight.

*Commercial Break*

A replay airs of Daniel Bryan's announcement of his injury and upcoming surgery along with Kane's attack later in the night.

The commentators announce that The Authority will address the state of the WWE World Heavyweight Championship on next week's Raw.

Match: Sheamus vs. Cesaro

The match begins with Cesaro ducking a clothesline and delivering several blows to Sheamus. Sheamus regains the momentum and delivers a falling knee to Cesaro's head. Cesaro fights back with a European upeprcut. Sheamus returns the uppercut and the two exchange blows in the middle of the ring. Cesaro is driven into the corner. Cesaro breaks free and rolls out of the ring. Sheamus comes after Cesaro and rolls him back in the ring. Cesaro again rolls out of the ring. Cesaro jumps on the apron and delivers 3 huge uppercuts to Sheamus followed by a DDT through the middle rope onto the apron. Cesaro cuts Sheamus in the corner and delivers several blows. Sheamus reverses and whips Cesaro into the opposite corner. Sheamus goes to the apron and delivers a battering ram. Cesaro tries to escape the ring again but Sheamus ties him up in the top rope and delivers 10 beats to the Bodhran followed by a suplex from the apron. Sheamus applies the crossface chickenwing but is driven to the corner. Cesaro delivers a big boot to Sheamus and follows up with another one for a 1 count. Sheamus fights back and hits the rolling senton. Sheamus goes to the top rope but Cesaro knocks him off. Sheamus hits his groin off the turnbuckle and Cesaro slams him off the top rope for a 2 count.

*Commercial Break*

The show returns with Cesaro in control. The two men exchange blows again with Sheamus eating a big boot from Cesaro off the ropes. Sheamus is sent to the corner but comes out with the double axe handle strikes. Cesaro fights back with a big clothesline for a 2 count. Sheamus fights back with an Irish curse backbreaker. Sheamus goes for the cloverleaf He fights out of the White Noise and ducks a brogue kick. Sheamus ducks a blow from Cesaro and hits the White Noise for a 2 count. Sheamus gets to his feet first and loads up the Brogue Kick. Cesaro ducks the kick and rolls out of the ring, dragging Sheamus' neck to the top rope. Cesaro goes to the top rope but is knocked outside by Sheamus. Sheamus goes to the top and dives to the outside onto Cesaro. Sheamus tries to follow up with a running clothesline but Cesaro throws him into the front row. Sheamus reverses the whip into the barricade and clotheslines Cesaro over the barricade. The ref reaches the ten count and both men are counted out.

WINNER: Draw via Double Count Out

Cesaro is thrown into the steel stairs and both men are broken up by a number of officials. Heyman gives Cesaro a chair and he hits Sheamus with it. Sheamus rolls in the ring and Cesaro goes after him with the chair. Cesaro eats a Brogue Kick as he enters the ring and is sent outside the ring.


Sheamus and Cesaro had an awesome match that was exactly what you would expect from two powerhouses. It was straightforward and brutal and made both men look very tough. It seems that Cesaro is solidified as a heel as he repeatedly used tactics that a babyface would never use such as rolling out of the ring and blindsiding Sheamus in the beginning of the show. It would be interesting to see these two work a program, but it would most likely end with Sheamus coming out on top. This would totally kill Cesaro's steam that has been building since WrestleMania, so I don't know how I feel about that prospect. Anyway, Cesaro and Sheamus put on a great match and I look forward to seeing this two face off again at some point in the future.


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